Titus the toddler may only be aged two but he is already demonstrating expert shooting skills that could land him a spot in the NBA.Titus虽然只有两岁,但他已经展现了非常专业的投篮技术,足够让他长大后在NBA中一展身手。
Home video of the adorable tot shows the boy nailing incredible free throw shots into hoops that measure as high as 7 ft tall.在这段家庭录像视频中,这个可爱的小宝宝在篮框高达7英尺(约为2.1米)的情况下,投入了不可思议的罚球。
Footage of the basketball star in the making was posted to YouTube on Sunday and has gone viral earning more than 46,000 views on the video sharing website.这个篮球童星的视频上周日发布在视频分享网站YouTube后,就迅速走红有超过4.6万的网友观看了这个视频。
Clad in a diaper and with a pacifier in his mouth, Titus shows his expert aim and his love of the game in the video.两岁的Titus还穿着尿布嘴里叼着奶嘴,但在视频中他充分展示了自己的专业水平和对篮球的热爱。
His parents captured amazing footage of their son shooting into hoops placed across the home.他的父母为他拍摄下了这段投篮视频,Titus的家里各处设有篮框。
Though some parents have strict rules about 'No playing ball in the home,' Titus' family encourages him to practice his skills everywhere he sees fit.也许有些家长都会严格规定,不让孩子在家里玩球,但Titus的家人非常鼓励他在家里各处练习投篮,只有他喜欢在哪儿都可以。
They compiled a collection of clips, which show the child lifting a variety of balls behind his head and shooting them straight into the hoop.Titus的父母将不同的片段剪辑到了一起,这个两岁的宝宝将各种球举过头顶,直接投球入篮框。
While many of the hoops are kid sized, he still manages to land shots from multiple positions.虽然不少篮框都是供小朋友玩的,但Titus还是能从各种不同的位置将球送入篮框。
Little Titus jumps with glee throughout the footage and his older siblings serve as his cheerleaders, cheering the boy on as he nails his shots.视频中我们可以看到,小小的Titus一直都很欢乐地蹦跳着,他的哥哥们就给他当拉拉队,当弟弟投篮入框里为他欢呼。 |