Shedding weight is as good as gold under an unusual slim-down initiative in Dubai over growing concerns about rising obesity levels in the wealthy Gulf city-state.迪拜最近发起一项减肥倡议活动,体重减轻就能得到金子。该活动的目的是解决这一富裕的海湾地区国家民众日益肥胖的问题。
Municipal officials are offering a gram of gold – worth about $45 at current prices – for each kilogram of weight lost in a 30-day challenge. The minimum drop is two kilograms, or 4.4 pounds, to cash in.市政官员提出,报名参与者在30天之内每减一公斤体重就能得到一克黄金(现汇率大约为45美元),减掉两公斤体重(也就是4.4磅)起付。
Local media Wednesday quotes Dubai official Hussain Lootah as saying there is no limit on the payout for the golden losers, who must sign up and weigh in Friday.当地媒体周三援引迪拜官员侯赛因-鲁塔的说法称,奖励金额上不封顶,想要参加的人需在周五前报名。
The plan is the latest attempt to encourage healthier lifestyles in the United Arab Emirates. Across the Gulf Arab states, authorities have raised alarms about rising obesity from increasing fast-food diets and lack of exercise.这一活动旨在鼓励阿联酋国家人民选择更为健康的生活方式。这个海湾地区阿拉伯国家当局发现,人们大量食用快餐、缺乏锻炼,导致体重严重超标。 |