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奇葩男子10年整形90次 打造男版芭比娃娃









Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2016-7-28 13:18:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        32-year-old Justin Jedlica, from New York City, has so far splashed around $100,000 on 90 cosmetic procedures, in his never-ending quest for that perfect look. 32岁的贾斯汀·耶德利察来自纽约,迄今为止,他已经在90项整形手术上花费了大约十万美元,他对完美外形有着永无止境的追求。
        Plastic surgery is pretty common nowadays, but some people really take it to the extreme. Meet Justin Jedlica, whose sculpted physique would have you thinking he’s a gym fanatic.  这年头外科整形特别常见,但确实有些人太走极端了。如果你见到了身材健美的贾斯汀·耶德利察,你一定会觉得他是个健身房常客。
        But in reality, his muscles are more plastic than meat, as most over his upper body has been augmented with silicone implants. He’s had pectoral implants, six-pack implants, triceps and biceps implants, all so he could attain the look he desired. 但事实上,他的肌肉里塑料比肉多,他上身大部分都是通过植入硅胶扩充起来的。他的胸肌、六块腹肌、三头肌和二头肌都是通过整形来的,如此这般就是为了获得他理想的外貌。
        It all started with his glutes. He wanted his buttocks to be perkier, tighter, harder, so instead of working out, he decided to get some implants, and after 13 cosmetic sessions, he got what he wanted. But that was only the beginning of his affair with plastic surgery. 一切都始于他的臀部。他希望自己的屁股看起来更翘更紧更硬,然而他没有选择锻炼,而是决定接受整形移植手术,在挨了13刀以后,他达到了想要的效果。但是这只是他与整形不解之缘的开端。
        During the last 10 years, Justin Jedlica has gone through 90 different plastic surgeries, transforming himself into a real-life Ken doll.在过去的10年里,贾斯汀·耶德利察已经做过了90次不同的整形手术,将自己打造成了一个真正的肯尼娃娃。



        Growing up, he was an overachiever and a straight-A student, but he was always obsessed with the size of his nose. For him, it was “astronomically huge”, so as soon as he got the chance, he decided to change it. Five nose jobs later, Justin says his nose is close to his ideal, but not really perfect. 在成长的过程中,他一直是一个上进的优等生,但他一直对自己的鼻子不满意。他觉得它“巨大无比”,所以一旦有机会他就决定改变。在5次手术后,贾斯汀说他的鼻子已经接近他的理想标准了,但还不是不够完美。
        He admits that, except for that first nose-job, which was “a need” the rest have been “wants”, but he loves what he’s allowed himself to become, and he’s not considering stopping his physical transformation anytime soon. 他也承认,除了第一次的鼻子手术是必须的,剩下的只是锦上添花罢了,但他喜欢自己让自己变成的样子,而且他近期也没打算停止继续做整形手术。
        But experts like Dr. Drew Ordin, a Beverly Hills plastic and reconstructive surgeon, disagrees, saying that by turning himself into a living, breathing silicone sculpture, Justin Jedlica is really putting his life at risk.不过比佛利的整形外科医师德鲁·奥尔金等专家并不同意这样的做法,他说像他这样把自己弄成一个活生生的硅胶雕塑,迟早会危及生命。

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