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初级美语口语:Activities in the Future 将来的活动









Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2016-7-14 21:48:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  初级美语口语:Activities in the Future 将来的活动
  Conversation A : In the Office
  HOWARD: Excuse me, Martin.
  MARTIN: Good morning, Howard. Good morning, Waleed.
  HOWARD: Can we talk to you? 
  MARTIN: Sure. Come in.
  WALEED: We're going to watch baseball tonight. Can you go with us?MARTIN: Not tonight. I'm going to take the children to their grandparents.HOWARD: Aren't they in Chicago?
  MARTIN: My parents are in Chicago. My wife's parents are in Ocean City. We’re going to Ocean City.
  WALEED: Are the children going to stay in Ocean City? 
  MARTIN: Yes. They're going to stay for five days.
  HOWARD: That's nice.
  WALEED: Does your son like that?
  MARTIN: Oh, yes. His friends are there.
  WALEED: My son doesn't like visiting his grandparents. They live in the country.
  MARTIN: His friends are here.
  WALEED: That's right.
  HOWARD: Doesn't he like his family?
  WALEED: Yes, he likes them. He likes his friends, too.
  HOWARD: You can't go with us tonight.
  WALEED: Can you go on Thursday.
  MARTIN: Sure.
  WALEED: OK. Let's go on Thursday?
  MARTIN: Are you going to watch tonight?
  HOWARD: Sure. And we're going to watch on Thursday.
  WALEED: See you later.
  MARTIN: Good-bye.
  CARA: Hello, Martin. May I come in?
  MARTIN: Of course.
  CARA: Do you and your wife like swimming?
  MARTIN: Yes.
  CARA: Do you like to watch swimming?
  MARTIN: On television?
  CARA: No. My daughter is going to swim in Baltimore on Saturday. Can you come to watch?
  MARTIN: Is it a swim meet?
  CAREA: Yes, it is. She's going to swim tonight, too.
  MARTIN: Sit down. Please. I'm going to phone my wife.
  CARA: Thanks.
  MARTIN: Hello, Eileen. What are we going to do on Saturday? Cara's daughter is going to swim in Baltimore on Saturday. Cara, in the afternoon?
  CARA: Yes, she's going to swim in the afternoon.
  MARTIN: She's going to swim in the afternoon. It's a swim meet. OK. Good-bye.
  MARTIN: We can come on Saturday.
  CARA: Can your daughter come?
  MARTIN: No, she's visiting her grandparents in Ocean City. Can you come to our house after the meet?
  CARA: No, thank you. We have to come home. She has a meet here on Sunday.
  CARA: Thank you.
  MARTIN: See you on Saturday.
  WALEED: Martin, Howard and I are going to eat. Can you come?
  MARTIN: Yes. I'm going to finish this story later.
  会话 A 在办公室
  马 丁:早上好,霍华德。早上好,瓦利德。
  马 丁:当然可以,请进来。
  马 丁:今晚不行,我要带孩子们去他们外祖父家。
  马 丁:我父母在芝加哥,我妻子的父母在大洋城,我们要去大洋城。
  马 丁:是的,他们将呆五天。
  马 丁:噢,是的。他有朋友在那儿。
  马 丁:他的朋友在这里。
  马 丁:当然能。
  马 丁:你们今晚去看吗?
  马 丁:再见。
  卡 拉:你好,马丁。我可以进来吗?
  马 丁:当然可以。
  卡 拉:你和你妻子喜欢游泳吗?
  马 丁:喜欢。
  卡 拉:你们喜欢看游泳吗?
  马 丁:在电视上吗?
  卡 拉:不是的,我女儿周六将在巴尔的摩游泳,你们能来观看吗?
  马 丁:是游泳比赛吗?
  卡 拉:是的,她今晚也参加游泳比赛。
  马 丁:请坐,我给我妻子打个电话,问一下。
  卡 拉:谢谢。
  马 丁:喂,艾琳,我们周六将做什么?卡拉的女儿周六将在巴尔的摩游泳。
  马 丁:卡拉,在下午吗?
  卡 拉:对,她在下午参加游泳比赛。
  马 丁:她在下午游泳,是场游泳比赛。好,再见。
  马 丁:我们周六能来。
  卡 拉:你们的女儿能来吗?
  马 丁:不能,她还在大洋城的外公家。你们比赛后能到我家吗?
  卡 拉:谢谢你,不能。我们得回家,她星期天在这还有一场比赛。
  马 丁:好的。
  卡 拉:谢谢。
  马 丁:周六再见。
  马 丁:好的,我以后再完成这篇报导。

  Conversation B : In a Restaurant
  HOWARD: What are you going to eat?
  WALEED: I'm going to have a sandwich.
  HOWARD: Martin, what are you going to have?
  MARTIN: I'm going to have a bowl of soup.
  HOWARD: What are going to drink?
  WALEED: I'm going to have coffee.
  MARTIN: I'm going to have coffee, too.
  HOWARD: Let's sit here.
  WALEED: Are you going to play softball on Friday night.
  HOWARD: No, I'm going to play on Saturday morning. My son is going to Play on Friday night. What are you going to do on Friday night?
  WALEED: I'm going to a movie.
  MARTIN: Do you like movies?
  WALEED: Yes, I like movies.
  HOWARD: Did you go to a movie last night?
  WALEED: Yes, I did.
  HOWARD: My son and I went on Saturday.
  WALEED: Did you like it?
  HOWARD: He liked it. I didn't like it.
  MARTIN: Where is your family, Waleed?
  WALEED: They're in Lebanon.
  MARTIN: What are they doing there?
  WALEED: My wife's family lives there. Her mother and father live there.MARTIN: Does she have brothers and sisters?
  WALEED: She has two brothers. They live in the United States.
  HOWARD: Did your children go with her?
  WALEED: Yes, they went, too. They're going to come home next month. What are you going to do on Saturday, Martin?
  MARTIN: I'm going to a swim meet. Cara's daughter is going to swim in Baltimore. My wife and I are going to watch. Do you like music, Waleed?
  WALEED: Oh, yes. I like jazz.
  MARTIN: What are you going to do next Sunday?
  WALEED: Nothing.
  MARTIN: Can you come to Baltimore? We're going to have jazz at the harbor.
  WALEED: OK. In the afternoon?
  MARTIN: Yes.
  WALEED: Thanks.
  MARTIN: Can you come, Howard?
  HOWARD: No, I can't. We're going to visit family.
  WALEED: Where are you going?
  HOWARD: We're going to visit my sister.
  WALEED: Did you go last week?
  HOWARD: No, we didn't.
  MARTIN: Excuse me. I'm going to work.
  WALEED: See you later.
  LEE: Excuse me, Martin. May I come in?
  MARTIN: Yes. Please. Sit down.
  LEE: Listen. I have a problem.
  MARTIN: Tell me.
  LEE: My wife is singing in Dallas this week. I'm going to Miami on Saturday. Can my son come to stay with your son Saturday and Sunday?
  MARTIN: My son is visiting his grandparents. Does your son like swim meets?
  LEE: He likes swimming.
  MARTIN: My wife and I are going to a swim meet on Saturday. Does he like jazz?
  LEE: He plays jazz in high school.
  MARTIN: We're going to hear some jazz on Sunday.
  LEE: Where?
  MARTIN: At the harbor. Waleed is going to come with us. Lee, your son can come with us.
  LEE: Does Waleed like children?
  MARTIN: He has two children.
  Practice 2:用 be going to 结构回答将要发生的事情或活动。
  Examples: HOWARD: I'm going to play on Saturday. MARTIN: Cara's daughter is going to swim in Baltimore. My wife and I are going to watch.
  WALEED: They're going to come home next month.
  MARTIN: I'm going to work.
  会话 B : 在饭店里
  马 丁:我要喝碗汤。
  马 丁:我也喝咖啡。
  马 丁:你喜欢电影?
  马 丁:你家人在哪儿,瓦利德?
  马 丁:他们在那儿在做什么?
  马 丁:她有兄弟姐妹吗?
  马 丁:我去看游泳比赛,卡拉的女儿将在巴尔的摩游泳,我和妻子去看。瓦利德,你喜欢音乐吗?
  马 丁:你下星期天要干什么?
  马 丁:你能来巴尔的摩吗?我们将去港口听爵士音乐会。
  马 丁:是的。
  马 丁:霍华德,你能来吗?
  马 丁:对不起,我要去工作了。
  李 :对不起,马丁,我可以进来吗?
  马 丁:可以,请进,请坐。
  李 :听我说,我有个难题。
  马 丁:说吧。
  李 :这周我妻子在达拉斯演唱,星期六我又去迈阿密。星期五和星期六能让我儿子跟你儿子呆在一起吗?
  马 丁:我儿子还在他外公家。你儿子喜欢游泳比赛吗?
  李 :他喜欢游泳。
  马 丁:星期六我和妻子去看游泳比赛,他喜欢爵士乐吗?
  李 :他在中学里演奏爵士乐。
  马 丁:我们星期天去听爵士乐。
  李 :在哪里?
  马 丁:在港口,瓦利德将和我们一起去。李,你儿子可以和我们一起去。李 :瓦利德喜欢孩子吗?
  马 丁:他有两个孩子呢。
  New Words and Expressions 生词和短语
  See you later. 再见!
  later adv. 晚些时候
  sandwich n. 三明治;夹心面包
  soup n. 汤
  a bowl of soup 一碗汤
  softball n. 垒球
  go to a movie 去看电影
  harbor n. 港口
  problem n. (疑难)问题

  Proper Nouns 专有名词
  Ocean City 大洋城
  the United States 美国
  Lebanon 黎巴嫩
  Dallas 达拉斯
  Miami 迈阿密
  Language Points 语言要点

  1. See you later. 再见。可简略地说成 See you,也可在其后加时间状语,例如:See you on Saturday, See you tomorrow. 以前我们学过的表达法有:good-bye, bye-bye, bye。类似的说法还有:
  So long.I'll be seeing you.Good night. (晚安)
  2. be going to 是一般将来时的一种常用结构,将来时另一种常用结构是“will/shall+动词原形”。助动词 shall 仅用于第一人称,will 可用于各种人称。例如:
  I will/shall be sixteen years old next year.
  Will you open the window?
  在将来时的句子中,一般有明显表示将来的时间状语,如对话中的 tonight(今晚),on Thursday(周四),on Saturday(周六),in the afternoon(下午),on Friday night(周五晚上),on Saturday morning(周六早上),next month(下月),next Sunday(下周日)等等。
  3. the United States 美国。美国的全称是 the United States of America,简称为 America,the States,the US 或 the USA。中国的全称是 the People's Republic of China(中华人民共和国),也可简写为 P R China。

  Cultural Notes 文化注释

  有人说如果中国人是教育狂,那么美国人就是运动狂。美国整天都有全国性的运动比赛(national tournaments),春天有篮球比赛,夏天有棒球赛,秋冬天有美式橄榄球赛,人们随时可以亲自到运动场(the sports arenas)和体育馆(gymnasium)观看比赛,或者通过电视、收音机、报纸得知各种比赛的消息。很多美国人是运动迷,最受欢迎的两项运动是美式橄榄球(football)和棒球(baseball)。

使用道具 举报








Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2016-7-14 23:01:44 | 显示全部楼层

  Conversation A : On a University Campus

  MARTIN: Hello. I'm Martin Learner. I'm a reporter. Who are you?
  NANCY: I'm Nancy Kibelstis.
  MARTIN: May I talk to you? I want to ask some questions.
  NANCY: Maybe.
  MARTIN: Are you a student?
  NANCY: Yes.
  MARTIN: What are you studying?
  NANCY: Elementary education.
  MARTIN: Are you going to be a teacher?
  NANCY: Of course.
  JACKIE: Good morning. I'm Jackie.
  MARTIN: What are you doing here, Jackie?
  JACKIE: I'm a student. I'm studying history.
  MARTIN: What are you doing here today?
  JACKIE: Oh, We're demonstrating.
  MARTIN: When is the demonstration?
  JACKIE: In the afternoon.
  NANCY: No, it isn't. It's this morning.
  MARTIN: Let's ask those students.
  Practice 1:依照会话A回答下列问题:
  1.What does Nancy do?
  2.What is she studying at the university?
  3.Why are they both on campus?
  4.When is the demonstration?
  会话A : 在大学校园里
  马 丁:你好。我叫马丁·勒纳,我是记者。你叫什么?
  南 希:我叫南希·基贝尔斯蒂斯。
  马 丁:我可以和你谈谈吗?我想问几个问题。
  南 希:也许可以(回答出你的问题)。
  马 丁:你是学生吗?
  南 希:是的。
  马 丁:你学什么?
  南 希:基础教育。
  马 丁:你打算当教师吗?
  南 希:当然。
  杰 姬:早晨好。我叫杰姬。
  马 丁:你在这儿干什么,杰姬?
  杰 姬:我是学生,我是学历史的。
  马 丁:你今天在这儿干什么?杰 姬:哦,我们在示威。
  马 丁:示威是在什么时候?
  杰 姬:在下午。
  南 希:不,不是。示威是在今天上午。
  马 丁:咱们去问问那些学生。

  Conversation B
  CARA: Good morning. I'm Cara Gutierrez. I'm a reporter. May I ask you some questions?
  VINCE: OK. Where are you from?
  CARA: I'm a reporter for the Voice of America. Who are you?
  VINCE: I'm Vince Anzalone.
  CARA: Are you a student?
  VINCE: Yes. I'm a student at the university.
  CARA: Are you a student at this university?
  VINCE: Of course.
  CARA: Are all these people students?
  VINCE: Yes. They are not all from this university.
  CARA: Where are they from?
  VINCE: I don't know.
  CARA: What are you studying?
  VINCE: I'm studying biology.
  CARA: What is this demonstration?
  VINCE: It's about pollution.
  CARA: What do you mean?
  VINCE: Pollution. You know-pollution.
  CARA: What kind of pollution?
  VINCE: Environmental pollution. Pollution in the river.
  CARA: When is the demonstration?
  VINCE: It's now. This is the demonstration.
  CARA: What are the students going to do?
  VINCE: They're going to talk. They're going to sing. Some are going to speak. Some are going to read things. They're going to demonstrate.
  CARA: When is someone going to speak?
  VINCE: Before lunch. Maybe after lunch, too.
  CARA: Are they going to the river?
  VINCE: Yes. We're going to walk to the river. We're going to look at the pollution.
  CARA: When are you going to the river?
  VINCE: At twelve o'clock. We want everyone to see the river.
  Practice 2:依照会话B回答下列问题:
  1.Where and what is he studying?
  2.Are all the students from the same university?
  3.What is this demonstration?
  4.When is the demonstration?
  5.What are the students going to do ?
  6.When are they going to speak and going to the river?
  Practice 3: When 用来问时间时,其回答可以是大致时间,也可以是确切时间。
  MARTIN: When is the demonstration?
  NANCY: In the afternoon.
  JACKIE: No, it isn't. It's in the morning.
  CARA: When is the demonstration?
  VINCE: It's now.
  CARA: When are you going to the river?
  VINCE: At twelve o'clock.
  卡 拉:早晨好。我叫卡拉·古蒂埃勒兹,我是记者。我可以问你几个问题吗?
  文 斯:可以。你是哪儿的?
  卡 拉:我是“美国之音”记者。你叫什么?
  文 斯:我叫文斯·阿恩扎洛尼。
  卡 拉:你是学生吗?
  文 斯:是,我是大学的学生。
  卡 拉:你是这所大学的学生吗?
  文 斯:当然啦。
  卡 拉:这些人都是学生吗?
  文 斯:是的。他们并不都来自这所大学。
  卡 拉:他们从哪儿来?
  文 斯:我不知道。
  卡 拉:你学什么?
  文 斯:我学生物学。
  卡 拉:这次示威的内容是什么?
  文 斯:是有关污染的问题。
  卡 拉:你指什么?
  文 斯:污染。你知道——污染。
  卡 拉:什么样的污染?
  文 斯:环境污染、河流污染。
  卡 拉:示威在什么时候?
  文 斯:现在,这就是在示威。
  卡 拉:学生们打算干什么呢?
  文 斯:他们要谈论,他们要唱歌。一些人要演说,一些人要朗读。他们要示威。
  卡 拉:他们什么时候演说?
  文 斯:午饭前,也许午饭后还有。
  卡 拉:他们去河边吗?
  文 斯:是的,我们打算步行去河边,我们要去看看那儿的污染情况。
  卡 拉:你们什么时候去河边?
  文 斯:12点。我们都要看看那条河。

  Conversation C

  CARA: Hello, Martin.
  MARTIN: Hello, When is the demonstration? I've been talking to some students. They don't know.
  CARA: I talked to one student. The demonstration is now. This is the demonstration.
  Practice 4:依照会话C回答下列问题:
  1.Does Martin known the time for the demonstration?
  2.When is the demonstration?
  卡 拉:你好,马丁。
  马 丁:你好。示威在什么时候?我一直在和一些学生交谈,他们不知道。
  卡 拉:我和一个学生谈过,示威就在现在,这就是示威。
  Conversation D

  MARTIN: What are you doing?
  PETE: I'm demonstrating.
  MARTIN: What's that?
  PETE: It's a story. It's a story about pollution. It's a story about the river.
  The river was clean.
  MARTIN: When was the river clean?
  PETE: Many years ago. Now the environment is polluted. Here, read the story.
  MARTIN: The river is polluted.
  PETE: Of course. Our environment is polluted.
  MARTIN: What are you going to do?
  PETE: We're going to clean it up.
  MARTIN: You're going to clean up the river?
  PETE: We're going to clean up everything.
  MARTIN: When are you going to clean up the river?
  PETE: This year.
  CARA: Hi, I'm Cara. Who are you?
  HEATHER: I'm Heather.
  ALISHA: I'm Alisha. Are you a student?
  CARA: No, I'm a reporter.
  HEATHER: Good. Where are you from?
  CARA: Washington.
  HEATHER: What newspaper are you from?
  CARA: I'm not from a newspaper. I'm from the Voice of America.
  ALISHA: What are you doing here?
  CARA: I want to talk to students. I want to write a story about the demonstration. What are you doing here?
  HEATHER: We're demonstrating! I don't like pollution!
  ALISHA: Look at the river. It's polluted. I want to clean up the river.
  CARA: What are you going to do?
  ALISHA: We're going to work. We're going to talk.
  HEATHER: And write. And speak.
  MARTIN: Hello, Cara. This is Vince. He's going to show me the river. Can you come?
  CARA: Yes. This is Heather. And this is Alisha.
  ALL: Hello. Hi. I'm happy to meet you.
  CARA: May I come with you?
  VINCE: Of course. Do you want to come?
  HEATHER: I can't. I'm going to meet someone.
  ALISHA: When are you going to meet them?
  HEATHER: Before lunch.
  VINCE: Come with us. We're going to come back.
  HEATHER: When are you going to come back?
  VINCE: In a few minutes.
  CARA: I want to see the river.
  ALISHA: We want to clean up the river.
  HEATHER: We want to clean up the city. We want to clean up everything.
  VINCE: We have to clean up the environment.
  Practice 5:用大致的时间来回答以 When 开头的问句。
  MARTIN: When was the river clean?
  PETE: Many years ago.
  MARTIN: When are you going to clean up the river?
  PETE: This year.
  ALISHA: When are you going to meet them?
  HEATHER: Before lunch.
  马 丁:你在干什么?
  皮 特:我在示威。
  马 丁:那是什么?
  皮 特:是一篇报导,是一篇有关污染的报导,是一篇有关河流的报导。
  马 丁:那条河什么时候是清澈的?
  皮 特:很多年以前,现在这儿的环境被污染了。这儿,读读这篇报导。
  马 丁:这条河被污染了。
  皮 特:当然。我们的环境被污染了。
  马 丁:你们打算做什么?
  皮 特:我们打算清理它?
  马 丁:你们打算清理这条河吗?
  皮 特:我们要清理一切。
  马 丁:你们打算什么时候清理这条河?
  皮 特:今年。
  卡 拉:嗨。我叫卡拉,你叫什么?
  希 瑟:我叫希瑟。
  卡 拉:不,我是记者。
  希 瑟:好。你从哪儿来?
  卡 拉:华盛顿。
  希 瑟:你是哪家报社的?
  卡 拉:我不是报社的,我来自美国之音,我为电台写稿。
  卡 拉:我想和学生谈谈,我想写篇有关示威的稿子。你们在这儿干什么?
  希 瑟:我们在示威!我可不喜欢污染!
  卡 拉:你们打算干什么?
  希 瑟:还要写文章,还要发表演说。
  马 丁:喂,卡拉。这是文斯。他要带我去看那条河。
  卡 拉:噢。这是希瑟,还有这是艾丽莎。
  大 家:嗨,你们好。见到你们很高兴。你是这儿的学生吗?
  卡 拉:我能跟你们走吗?
  文 斯:当然。你想来吗?
  希 瑟:我不能。我要去见一个人。
  希 瑟:午饭前。
  文 斯:跟我们来吧,我们还回来。
  希 瑟:你们什么时候回来?
  文 斯:几分钟后。
  希 瑟:我要看看那条河。
  希 瑟:我们要清理这个城市,我们要清理一切。
  文 斯:我们必须清理这儿的环境。

  New Words and Expressions 生词和短语
  education n. 教育
  elementary education 小学教育
  demonstrate v. 示威;游行
  biology n. 生物学
  environment n. 环境
  pollute v. 污染

  Language Points 语言要点
  1. I'm studying history. 我学历史。在科学名词前不加冠词,例如:
  My major is biology (chemistry, maths). 我的专业是生物(化学,数学)
  2.I've been talking to some students. 我一直在跟一些学生谈话。
  have been doing(sth.) 是现在完成进行时,常用于口语中强调动作的延续性及某种感情色彩,例如:
  I've been waiting for you the whole morning. 我一早上都在等你。
  I've been looking for my pen everywhere. 我一直在到处找钢笔。
  3. We're going to come back. 我们还回来。
  We want to clean up the river. 我们要净化这条河。
  We have to clean up the environment. 我们必须净化环境。
  be going to+动词原形(短语)表示近期内将要干或发生的事,例如:
  I am going to take a tour around the country this vacation.
  There are going to be four speeches on campus.
  want to+动词原形(短语)表示主观意愿,例如:
  I want to talk with you. 我想和你谈谈。
  I want to be a lawyer. 我想当律师。
  have to+动词原形(短语)表示主观不得不、被迫要做某事,例如:
  I have to go, or I'll be late. 我得走了,不然就晚了。
  You have to finish your job within this week. 你必须在本周内完成任务。

  Cultural Notes 文化注释
  美国是工业高度发达的国家,但工业的发展也造成了各种环境污染(environmental pollution),例如:空气污染(air pollution),水质污染(water pollution),噪声污染(noise pollution)等。美国人认识到环境污染的严重危害,因而也格外注意保护环境。

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发表于 2016-7-15 00:16:08 | 显示全部楼层

  Conversation A : At a Beach

  SUE: Daddy, when are you going to come in the water?
  MARTIN: Not now. Maybe later.
  SUE: May I go in the water?
  MARTIN: Where is Alan? Is he in the water?
  SUE: No, he's talking to that girl.
  MARTIN: Which one?
  SUE: The tall girl.
  MARTIN: They are all tall. Which one?
  SUE: She's the one with black hair.
  MARTIN: Who is that girl?
  SUE: She's in Alan's class at school.
  MARTIN: Do we know her?
  SUE: I know her.
  MARTIN: Do I know her parents? What's her name?
  SUE: I don't know her name.
  MARTIN: Where is your mother?
  SUE: She's talking to those women.
  MARTIN: Where?
  SUE: Over there. See? She's talking to that short woman.
  MARTIN: I see. Yes, that woman is very short. I don't know her.
  SUE: Mama works with her.
  MARTIN: Oh. Where are your friends?
  SUE: They're not here.
  MARTIN: When are they coming?
  SUE: They're coming this morning. But they're not here yet. See that man? He's my teacher.
  MARTIN: Which man?
  SUE: He's the tall one. He has blue eyes.
  MARTIN: I can’t see his eyes. What color is his hair?
  SUE: His hair is brown.
  MARTIN: I see two men with brown hair. Is he thin?
  SUE: No, he's very big. He's big and tall.
  MARTIN: And he has brown hair. I see him. What color is his swim suit? 
  SUE: It's red.
  EILEEN: Hello. You aren't swimming, Sue.
  SUE: Daddy doesn't want to swim.
  EILEEN: Can't you watch, Martin?
  MARTIN: I don't want to move.
  SUE: Mama, you come in the water.
  EILEEN: Wait a minute. Who is that girl?
  MARTIN: Which girl?
  EILEEN: The girl is talking to Alan.
  MARTIN: Which girl is talking to Alan?
  EILEEN: The tall one.
  MARTIN: Does she have black hair?
  EILEEN: Yes.
  MARTIN: She's a girl in Alan's school.
  EILEEN: She's very pretty.
  SUE: She's beautiful. I want black hair.
  EILEEN: Your hair is very pretty.
  MARTIN: Yes, your hair is nice.
  SUE: When can we go in the water?
  EILEEN: Let's go now.
  Practice 1:依照会话A回答下列问题:
  1.What is Alan doing?
  2.What does the girl with Alan look like?
  3.What is Sue's mother doing?
  4.How do you describ the woman Sue's mother is talking about?
  5.How does Sue' mother know her?
  6.When are Sue' friends coming?
  7.What does Sue's teacher look like?
  8.What color is Sue’s teacher’s swim suit?
  Practice 2:用形容词来描述人的外表。
  SUE: The tall girl.
  MARTIN: They are all tall.
  SUE: She's the one with black hair.
  She's talking to that short woman.
  MARTIN: Yes, that woman is very short.
  SUE: He's the tall one. He has blue eyes.
  MARTIN: What color is his hair?
  SUE: His hair is brown.
  MARTIN: Tall. Tall girl. Black. Black hair.
  Short. Very short. Very short woman.
  Tall. Tall one. Blue. Blue eyes.
  Brown. Brown hair.
  会话A : 在沙滩上
  苏 :爸爸,你什么时候下水啊?
  马 丁:现在不下,也许过一会儿下。
  苏 :我可以下水吗?
  马 丁:艾伦在哪儿?他在水里吗?
  苏 :不,他在跟那个女孩说话。
  马 丁:哪个?
  苏 :那个高个儿的女孩。
  马 丁:她们个儿都高。哪一个?
  苏 :就是那个黑头发的。
  马 丁:那个女孩是谁?
  苏 :她和艾伦同班。
  马 丁:我们认识她吗?
  苏 :我认识她。
  马 丁:我认识她父母吗?她叫什么名?
  苏 :我不知道她的名字。
  马 丁:你妈在哪儿?
  苏 :她在跟那些女人说话。
  马 丁:哪儿?
  苏 :那边儿。看见了?她在跟那个矮个子的女人说话。
  马 丁:看见了。对,那个女的很矮,我不认识她。
  苏 :妈妈跟她在一块儿工作。
  马 丁:哦。你的朋友们在哪儿?
  苏 :他们不在这儿。
  马 丁:他们什么时候来?
  苏 :他们今天上午来,不过他们还没到。看见那个男的没有?他是我的老师。
  马 丁:哪个男的?
  苏 :那个高个儿的,他长着蓝眼睛。
  马 丁:我看不见他的眼睛,他的头发是什么颜色的?
  苏 :他的头发是棕色的。
  马 丁:我看见两个人长棕色头发。他长得瘦吗?
  苏 :不,他块头儿很大,他又高又大。
  马 丁:他还长着棕色头发,我看见他了。他的游泳裤是什么颜色的?
  苏 :是红色的。
  艾 琳:嘿,苏,你没有游泳。
  苏 :爸爸不想游。
  艾 琳:你不能只看吧,马丁?
  马 丁:我不想动。
  苏 :妈妈,你下水来。
  艾 琳:等一会儿。那个女孩是谁?
  马 丁:哪个女孩?
  艾 琳:跟艾伦讲话那个女孩。
  马 丁:哪个女孩在跟艾伦讲话?
  艾 琳:那个高个子的。
  马 丁:她长着黑头发吗?
  艾 琳:是的。
  马 丁:她和艾伦同校。
  艾 琳:她很漂亮。
  苏 :她很美。我想要黑头发。
  艾 琳:你的头发很漂亮。
  马 丁:是的,你的头发不错。
  苏 :咱们什么时候下水?
  艾 琳:现在就下。

  Conversation B

  ALAN: Hi, Dad. Where is Sue?
  MARTIN: She's with your mother. They went swimming.
  ALAN: I'm too late.
  MARTIN: Yes, you are.
  ALAN: Where you they?
  MARTIN: Look out there. Can you see them?
  ALAN: Where?
  MARTIN: Can you see two people there?
  ALAN: Maybe. Oh, yes. I see Sue's blonde hair.
  MARTIN: Sue's a good swimmer.
  ALAN: And mother is, too.
  MARTIN: Who were those girls?
  ALAN: Which girls?
  MARTIN: The girls over there. You were talking to them.
  ALAN: They're friends.
  MARTIN: Are they from your school?
  ALAN: Some are from school.
  MARTIN: Which ones?
  ALAN: Do you see the tall girl? She has black hair. She has a small head and big brown eyes.
  MARTIN: Were you talking to her?
  ALAN: Yes, I was.
  MARTIN: Yes, I see her.
  ALAN: She's in my class at school. Do you see that woman behind the girls?
  MARTIN: Is she sitting?
  ALAN: Yes, she is. She's sitting with a little boy. She's that girl's mother. And the boy is her brother.
  MARTIN: Where is the father?
  ALAN: He's bringing food. Do you see that short girl?
  MARTIN: The one with brown hair?
  ALAN: No, the one with blonde hair.
  MARTIN: Yes. She's standing beside the tall girl.
  ALAN: She's in my school, too. She's not in my class. Her mother and father are here too. Do you know them?
  MARTIN: I don't know. who are they?
  ALAN: Mr. and Mrs Kovisar.
  MARTIN: I know the name. Where are they?
  ALAN: Mr. Kovisar is that fat man.
  MARTIN: He's not very fat! He's only big.
  ALAN: He's fat. He's short and fat.
  MARTIN: Which woman is Mrs. Kovisar?
  ALAN: I don't see her.
  MARTIN: Who are the other girls?
  ALAN: They're not from my school. I only met them today. Do you want to swim?
  MARTIN: Maybe later. You go. Sue likes swimming with you.
  ALAN: OK. See you later.
  Practice 3:依照对话B回答下列问题:
  1.Where is Sue?
  2.What are Sue and her mother doing?
  3.Who were those girls Alan was talking to?
  4.How does Alan describe one of the girls?
  5.What does Alan say about her family?
  6.How is Martin's opinion different from his son's about Mr. Kovisar's phsical characteristics?
  7.Who are the other girls?
  8.Does Martin want to swim this time?
  Practice 4:用形容词描述人的整体或部位。
   ALAN: I see Sue's blonde hair.
  Do you see the tall girl?
  She has black hair.
  She has a small head amd big brown eyes.
  She's sitting with a little boy.
  Do you see that short girl?
  The one with blonde hair.
  Mr Kovisar is that fat man.
  He's short and fat.
  MARTIN: Blonde. Blonde hair.
  Tall. Tall girl. Black. Black hair.
  Small. Small head.
  Big. Brown. Big brown eyes.

  艾 伦:嘿,爸。苏在哪儿?
  马 丁:她和你妈在一起,她们去游泳了。
  艾 伦:我来得太晚了。
  马 丁:是啊,你来得太晚了。
  艾 伦:他们在哪儿?
  马 丁:看那边,你能看见他们吗?
  艾 伦:哪儿?
  马 丁:你能看见那边两个人吗?
  艾 伦:好像能。啊,是的。我看见苏的金黄色头发了。
  马 丁:苏游得很好。
  艾 伦:妈妈游得也很好。
  马 丁:那些女孩是谁?
  艾 伦:哪些女孩?
  马 丁:那边那些女孩,你刚才在和她们说话。
  艾 伦:她们是朋友。
  马 丁:她们和你同校吗?
  艾 伦:有一些是。
  马 丁:哪一些?
  艾 伦:你看见那个高个儿女孩了吗?她留着黑发,头很小,一双棕色大眼睛。
  马 丁:你刚才是和她交谈吗?
  艾 伦:是的。
  马 丁:是的,我看见她了。
  艾 伦:她在学校和我同班。你看见那些女孩后面的那个女的了吗?
  马 丁:她坐着吗?
  艾 伦:是的,她坐着。她和一个小男孩坐在一起,她是那个女孩的母亲。还有那个男孩是她的弟弟。
  马 丁:她父亲在哪儿?
  艾 伦:他在拿吃的过来。你看见那个矮个儿的女孩了吗?
  马 丁:棕色头发的那个?
  艾 伦:不,金黄色头发的那个。
  马 丁:对了,她站在那个高个儿女孩旁边。
  艾 伦:她也在我那个学校,她不在我班上。她的父母也在这儿,你认识他们吗?
  马 丁:我不认识。他们叫什么?
  艾 伦:科维萨夫妇。
  马 丁:我知道这个姓。他们在哪儿?
  艾 伦:科维萨先生长得很胖。
  马 丁:他并不是很胖!他只是长得壮。
  艾 伦:他胖,他又矮又胖。
  马 丁:哪一个女的是科维萨太太?
  艾 伦:我没看到她。
  马 丁:其他女孩是谁?
  艾 伦:她们不是我那个学校的,我今天才见到她们。你想游泳吗?
  马 丁:也许过一会儿吧,你去吧,苏喜欢和你游泳。
  艾 伦:好吧,一会儿见。

  New Words Expressions 生词和短语
  brown adj. 棕色的
  swim suit n. 游泳衣/裤
  pretty adj. 漂亮的
  beautiful adj. 美丽的
  nice adj. 好看的
  blonde adj. 金黄色的

  Language Points 语言要点

  1. She's the one with black hair. 她是那个黑头发的。
  由 with 所引导的短语形容人的自然特征,例如:
  a girl with blonde hair 金发女郎
  a boy with blue eyes 蓝眼睛小男孩
  a man with a big nose 大鼻子男人
  由 in 引导的短语一般形容人的穿戴,例如:
  a girl in a white dress 白衣少女
  a man in blue jeans 穿牛仔裤的男子
  a woman in a brown sweater 穿棕色毛衣的妇女
  2 .I can't see his eyes. 我看不见他的眼睛。
  see 表示“看见”,强调能否看得见这一结果,例如:
  Can you see two people there? 你能看见那边两个人吗?
  I see Sue's blonde hair. 我看见苏的金黄色头发。
  Can't you watch, Martin? 马丁,你难道不能看(我们游)吗?
  watch 表示很关注地“看”,或是“注意”,例如:
  They watched the children dancing. 他们观看孩子们跳舞。
  Watch your step, please. 请注意走好。
  Look out there. Can you see them? 往那儿看。你看见他们了吗?
  look 强调“看”的动作,例如:
  I look inside the wallet, but saw nothing in it.
  Look at the map. Did you see the location of the city?
  Cultural Notes 文化注释

  美国人特别喜欢户外活动(outdoor activities),常见的有各种球类、游泳、野餐(picnic)、烧烤(barbecue)、野外宿营(camping)、日光浴(sun-bathing),等等。

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发表于 2016-7-15 01:35:13 | 显示全部楼层

  Conversation A : At a Concert
  CARA: That was beautiful. Did you like it, Martin?
  MARTIN: It was wonderful.
  CARA: Did you like it, Howard?
  HOWARD: Of course.
  CARA: Now, Howard, which one is your sister?
  HOWARD: That woman playing the violin.
  CARA: Which one?
  HOWARD: She has a black dress.
  MARTIN: They all have black dresses.
  HOWARD: She has red hair.
  CARA: Oh, I see. She has beautiful hands. She has long fingers.
  MARTIN: Yes, she does. I like her hair. Your hair isn't red.
  HOWARD: Our father's hair is red. He doesn't like his red hair.
  CARA: Does your sister like her hair?
  HOWARD: Yes, she does.
  CARA: It's very nice.
  MARTIN: Is her violin old?
  HOWARD: Yes, it is. It's very old.
  CARA: Martin, who is that man over there?
  MARTIN: Which man?
  CARA: He's sitting behind that tall man.
  MARTIN: The man with white hair?
  CARA: No, no. Look to the right. Do you see that tall man?
  MARTIN: Maybe.
  CARA: Who is the man sitting behind the tall man?
  MARTIN: I can't see his face.
  CARA: Now look.
  HOWARD: Is he the man with the large head?
  CARA: Yes. He has a round face and brown hair.
  MARTIN: He's a Senator.
  HOWARD: What's his name?
  MARTIN: I don't know.
  CARA: Where is he from?
  MARTIN: I don't know.
  Practice 1:依照会话A回答下列问题:
  1.How do they like the music?
  2.How is Howard's sister different from other players.
  3.Does Howard have red hair like his sister?
  4.What color is Howard's father's hair?
  5.Is his sister's violin new or old?
  6.What does the Senator look like?
  会话A : 在音乐会上
  卡 拉:刚才那首曲子很优美。你喜欢吗?马丁。
  马 丁:非常美。
  卡 拉:你喜欢吗?霍华德?
  卡 拉:霍华德,现在告诉我,哪一个是你姊妹?
  卡 拉:哪一个?
  马 丁:她们都穿着黑色礼裙。
  卡 拉:啊,我看见了。她的手很美,手指很长。
  马 丁:是的。我喜欢她的头发,你的头发并不红。
  卡 拉:你姊妹喜欢自己的头发吗?
  卡 拉:很漂亮。
  马 丁:她的小提琴有年头了吧?
  卡 拉:马丁,那边的那个男的是谁?
  马 丁:哪个?
  卡 拉:他坐在那个高个儿男的后面。
  马 丁:那个白头发男的吗?
  卡 拉:不,不,往右看,你看见那个高个儿男的了吗?
  马 丁:差不多。
  卡 拉:坐在高个儿男的后面的那个男的是谁?
  马 丁:我看不见他的脸。
  卡 拉:现在看。
  卡 拉:是的。他长着圆脸,棕色头发。
  马 丁:他是参议员。
  马 丁:我不知道。
  卡 拉:他从哪儿来?
  马 丁:我不知道。

  Conversation B

  MARTIN: Your sister is wonderful, Howard.
  CARA: Yes, she is. She's very pretty, too.
  HOWARD: Thank you.
  CARA: Is she very tall?
  HOWARD: Yes, she is.
  CARA: She has long arms and long fingers.
  MARTIN: You're not tall. Is your father tall?
  HOWARD: No, he's short. My mother is short. I'm short, too. HOWARD:But my sister and brother are tall.
  CARA: What color are her eyes?
  HOWARD: They are blue.
  CARA: I like red hair and blue eyes.
  HOWARD: Don't you like my hair?
  MARTIN: You don't have any hair.
  HOWARD: I have some hair.
  CARA: You have very nice blue eyes, too.
  Practice 2:描述人的外貌特征。
  HOWARD: She has red hair.
  CARA: She has beautiful hands. She has long fingers.
  MARTIN: Your hair isn't red.
  HOWARD: My father's hair is red.
  HOWARD: Is he the man with the large head?
  CARA: Yes. He has round face and brown hair.
  马 丁:你姊妹演奏得真棒,霍华德。
  卡 拉:是啊。而且她也很漂亮。
  卡 拉:她个儿很高吗?
  卡 拉:她的手臂和手指修长。
  马 丁:你并不高,你父亲高吗?
  卡 拉:她的眼睛是什么颜色的?
  卡 拉:我喜欢红头发、蓝眼睛。
  马 丁:你根本就没头发。
  卡 拉:你还长着很漂亮的蓝眼睛。

  Conversation C

  CARA: Howard, your sister is very beautiful. Is your brother handsome?
  HOWARD: Of course. We're all handsome. But he has hair.
  MARTIN: Would you like a drink?
  CARA: Yes, please. Anything.
  HOWARD: May I help?
  MARTIN: No, thanks. I'm going to get them.
  CARA: Howard, do you see that large woman?
  HOWARD: The one behind Martin?
  CARA: No, no. The one with brown hair.
  HOWARD: The one with the white dress?
  CARA: Yes. Who is she?
  HOWARD: She works in our building.
  CARA: Where does she work?
  HOWARD: Upstairs. She knows Martin. They're talking.
  CARA: Do you know her?
  HOWARD: Yes. She's very interesting.
  MARTIN: How are you, Helen?
  HELEN: Fine, thanks. Do you like the concert?
  MARTIN: Yes. Very much. Do you like the music?
  HELEN: Yes, I do. Who is that woman with Howard?
  MARTIN: She's Cara Guiterrez.
  HELEN: She has a very nice face. But she's very thin.
  MARTIN: Come meet her.
  MARTIN: Here you are.
  CARA: Thank you, Martin.
  HOWARD: Thanks.
  MARTIN: Cara, this is Helen Stockdale.
  CARA: Hello. I'm Cara Guiterrez.
  HELEN: Martin told me. I'm happy to meet you. Hello, Howard. How are you?
  HOWARD: Fine, thanks. How are you?
  HELEN: Fine, thanks. Do you like the concert, Howard?
  HOWARD: I love it.
  CARA: His sister is playing.
  HELEN: That's wonderful. Which one is she?
  MARTIN: She plays the violin.
  HOWARD: She's very tall. She has red hair and blue eyes.
  CARA: She has long arms and long fingers.
  HELEN: Yes, I know.
  CARA: Helen, do you know that man? He has gray hair and gray eyes.
  HELEN: I don't see him.
  CARA: He's behind that fat woman.
  HELEN: Is she short?
  CARA: Yes. She has a very round face.
  MARTIN: What color are her eyes?
  CARA: I can't see her eyes.
  HELEN: Does she have black hair?
  CARA: Yes, she does.
  HELEN: That's Mrs. Van Wolk. She has a cafe on M Street.
  CARA: Oh, yes. Now I see.
  HELEN: I don't know the man.
  CARA: When is the concert finished?
  HOWARD: At 10:30.
  Practice 3:依照对话C回答下列问题。
  1.Are Howard's sister and brother and he himself all good-looking?
  2.Who is going to get some drinks?
  3.How does Howard comment on the large woman?
  4.Who is the large woman?
  5.Do Helen and Martin both like the concert? 
  6.What does Helen think of Cara's look?
  7.Who is the fat woman?
  8.What does she do?
  Practice 4:描述人的外貌特征。
  CARA: Howard, your sister is very beautiful. Is your brother handsome?
  HOWARD: We're all handsome.
  CARA: Do you see that large woman? The one with brown hair?
  HELEN: She has a very nice face. But she is very thin.
  CARA: She has long arms and fingers.
  HOWARD: She has red hair and blue eyes.
  CARA: He has gray hair and gray eyes.
  卡 拉:霍华德,你姊妹长得很美,你兄弟也英俊吗?
  马 丁:你想喝点什么吗?
  卡 拉:请来点,什么都行。
  马 丁:不必了,谢谢。我去弄些来。
  卡 拉:霍,你看见那个大块头女的了吗?
  卡 拉:不,不。棕色头发的那个。
  卡 拉:是的。她是谁?
  卡 拉:她在哪儿工作?
  卡 拉:你认识她吗?
  马 丁:你好吗,海伦?
  海 伦:很好,谢谢。你喜欢这场音乐会吗?
  马 丁:很喜欢。你喜欢这音乐吗?
  海 伦:我喜欢。跟霍在一起的那个女的是谁?
  马 丁:她是卡拉·克蒂埃勒兹。
  海 伦:她的脸蛋儿很漂亮,但她很瘦。
  马 丁:来见见她。
  马 丁:给你。
  卡 拉:谢谢,马丁。
  马 丁:卡拉,这是海伦·斯托克代尔。
  卡 拉:你好。我叫卡拉·克蒂埃勒兹。
  海 伦:马丁告诉过我,很高兴见到你。你好,霍。你怎么样?
  海 伦:不错,谢谢。爸爸喜欢这场音乐会吗,霍?
  卡 拉:他姊妹参加了演奏。
  海 伦:好极了。她是哪一位?
  马 丁:她拉小提琴。
  卡 拉:她的手臂和手指修长。
  海 伦:我知道了。
  卡 拉:海伦,你认识那个人吗?他长着灰白头发,灰眼睛。
  海 伦:我看不见他。
  卡 拉:他在那个胖女人的后面。
  海 伦:那个女的个儿矮吗?
  卡 拉:是的。她长着圆脸。
  马 丁:她的眼睛是什么颜色的?
  卡 拉:我看不见她的眼睛。
  海 伦:她长头黑头发吗?
  卡 拉:是的。
  海 伦:那是范·沃尔克太太,她在M街开了家咖啡馆。
  卡 拉:噢,是啊。现在我知道了。
  海 伦:我不认识那个人。
  卡 拉:音乐会什么时候结束?
  New Words and Expressions 生词和短语

  violin n. 小提琴
  senator n. 参议员
  handsome adj. 英俊的
  gray adj. 灰色的

  Language Points 语言要点

  1.That woman playing the violin. 拉小提琴的那个女的。
  playing the violin 是动词的现在分词短语,为 that woman 的定语,相当于 That woman who is playing the violin. 再如:
  Who is the man sitting behind the tall man?
  The girl talking to Alan has blonde hair.
  There are some students chatting and laughing in the corridor.
  2. Look to the right. 朝右看。
  to the right/left 表示朝右/左方向,on the right/left 表示在右/左面某个位置,其它常用的方位词还有 next to, behind, in front of, above, under 等。
  3. Come meet her. 来见见她。
  此为口语表达法,相当于 Come and meet her. 或 Come to meet her.

  Cultural Notes 文化注释

  美国是个移民国家,有全世界各种族的人,常被称为 melting pot(大熔炉)或更确切地被称为 salad bowl(色拉钵),因为各种族的人既是美国人,同时还保留了一些本族的文化特点。其中有欧洲白人(whites)、黑人(blacks)、拉美移民(the Hispanic)、印第安人(Indians)、东方人(Orientals)等等。这使得美国人在皮肤、头发及眼睛的颜色上彼此呈现出很大的差异。以白人为例,其头发就有 bolnde, brown, black, red 等,眼睛有 blue, brown, gray, green 等。白人女子可分为 a blonde (金发女子),a brunette (黑发女子),a redhead (红发女子) 等。

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2016-7-15 02:40:09 | 显示全部楼层

  Conversation A : At a Football Game

  MARTIN: Hello, Lee. How are you?
  LEE: Fine, thanks. How are you?
  MARTIN: Fine, thanks. You're early. Who was that young man with you?
  LEE: He's my son.
  MARTIN: How old is he? He's very big.
  LEE: He's fifteen. He wants to play football.
  MARTIN: Does he play now?
  LEE: Yes, he does. He plays in school. He's sitting with my brother.
  MARTIN: Which man is your brother?
  LEE: He has curly brown hair.
  MARTIN: Is he on the left?
  LEE: Yes, he's the one.
  MARTIN: His hair is black.
  LEE: No, it's dark brown. Here's Waleed.
  WALEED: Hi.
  MARTIN: Good afternoon, Waleed.
  LEE: How are you?
  WALEED: Fine, thanks. How are you, Lee?
  LEE: Fine.
  WALEED: How are you, Martin?
  MARTIN: I'm OK. Sit here, Waleed.
  WALEED: Thanks. Who is that?
  LEE: Which one?
  WALEED: Do you see that very tall man?
  LEE: I see two tall men. Which one?
  WALEED: He has light brown hair.
  LEE: Does he have very big feet?
  WALEED: Yes, he does! He has very big feet.
  LEE: Is that the coach?
  MARTIN: Yes, it is.
  WALEED: Where is the other coach?
  LEE: He's over there. Do you see that man with blond hair?
  WALEED: Is he short?
  LEE: Yes. He has a black book.
  WALEED: Yes, I see. Is your son here?
  LEE: Yes, he is. he's sitting with my brother.
  WALEED: Where?
  LEE: Over there.
  WALEED: What does he look like?
  MARTIN: He's big.
  WALEED: How old is he?
  LEE: He's fifteen years old.
  MARTIN: He has dark brown hair.
  LEE: No, he doesn't. He has black hair. My brother has dark brown hair.
  MARTIN: He has straight black hair.
  WALEED: Is it long?
  LEE: It's not very long.
  WALEED: What does your brother look like?
  MARTIN: He has curly brown hair.
  LEE: That's right.
  WALEED: I see them. Your son is very handsome.
  LEE: Thanks. He wants to play football.
  Practice 1:
  1.How old is Lee's son?
  2.What does he want to do?
  3.What color is Lee's brother's hair?
  4.Where is he sitting?
  5.Who is the very tall man with light brown hair and big feet?
  6.Does the other coach also have light brown hair?
  7.Is he tall or short?
  8.What does he have with him?
  Practice 2:问某人长相如何可用:What does he/she look like?他/她长得什么样?
  WALEED: What does he look like?
  MARTIN: He's big.
  WALEED: What does your brother look like?
  MARTIN: He has curly brown hair.
  会话A : 在橄榄球赛场
  马 丁:嘿,李。你好吗?
  李 :很好,谢谢。你好吗?
  马 丁:很好,谢谢。你早。刚才和你在一起那个男的是谁?
  李 :他是我儿子。
  马 丁:他多大了?他长得很大。
  李 :他15岁,他想打橄榄球。
  马 丁:他现在打橄榄球吗?
  李 :是的,他打。他在学校打橄榄球,他和我兄弟在一起。
  马 丁:哪个是你兄弟?
  李 :他长着棕色卷发。
  马 丁:他在左边吗?
  李 :是的,就是他。
  马 丁:他的头发是黑的。
  李 :不,是深棕色。这是瓦利德。
  马 丁:下午好,瓦利德。
  李 :你好吗?
  李 :很好。
  马 丁:还可以。坐这儿,瓦利德。
  李 :哪个?
  李 :我看见两个高个儿男的,哪一个?
  李 :他的脚很大吗?
  李 :那人是教练吗?
  马 丁:是的。
  李 :他在那边。你看见长着金黄色头发那个男的了吗?
  李 :是的。他拿着一本黑色的书。
  李 :是的,他在。他和我兄弟坐在一起。
  李 :那边。
  马 丁:他长得很大。
  李 :他15岁。
  马 丁:他长着深棕色头发。
  李 :不对,他长着黑头发。我兄弟长着深棕色头发。
  马 丁:他长着黑直头发。
  李 :不很长。
  马 丁:他长着卷曲的棕色头发。
  李 :对。
  李 :谢谢。他想打橄榄球。

  Conversation B
  WALEED: Lee, does your son play football now?
  LEE: Yes, he does. He plays in high school.
  MARTIN: Does he want to go to college?
  LEE: Yes, he does. He wants to play college football.
  WALEED: Lee, who is that woman with your brother?
  LEE: I can't see. What does she look like?
  WALEED: She has long blonde hair.
  MARTIN: She's very tall and thin.
  LEE: Is she pretty?
  WALEED: She's very pretty.
  MARTIN: She's sitting behind your brother.
  LEE: Oh. I see. That's my sister.
  Practice 3:依照会话B回答下列问题:
  1.Where does Lee's son play football?
  2.What does she look like?
  李 :是的,他打。他在中学打橄榄球。
  马 丁:他想上大学吗?
  李 :是的,他想。他想在大学打橄榄球。
  李 :我看不见,她长得什么样?
  马 丁:她个儿很高,很瘦。
  李 :她漂亮吗?
  马 丁:她坐在你兄弟的后面。
  李 :啊,我看见了。那是我姊妹。

  Conversation C
  WALEED: Lee, your son is very handsome and your sister is very pretty.
  LEE: We're a handsome family.
  MARTIN: Some are handsome and some are not.
  LEE: Do you see that player over there?
  MARTIN: The very big player?
  LEE: Yes. He's the one with long legs and big arms.
  WALEED: This is a football game. There are many players with long legs and big arms.
  LEE: I know. Do you see that short player? Look behind the short player. Now do you see the one with long legs and big arms?
  MARTIN: Maybe.
  LEE: Who is he?
  WALEED: He's a new player.
  MARTIN: I don't know his name. He came from Dallas.
  LEE: Would you like something to eat?
  WALEED: Something to drink.
  Practice 4:依照会话C回答下列问题:
  1.Are there many players with long legs and big arms?
  2.Where is the new player from?
  李 :我们一家都漂亮。
  马 丁:有些漂亮,有些不漂亮。
  李 :你看见那边那个队员了吗?
  马 丁:很膀的那个队员吗?
  李 :对,他的腿长得很长,胳膊也很粗。
  李 :我知道。你看见那个矮个儿的队员了吗?往那个矮个儿队员后面看,现在你看见那个长腿粗胳膊的队员了吧?
  马 丁:也许。
  李 :他是谁?
  马 丁:我不知道他的姓名,他从达拉斯来。
  李 :你想吃点什么吗?
  Conversation D

  WALEED: Martin, does your son play football?
  MARTIN: He's not on the team. I don't want him to play football. He's too small.
  WALEED: He isn't very small. He's tall.
  MARTIN: But he's too thin.
  WALEED: There's Lee over there. Who is that?
  MARTIN: I can't see him. Is it his brother?
  WALEED: No, It isn't.
  MARTIN: What does he look like?
  WALEED: He's not very tall.
  MARTIN: What color is his hair?
  WALEED: I can't see his hair. He has a cap. Come here. Can you see him now?
  MARTIN: Is he the one with a red cap?
  WALEED: Yes, that's the man.
  MARTIN: It looks like Lee's brother.
  WALEED: His brother is sitting with Lee's son.
  LEE: OK. I have hot dogs.
  MARTIN: What do you have to drink?
  LEE: I have two beers and one coke.
  WALEED: May I have the coke?
  LEE: Of course.
  MARTIN: Who was the man in the red cap?
  LEE: That's my uncle. He loves football. He comes to every game. 
  WALEED: He looks like your brother.
  MARTIN: He doesn't look like you.
  LEE: That's right. He's the handsome uncle. Let's eat.
  MARTIN: Did you play football, Waleed?
  WALEED: No. I played soccer. My family likes soccer.
  LEE: My family loves football.
  Practice 5:依照会话D回答下列问题:
  1.Why doesn't Martin want his son to play football?
  2.Is Martin's son on the football team?
  3.What about Waleed's family?
  4.Does Lee's family like soccer, too?
  Practice 6:形容词加在“be”动词后或名词前来描述人的特征。
  MARTIN: He is very big. He is fifteen years old.
  His hair is black. No, it's dark brown.
  He has curly brown hair.
  Do you see that very tall man?
  I see two tall men.
  马 丁:他不在球队,我不想让他打橄榄球,他太小了。
  马 丁:但他太瘦了。
  马 丁:我看不见他。那是他兄弟吗?
  马 丁:他长得什么样?
  马 丁:他的头发是什么颜色?
  马 丁:他是不是那个戴红帽子的?
  马 丁:看起来像李的兄弟。
  李 :好了。我买来热狗了。
  马 丁:我买来什么喝的了?
  李 :我买了两罐啤酒一罐可乐。
  李 :当然。
  马 丁:刚才戴红帽子的那个男的是谁?
  李 :那是我叔叔。他特别喜欢橄榄球。他每场都来。
  马 丁:他长得不像你。
  李 :那就对了,他是我那个漂亮叔叔。咱们吃吧。
  马 丁:瓦利德,你打过橄榄球吗?
  李 :我们家特别喜欢橄榄球。

  New Words and Expressions 生词和短语

  football n. 美式足球
  curly adj. 卷曲的
  blond adj. (男子)金黄头发的
  straight adj. 直的
  college n. 学院
  hot dog n. 热狗
  soccer n.足球
  Proper Nouns 专有名词

  Dallas 达拉斯(美国城市名)

  Language Poirts 语言要点

  1. He wants to play football. 他想玩美式足球。
  play soccer/baseball/tennis/basketball
  而在乐器名词前加冠词 the.
  2. Does he want to go to college? 他想上大学吗?
  college 一般指规模较小而专业单一的学院,也可泛指高等学校。university 指规模较大的综合大学,其中可包括 college, school, department 等。school 是最泛指的词,可指任何规模级别的教育机构,但常用于比较初级的学校。
  3. I have two beers and one coke. 我要2个啤酒,1个可乐。
  beer 是不可数名词,但这儿表示2瓶(2 bottles)或2罐(2 cans)啤酒,故加-s。

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发表于 2016-7-15 03:55:20 | 显示全部楼层

  Conversation A: In a Western Clothing Store

  MARTIN: Hello, I'm Martin Learner. I phoned this morning. I want to speak to the manager.
  MANAGER: Good afternoon. I'm the manager.
  MARTIN: I'm happy to meet you. I want to talk to you about your clothing store. I'm writing a story.
  MANAGER: You told me. Are you writing about the store?
  MARTIN: I write about people. I want to write about the shoppers in your store.
  MANAGER: Fine. What do you want to know?
  MARTIN: What's your name?
  MANAGER: I'm Penny Byrd.
  MARTIN: May I call you Penny?
  MANAGER: Of course.
  MARTIN: Thanks. Do you sell men's clothing?
  MANAGER: Yes. We sell women's and men's clothing. The men's clothing is over there.
  MARTIN: What do you sell?
  MANAGER: We sell only Western clothing.
  MARTIN: Western clothing. What does that mean?
  MANAGER: The Western United States. People in the Western United States wear this clothing. Now many people like it.
  MARTIN: Do all people wear this clothing?
  MANAGER: No. Only some people wear this clothing. It's casual clothing.
  MARTIN: Is it cowboy clothing?
  MANAGER: Sometimes. Cowboys wear some of this clothing.
  MARTIN: OK. Now, let's look at some shoppers. Do you see that tall woman?
  MANAGER: Yes, I know her. She shops here often. She likes Western clothing. She's tall and thin. She looks very nice in Western shirts and pants.
  MARTIN: She doesn't look like a cowboy.
  MANAGER: No, she doesn't.
  MARTIN: Do you know the other woman?
  MANAGER: Yes, that's her daughter.
  MARTIN: She's very pretty.
  MANAGER: She works in a jewelry store. She likes long dresses for work. Her legs are long. She's very tall. She's big. She likes Western clothing. Come see the men's clothing.
  MARTIN: This shirt is nice.
  MANAGER: Do you like these things? Do you wear Western clothing?
  MARTIN: No. I'm not tall and thin.
  MANAGER: You're not short. And you're not fat.
  MARTIN: I'm average. I'm not tall and I'm not short. I'm not thin and I'm not fat.
  MANAGER: You have nice hair.
  MARTIN: It's average. It's not dark and it's not light. It's average brown. I'm only average.
  Practice 1:依照会话A回答下列问题:
  1.Why does Martin come to the store?
  2.What does Martin want to write in his story?
  3.What does the manager sell?
  4.Do only cowboys wear Western clothing?
  5.What does she look like?
  6.Where does she work?
  会话A : 在一家西部服装店
  马 丁:你好。我是马丁·勒纳,我今早打过电话,我想和经理谈谈。
  经 理:下午好。我就是经理。
  马 丁:见到你很高兴。我想和你谈谈你的服装店,我在写一篇报导。
  经 理:你告诉过我。你要写我这个店吗?
  马 丁:我写有关人的报导,我想写你们店里的顾客。
  经 理:好。你想知道些什么?
  马 丁:你叫什么名?
  经 理:我叫彭尼·伯德。
  马 丁:我可以叫你彭尼吗?
  经 理:当然。
  马 丁:谢谢。你们卖男装吗?
  经 理:卖。我们男女装都卖,男装在那边。
  马 丁:你们都卖什么?
  经 理:我们只卖西部服装。
  马 丁:西部服装,什么意思?
  经 理:美国西部,美国西部的人穿这种服装,现在很多人都喜欢这种服装。
  马 丁:所有人都穿这种服装吗?
  经 理:不,只有一些人穿这种服装,这种服装很随便。
  马 丁:这是不是牛仔服装。
  经 理:有时候是。牛仔们穿一部分这类服装。
  马 丁:好了,现在咱们看一看顾客。你看见那位高个儿女子了吗?
  经 理:看见了,我认识她,她常在这儿买东西。她喜欢西部服装,她又高又瘦她穿西部衬衫和裤子很好看。
  马 丁:她不像牛仔。
  经 理:不,她不像。
  马 丁:你认识另一个女的吗?
  经 理:认识,那是她女儿。
  马 丁:她很漂亮。
  经 理:她在一家珠宝店工作,她喜欢穿长裙上班。她的腿修长,她个儿很高,她长得很大,她喜欢西部服装。过来看看男子服装。
  马 丁:这件衬衫很好看。
  经 理:你喜欢这些吗?你穿西部服装吗?
  马 丁:不。我既不高也不瘦。
  经 理:你个儿不矮。再有,你也不胖。
  马 丁:我算中等儿。我不高,也不矮。我不瘦,也不胖。
  经 理:你头发长得好看。
  马 丁:中等儿。既不深也不浅,中等儿棕色,我只是中等儿。
  Conversation B

  MANAGER: Do you like this shirt?
  MARTIN: Yes, I do. I like blue.
  MANAGER: You have blue eyes.
  MARTIN: They're not blue. They're gray.
  MANAGER: They look blue. Are your arms long?
  MARTIN: They're not very long. They're not short. Let's talk about other people.
  MANAGER: Of course.
  MARTIN: Do you see that woman in the green dress?
  MANAGER: Yes, she often shops here.
  MARTIN: She's not very tall. And she's not fat.
  MANAGER: She looks very nice.
  Practice 3:依照会话B回答下列问题:
  1.How does the manager try to persuade Martin to buy the shirt?
  2.Does the woman in the green dress often shop in this store?
  经 理:你喜欢这件衬衫吗?
  马 丁:我喜欢。我喜欢蓝色。
  经 理:你长着蓝眼睛。
  马 丁:不是蓝的,是灰的。
  经 理:看起来是蓝的。你胳膊长吗?
  马 丁:不很长,也不短。咱们谈谈其他人吧。
  经 理:当然可以。
  马 丁:你看见那个穿绿裙子的妇女了吗?
  经 理:看见了,她常在这儿买东西。
  马 丁:她个儿不很高。还有,她也不胖。
  经 理:她很好看。

  Conversation C
  MARTIN: May I talk to some of the shoppers?
  MANAGER: Of course.
  MARTIN: Excuse me. May I ask some questions?
  MANAGER: This is Martin Learner. He's a reporter.
  MARTIN: Do you like this clothing?
  FEMALE: Yes.
  MARTIN: What do you like?
  FEMALE: I like the shirts. I like the pants. I like the skirts. I like everything.
  MARTIN: Do you like the colors?
  FEMALE: Yes. See this blue dress. It's very nice.
  MANAGER: You look wonderful in blue.
  FEMALE: I'm very big. I'm tall and I'm big. I like the outdoors. This clothing is good outdoors.
  MANAGER: The clothing is strong.
  FEMALE: And I'm strong.
  MARTIN: Are you a farmer?
  FEMALE: No, but I work outdoors. I'm a gardener. I like to work in my garden.
  MARTIN: Do you wear this in the garden?
  FEMALE: Not only in the garden.
  MARTIN: Thanks.
  Practice 4:照会话C回答下列问题:
  1.What kind of Western clothing does the female shopper like?
  2.How does the shopper talk about herself?
  3.What does she do?
  4.Does she wear Western clothing only in the garden?
  马 丁:我可以和一些顾客谈谈吗?
  经 理:当然。
  马 丁:对不起,我可以问几个问题吗?
  经 理:这是马丁·勒纳,他是记者。
  女 :好。
  马 丁:你喜欢这种服装吗?
  女 :喜欢。
  马 丁:喜欢什么?
  女 :我喜欢这种衬衫,我喜欢这种裤子,我喜欢这种裙子,我喜欢(这儿的)一切。
  马 丁:你喜欢这些颜色吗?
  女 :喜欢。看这条蓝裙子,很好看。
  经 理:你穿蓝色真漂亮。
  女 :我长得很大,我又高又大。我喜欢户外活动,这种服装很适合在户外。
  经 理:这种服装很结实。
  女 :我也很结实。
  马 丁:你是农民吗?
  女 :不是,但我在户外干活。我是园艺师,我喜欢在自己的园子里干活。
  马 丁:你在园子里就穿这吗?
  女 :不只在园子里穿。
  马 丁:谢谢。
  Conversation D
  MANAGER: Good morning. May I help you?
  MAN: Yes. I want a hat.
  MANAGER: Let me show you these hats.
  MARTIN: Excuse me. I'm a reporter. I want to ask some questions.
  MAN: A reporter!
  MANAGER: He's writing a story about Western clothing.
  MARTIN: That's right. Do you wear Western clothing?
  MAN: Sometimes. It's good casual clothing. I want a Western hat.
  MANAGER: Do you like this one?
  MAN: I have a large head.
  MANAGER: This is a large hat.
  MAN: Let me try it.
  MARTIN: Do you like it?
  MAN: No, I don't. My face is very round. I don't like the hat.
  MANAGER: Try this one.
  MAN: My head looks very big.
  MARTIN: You look tall.
  MAN: I like that. I'm not very tall.
  MANAGER: You're not very short.
  MAN: I'm average.
  MARTIN: I'm only average. We're both average. Do you like this clothing?
  MAN: Yes.
  MARTIN: Are you a cowboy?
  MAN: A cowboy! I'm not a cowboy.
  MARTIN: Are you a farmer?
  MAN: I'm a lawyer. My home is in the city. This is casual clothing. It isn't clothing for work. How do I look? 
  MANAGER: You look very nice.
  MAN: My head is very big. I'm not very tall. My arms are short. My legs are short and I'm fat, but the hat is nice.
  Practice 5:依照会话D回答下列问题:
  1.Does the man wear Western clothing?
  2.Why doesn't the man like the hat the manager has chosen for him?
  3.How tall is the man?
  4.Is the man a cowboy or a farmer since he likes Western clothing so much?
  Practice 6:描述自己
  FEMALE: I'm very big. I'm tall and big. I'm strong.
  MAN: My head is very big. I'm not very tall. My arms are short.
  My legs are short. And I'm fat.
  经 理:早晨好,我能帮你什么吗?
  男 :是的,我想买一顶帽子。
  经 理:让我拿这些帽子给你看。
  马 丁:对不起,我是记者,我想问几个问题。
  男 :记者!
  经 理:他在写一篇有关西部服装的报导。
  马 丁:对。你穿西部服装吗?
  男 :有时候。这是很好的便装,我想买一顶西部帽子。
  经 理:你喜欢这一顶吗?
  男 :我的头长得很大。
  经 理:这是顶大号帽子。
  男 :我来试试。
  马 丁:你喜欢吗?
  男 :我不喜欢。我的脸很圆,我不喜欢这顶帽子。
  经 理:试这一顶。
  男 :我的头看起来很大。
  马 丁:你看起来个头高。
  男 :我喜欢那个。我并不很高。
  经 理:你不矮。
  男 :我中等(个儿)。
  马 丁:我也只是中等,咱俩都是中等。你喜欢这种服装吗?
  男 :喜欢。
  马 丁:你是牛仔吗?
  男 :牛仔!我不是牛仔。
  马 丁:你是农场主吗?
  男 :我是律师,我家在城里。这是便装,不是上班穿的。我看起来怎样?
  经 理:你很好看。
  男 :我的头很大,我不很高,我的胳膊短。我的腿短,我很胖,但帽子不错。
  Conversation E

  MANAGER: Mr. Learner, do you see that woman over there?
  MARTIN: I see three women. Which one?
  MANAGER: Do you see the one with small feet?
  MARTIN: Small feet? Maybe.
  MANAGER: She has small feet and small hands.
  MARTIN: Is she short?
  MANAGER: Yes, she is. She has a small face. It's not a round face.
  MARTIN: Does she have blonde hair?
  MANAGER: Yes, that's the woman. She is on television.
  MANAGER: She reads the news on television.
  MARTIN: And she likes Western clothing.
  MANAGER: Of course.
  Practice 7:依照会话E回答下列问题:
  1.What does the woman the manager is referring to look like?
  2.What is her profession? 
  经 理:勒纳先生,你看见那边那个女的了吗?
  马 丁:我看见3个女的,哪一个?
  经 理:你看见那个长着小脚的人了吗?
  马 丁:小脚?也许(看见了)。
  经 理:她脚长得小,手也小。
  马 丁:她个长矮吗?
  经 理:她个儿矮,她脸长得小,脸不圆。
  马 丁:她长着金黄色头发吗?
  经 理:对,就是那个女的。她在电视上播音,她在电视上播新闻。
  马 丁:她也喜欢西部服装。
  经 理:当然。

  New Words and Expressions 生词和短语

  Western adj. 西方的,美国西部的。
  jewelry n. 珠宝首饰
  average adj. 一般的,普通的
  outdoors adj. & n. 在室外,室外
  gardener n. 园丁
  Language Points 语言要点

  1. She doesn't look like a cowboy. 她看起来不像牛仔。
  look like 看起来像……
  sound like 听起来像……
  smell like 闻起来像……
  taste like 尝起来像……
  feel like (触)摸起来像……
  2. Come see the men's clothing. 来看看男式服装。
  come see 为口语表达法,相当于 come and see,或 come to see,再比如:come look at the shoes. 来看看鞋。Let's go buy a shirt. 咱们去买件衬衣。
  3. I like the outdoors. 我喜欢在室外。
  outdoors 在此是名词,表示户外、室外,它也可是副词,例如:I work outdoors. 我在室外工作。其形容词为 outdoor,例如:I like outdoor activities. 我喜欢室外活动。

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