Having live snails crawling on your face sounds like the thing of nightmares, but in Japan one company is hoping people will be prepared to pay for it. Starting Monday, women who want to slough off dead skin, clear their pores or roll back the years can submit themselves to five minutes of molluscs.让蜗牛在你的脸上爬来爬去是不是听着很恐怖?但是日本一家公司却准备从一款“蜗牛美容”服务中获利。从周一上午起,凡是想去除死皮、清洁毛孔或重现青春的女性。都能来这里报名参加五分钟的蜗牛美容。
"Slime from snails helps remove old cells, heal the skin after sun burn and moisturise it," said Manami Takamura, a spokeswoman for Tokyo-based beauty salon, as she placed three gastropods on a woman's face.该美容沙龙总部设在东京,女发言人贵村真奈美(音译)一边将三只活蜗牛放在女顾客脸上,一边说:“蜗牛产生的黏液能去除衰老细胞,修复晒伤肌肤,并使之水润嫩滑。”
"In this way, you can have 100 percent pure snail essence directly on the skin." Snail slime is believed to have an anti-ageing effect on human skin, and some cosmetics are already sold with essence of escargot. But this beauty salon is going one step further in what it says is the first live snail treatment in Japan.“这种做法可以使100%的蜗牛自然精华完全作用于皮肤。”人们认为蜗牛黏液对皮肤具有抗衰老的功效,有些化妆品里已经配有法国蜗牛精华液。但这家美容沙龙的做法更加直接,它自称是日本第一家开设活蜗牛服务的美容店。
The snails cost 10,500 yen ($106). Sayaka Ito said she had found the treatment so relaxing that she had almost fallen asleep.蜗牛疗法的费用是10500日元(折合106美元)一次。伊藤沙耶香(音译)说她感觉蜗牛疗法非常舒适,她放松得几乎要睡着了。
"You can feel the snails moving on your face. At first, it is surprising, but it's actually rather nice," she said. "My skin really does feel smooth and moist."她说:“你能感到蜗牛在你脸上蠕动,先开始有些害怕,但实际很舒服。我现在感觉皮肤光滑湿润。” |