Gossip n. 流言,闲话;爱拨弄是非的人;闲谈,聊天
It's a common gossip that they're having an affair. 大家都说他们之间关系暧昧。
She had a good gossip with a neighbor over the garden fence.
You're nothing but an old gossip! 你这个专门搬弄是非的老家伙!
Gossip vi. 传播流言,说长道短
She can spend a whole day gossiping with her neighbors. 她能一整天都跟邻居们说长道短。
Gossipy adj. 喋喋不休的,爱拨弄是非的
I am not gossipy. 我才不会长舌呢!
Have much idea about... 对……了解多,懂得多
I think I've had much idea about you. 我觉得我对你已经了解得差不多了。
I don't have much idea about that man. 我对那个男人了解不多。
You don't have much idea about my relationship with my ex.
This is not what you're thinking about; you don't have much idea about my
current situation. 事情并不像你想像的那样,你并不了解我的现状。
I have much idea about who I am. 我很清楚自己的谁。(我很了解自己)