6. As probably the least strenuous, safest aerobic activity, walking is the most acceptable exercise for the greatest number of people. Walking at comfortable speed improves the efficiency of the cardio-respiratory system by stimulating the lungs and heart, but at a more gradual rate than most other forms of exercise.(英译汉)
1. 黎明时分,大雾弥漫,细雨蒙蒙。
Daybreak comes with thick mist and drizzle.
2. 铸造是把原材料加工成成品的最简便方法。
The shortest distance between raw material and a finished part is casting.
3. 她在家很忙,又要看好孩子,又要下厨房。
She is very busy at home. She has to take care of the children and do the kitchen work.
4. 中国进一步发展经济,扩大开放,对各国企业就意味着更多的商机。
China will develop its economy further and open itself still wider to the outside world, which offers more business opportunities to overseas enterprises.
5. 职业和工作对于获得幸福和满足起了很大的作用,我们大多数人对此却认识不足。
Jobs and work do much more than most of us realize to provide happiness and contentment.
6. The warmth of the summer months, the amount of rainfall and the gentle slops of the land have made settlement and cultivation possible over large parts of the continent. (英译汉)
由于夏季温暖,雨量适宜,山坡平缓,人们已经有可能在这个大陆的大部分地区定居和耕作。 |