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发表于 2016-7-28 13:19:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Twilight and True Blood have made vampires the fictional theme du jour. But for one suburban mother-of-two, the blood-sucking lifestyle is a stark reality.《暮光之城》和《真爱如血》等电影电视使得吸血鬼题材的影视小说大卖。但对于美国市郊一个两个孩子的妈妈来说,吸食人血却是她赤裸裸的生活方式。
        Julia Caples, 45, from Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania has been drinking live human blood from willing donors for the past 30 years.现年45岁的茱莉亚-凯博斯住在宾夕法尼亚的威克斯巴勒,在过去30年中,她一直从自愿捐献者身上吸取活体人血。
        The care worker, who says she is hooked on the practice, consumes around half-a-gallon of blood per month and believes that it keeps her feeling young and vigorous.茱莉亚是个护工,她说她沉迷于吸食人血,大概每月都要吸食半加仑(约2升)的血液,因为她相信这样能使她感到年轻有活力。
        'When I feed off of a person and drink their blood I feel stronger and healthier,' she says. 'I know scientifically there's not a lot nutrition in blood, but maybe there's some value we haven't discovered yet.'茱莉亚说:“当我从一个人身上吸取血液时,我感到自己变得愈发强壮健康。我知道从科学角度讲人血里的营养成分并不多,但或许这里面含有人们还没发现的益处。”
        'I feel more beautiful than any other time when I'm regularly drinking. I'm also extremely healthy with no major health problems, and I have an abundance of energy all the time.' Ms Caples says she finds her 'donors' - fellow vampire fans willing to let her drink from them - at her local occult and oddities store, where she cuts the donor with a pagan-like sterilized knife she designed herself. “我感到只有我按时喝血时才更漂亮了。我特别健康,没有重大疾病,总是时刻充满活力。”凯博斯太太说她一般会找“捐赠者”——吸血鬼爱好者都很乐意让她吸血。吸食地点一般在她神秘诡异的当地小店里,她还设计了一把异教徒式样的切刀,每次取血之前都会消毒。



        Ms Caples says her fascination with blood began as a young girl, during her first kiss as a teenager, when she got the urge to bite her sweetheart with disastrous consequences. 凯博斯女士说,她对血的上瘾源自少年时期的初吻,那时她冲动地咬了男朋友,尝到了血的“美味”,从此便一发不可收拾。
        'It was my natural instinct and I liked the taste,' she said. 'I just got an urge and can't really explain it. It's never gone away. Needless to say though, he never kissed me again.' 她说:“这是我的本能,我喜欢血的滋味。就连我自己也解释不清这种再也赶不走的冲动。不用说,我男朋友再也没亲过我了。”
        She says she and goth friends did it occasionally through her teens, but it wasn't until she met ex-husband Donald Lazarowicz, 49, that she started drinking live blood regularly.茱莉亚说,在整个青少年时期,她和她的哥特朋友们偶尔吸血,直到她遇见她的前夫49岁的唐纳德之后,才开始定时吸食活人血液。
        The pair became part of a subculture who would hit New York nightclubs and drink from each other, and married in a vampire-themed ceremony in 2000 and drank from each other to celebrate.这对夫妇成为亚文化群的一部分,他们逛纽约夜店,互相从对方身上吸血,还在2000年举行了一场吸血鬼主题的婚礼,双方互相吸血以示庆祝。
        But when they had son Alexei, Mr Lazarowicz vowed never to drink again. The counselor, who is still good friends with Ms Caples and shares parenting duties, explained: 'I gave up, so Julia didn't have to. We agreed that one of us would need to stop and focus on parenting full time.但当他们有了第一个孩子亚历克斯之后,唐纳德发誓再也不吸血了。这位法律顾问现在和凯博斯女士依旧是好朋友,还共同分担照顾子女的责任。他解释说:“我放弃吸血了,所以茱莉亚可以继续。我们以前约定好,两人中必须有一个戒掉人血,全心全意照顾孩子。”



        Ms Caples says she is aware of the health dangers, but all her donors are tested before she'll drink from them. 'I meet some donors online but I absolutely have to meet them in person first, she says. 'And they have to get blood tests to make sure that they're not carrying any blood borne diseases like AIDS or HIV.'凯博斯女士说她很注意健康隐患,但所有捐献者都在她吸血之前做了检测。她说:“我有时在网上结识捐血者,但我在吸血前一定要亲自和他们见面,确认他们有血样证明,不是艾滋病HIV或其他血液传播疾病患者。”
        Doctors believe that there is a resurgence in blood-drinking thanks to the recent trend for vampire-themed TV series and films.医生相信,近期吸血鬼主题的影视使得吸血行为死灰复燃。
        Haematologist Steven Gruenstein at the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, says a variety of cultures have been drinking blood for thousands of years but it could be due to deficiencies in the body.纽约西奈山医院血液病学者史蒂文-格伦斯汀认为,在许多文化中,吸血行为已经延续了几千年,但这可能是由于人体内缺乏某些物质造成的。
        He says: 'Blood does contain chemicals like salt, iron, protein, and people might be driven to drink it because of a deficiency of iron or some other chemical. 'I would absolutely discourage someone from ingesting raw human blood,' he warns. 史蒂文说:“血液中含有盐类、铁、蛋白质等化学物质,有些人有喝血的冲动,是因为他们体内缺铁或其他化学物质。”但他警告:“我当然不赞成直接从人体内摄取生血。”
        'There are risks involved. HIV, hepatitis and other viral and bacterial illnesses can be transmitted through blood, so though these risks are not large, they are real and it would be an unnecessary danger.'“喝生血有风险。艾滋病、肝炎和其它细菌病毒类疾病都有可能通过血液传播。尽管这种可能性不大,但却有事实,会造成许多不必要的危险。”

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