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发表于 2016-7-27 22:07:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



  BBC news with Marion Marshal
  The commander of American forces in AfghanistanGeneral John Allen says he's very angry about thesharp rise in attacks on his troops by their Afghancolleagues. He made his comments in an interviewfor the CBS 60 Minutes program.
  "I'm mad as hell about them, to be honest with you. We're going to go after this. Itreverberates everywhere across the United States. We're willing to sacrifice a lot for thiscampaign, but we're not willing to be murdered for it."
  However, General Allen went on to insist that most Afghans supported the western militarypresence in their country.
  General Allen was speaking as international forces in Afghistan investigated the death ofanother American serviceman. Two thousand US troops have now died since fighting began 11years ago. A US civilian contractor and three Afghan soldiers were also killed in the incident inWardak province. The shooting was initially blamed on a rogue Afghan soldier. But an ISAPspokesman Lieutenant General Adrian Bradshaw said that may be wrong.
  "What was initially reported to have been a suspected insider attack is now understoodpossibly to have involved insurgent fire."
  An angry crowd has turned on Somalis living in the Kenyan capital Nairobi after a grenadethrown into a Christian Sunday school killed one child and critically wounded several others.Gabriel Gatehouse is in Nairobi.
  Retaliation was swift. No group or individual has admitted carrying out the attack. But asKenyan troops battle Islamist militants in Somalia, this church bombing is blamed almostimmediately on al-Shabab. Angers built over into violence as dozens of men attacked a nearbymosque. Police said 13 people were wounded but that order has been restored. The church isnear a suburb of Nairobi called Eastleigh, also known as little Mogadishu where the majority ofresidents are Somali origin.
  In Somalia itself, the Minister of Defense says the operation by Kenyan and Somali forces tocapture the city of Kismayo is making good progress. He told the BBC that a strategic locationhas been seized including the port and airport. And the Somali troops were dug in around thecity. He says special forces were gathering intelligence inside Kismayo .
  A wave of car bombings and shootings across Iraq have killed at least 32 people and woundedmore than 100. One of the worst attacks was in the town of Taji where four car bombsexploded in quick succession. Rami Ruhayem reports from Baghdad.
  Across Iraq, car bombs went off as army patrols drove by. And gunmen with silencers attackedarmy checkpoints. It started in and ROUND BAGHDAD but quickly spread outwards. Thenorthern city of Mosul and the southern city of Kut were hit in addition to Kirkuk which bordersthe Kurdish region in the north. Civilians were among those killed and injured. But the aim ofthe attackers seems to have been to kill as many security personnel as possible whereverthey could reach them.
  World news from the BBC
  An Islamist group in Syria has published an online video which, it says, shows five capturedYemeni officers purportedly sent to Syria to help fight the rebels. The video shows identitycards of the five men, one of whom appears to be a lieutenant colonel. A rights group in Yemensaid they were army officers who had been studying at a military academy in Aleppo andwhose families reported their missing last month.
  Research into the effects of global warming suggests that the size of fish around the worldcould shrink dramatically over the next few decades. Warmer ocean temperatures could lead tohundreds of types of fish losing up to 1/4 of their body weight. Here's Matt McGrath.
  Although projections of global temperature rises show relatively small changes at the bottomof the oceans, the resulting impacts on fish body size are unexpectedly large, according to thisresearch. As ocean temperature increases, so do the body temperatures and metabolic ratesof the fish. This means they use more oxygen to stay alive. And according to the researchers,they have less available for growth.
  A third opposition activist has died in Venezuela following a shooting on Saturday one weekbefore the closest-fought presidential election in a decade. Speaking at a rally in the capitalCaracas, the opposition candidate Henrique Capriles demanded justices and called on hissupporters to defeat violence. Venezuelan authorities say they've arrested a suspect inconnection with the attack in Barinas, the home state of President Hugo Chavez.
  The Ryder Cup golf tournament between Europe and United States is heading for a closefinish after the European team mounted a spirited fight back on the final day. The holders,Europe, drew level by winning five of the first six matches at the Medinah Country Club outsideChicago. The world No. 1 Rory McIlroy won his match after arriving at the course only tenminutes before he was due to tee off after an apparent mix-up over times zones.
  BBC news

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2016-7-27 23:12:32 | 显示全部楼层
  艾伦将军接受采访时,驻阿富汗联合国部队正在调查又1名美国士兵的死亡原因。自11年前的战争爆发到目前为止共有2000名美国士兵死亡。在此次Wardak省袭击事件中,有1名美国承包商与3名阿富汗士兵丧生。最初认为是1名无赖的阿富汗士兵开的枪,但是ISAP发言人陆军中尉Adrian Bradshaw将军认为,事情不是这样的,“最初的报道怀疑袭击为内部事件,不过现在我们认为很可能与叛乱有关。”
  在一枚被扔进一所主日学校手榴弹造成一名孩子死亡,几名重伤之后,居住在肯尼亚首都奈洛比的索马里人愤怒地涌向街头。Gabriel Gatehouse在奈洛比报道。
  在遍及伊拉克全国的一系列汽车爆炸及枪击事件中,至少32人丧生,100多人受伤。其中最严重的攻击发生在Taji市,四个汽车炸弹相继爆炸。Rami Ruhayem从巴格达报道。
  伊拉克全国上下,即使警车巡逻驶过,汽车爆炸照样发生。枪手用带消音器的手机袭击了许多检查站。暴力事件首先在ROUND BAGHDAD发生,然后迅速向外蔓延。与北方Kurdish地区接壤的Kirkuk,以及北方城市Mosul及南方城市Kut都遭到重创。死伤者包括平民,不过,袭击者似乎旨在杀死警卫人员,越多越好,只要袭击者能够接近他们。
  对全球变暖后果的研究结果表明,全世界鱼类体型在未来50年可以会急剧变小。上升的海洋温度可能会导致上百种鱼的重量减轻1/4。Matt McGrath报道。 根据这一研究,尽管全球气温升高对海洋底部的影响相对来说较小,对鱼的重量的影响却出乎意料的巨大。随着海洋温度的增加,鱼的身体温度升高,新陈代谢的速度也加快了。这就意味着,为了保持活着的状态,这些鱼得使用更多氧气,这些研究者们认为,这样他们用来生长的氧气便减少了。
  在委内瑞拉即将进行十年来首次决定性总统选举前一周,紧接着周六的枪击事件,第3位反动方活动家身亡。反对方候选人Henrique Capriles在首都加拉加斯的集会上发言,他要求正义,号召支持者战胜暴力。委内瑞拉当局称已经逮捕了一名与Barinas州(总统Hugo Chavez的家乡所在的州)袭击有牵连的疑犯。
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