A photoshop wizard appears to have found the elixir of youth for his latest subjects - and the result is slightly creepy.看来一位PS奇才将返老还童仙丹运用到了他的新作中——不过结果可有点让人毛骨悚然。
Paris-based retoucher Cristian Girotto and photographer Quentin Curtat created these images entitled, 'L’ Enfant Extérieur (The Outer Child),' to bring out the inner child in each of the models.巴黎修图师克里斯汀-基洛托和摄影师昆廷-卡尔塔特共同创作了这一组照片,名曰“L’ Enfant Extérieur”(外在的孩童),照片展现出了模特们内在孩童的一面。
Each photo, originally captured by photographer Quentin Curtat, shows the subject photoshopped to look like a toddler by Cristian Girotto. Each photo is enhanced to emphasise full faces, sloping shoulders, and slightly enlarged heads.照片都是由摄影师昆廷-卡尔塔特拍摄的,并由克里斯汀-基洛托进行PS,让照片里的人看起来像还在蹒跚学步的小孩。照片经过修饰,重点突出了模特们的脸和斜肩,也将头部略微增大了一些。
To achieve the effect, Girotto kept the main appearances of the subject but tweaked some of their physical attributes, softening arms and shoulders, enlarging heads and widening eyes.为了达到理想中的效果,基洛托保持了模特原本的外表,不过修改了一些身体特征,柔化了他们的手臂和肩膀,增大了他们的头部和眼睛。
He filled out cheeks and softened adult curves to give a more childlike silhouette.他把模特的脸部修得更加丰满,也柔化了模特的身体曲线,让他们看起来更像小孩。
The artist told the subjects to wear their own clothes in order to give the impression he was bringing out the inner child rather than completely turning back the clock.艺术家让模特们穿着自己的衣服拍照,这样的效果是为让他们展现出了内在小孩的一面,而不是完全让时间倒回。
In some images Girotto has removed 'milk teeth' and arranged his model in a child-like pose, with shrugged shoulders and pouting mouths.在有些照片里,基洛托还修去了模特的“乳牙”,并让他们摆出小孩的动作,耸着肩,撅着嘴。
The results combine adult attributes such as beards, and stubble, with the round, rosy cheeks and wide-eyed innocence of youth.照片出来的效果就是,照片里的人既有成年人的某些特征,如胡子、须茬等,又带有无知小孩的大圆脸、红脸蛋和大眼睛。 |