1. Just Breathe
Though your first instinct might be to open your mouth and snap back or just scream-close it and breathe instead. You've heard it before, right? Just count to 10. But there's a point there: "While it may not remove the stressor, it buys you time to step back, put things in perspective, and bite your tongue before you say something you might regret."
2. Write It Out
Sometimes, finding that emotional release can be as simple as getting your feelings into words. So grab a pen and some paper and ink out your thoughts-just keep them to yourself. "Don't put anything in writing [to someone else] when you've been provoked. “Your best bet: once you've exorcised your demons, shred (or permanently delete) the evidence.
3. Vent to a Trusted Colleague
Most of us have at least one close ally at work, someone we can confide in about everything job-related. So next time your boss really gets under your skin, a brief venting session with this trusted comrade can help put things back in perspective. Just be sure to do it out of earshot of anyone else-a nearby Starbucks may be a safer bet than your cube. And be sure to offer the same safe confidence next time your partner-in-crime is feeling spent, too.