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俄罗斯男子抱怨妻子饭菜出走 几乎饿死野外









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发表于 2016-7-28 13:17:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Next time you think about offering your partner a little 'constructive criticism' about their cooking, remember the story of Yuri Ticuic.如果下次你还想建设性地批评你伴侣的厨艺时,请想想尤里·提促艾克的经历。
        The 69-year-old Russian will think twice about the next time he complains about his wife's cooking, after a row about soup almost proved fatal.今年69岁的俄罗斯人尤里与妻子为饭菜而吵架,负气出走却差点让自己命丧野外,如果下次尤里还有抱怨妻子菜肴的念头,那他得好好回想这次抱怨后的恶果。
        He nearly starved to death after storming out of his house and managing to get lost in a frozen forest for more than a month.在那次抱怨妻子饭菜后,尤里冲出了他的房子,在冰封的森林中迷路被困了1个多月。尤里几乎饿死郊外。
        Ticiuc, from the tiny Siberian state of Altai on the southern border of Russia, walked out because his wife's soup was too cold, but ended up losing his way in dense woodlands. He survived by eating berries and leaves in the forest, eventually collapsing next to a haystack in a field.尤里是俄罗斯南部边境小西伯利亚中的阿尔泰人,因为抱怨妻子煮的汤水太冷了,他离开了家门,但却在稠密的森林中迷失了方向。在森林中,尤里吃浆果和树叶充饥,到最后走不动了,倒在了农场的一堆干草堆旁。
        He ate hay-grain from the haystack and drank snow to stay alive while lying next to the haystack.Farm workers found him crippled from frostbite and too weak to move when he called out to them.躺在干草堆旁的这段时间,他吃干草堆的谷物,喝雪水,硬是让自己活了下去。当尤里的求救声被农场的工人听到,他们找到了尤里,当时的他脚被冻瘸、虚弱得难以移动。
        'I walked and walked but after a few hours I didn't have any idea where I was and I couldn't find my way back,' he told local media. I thought I was going to die. The temperatures were sub-zero and I was getting really weak.尤里告诉当地的媒体:“在森林里,我走了好几个小时,之后完全不知道自己在哪里,也找不到回家的路了。“周边的温度都在0℃以下,而我的身体也越来越虚弱。当时,我以为自己死定了。”
        'And then one day I heard voices and saw some farm workers. I called them and they managed to get me to hospital,' he explained. Doctors say he is lucky to be alive, but fear they may have to amputate his legs.“之后的某一天,我听到了些许动静,还看到一些农场工人经过。我向他们求救,他们发现我还将我送到医院。”尤里解释道。医生也表示尤里能活下来非常幸运,但他们为保住尤里的命,也可能必须切掉尤里冻坏的腿。
        'They are severely damaged from frostbite and it may not be possible to save them,' said a hospital spokesman. Yuri added: 'No matter what happens, that's the last time I criticise my wife's cooking. Anything is better than hay grain.'“尤里的双腿被严重冻伤,保住双腿的可能性也不太高。” 医院的发言人如是说。尤里还补充道:“无论如何,这是我最后一次抱怨妻子的饭菜。吃什么都好,除了干草谷物。”

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