1.diamond cuts diamond
2.a rough diamond/diamond in the rough
亮晶晶的钻石怎么会是rough的呢?其实这个说法就是用来形容那种才华横溢但是外表一般甚至很锉的人。这个时候我们要记住一句话:Don't judge
the book by its cover,不可以貌取人啊。这个短语也可以用来表示尚未开凿的璞玉,其内在价值尚未被别人发现的人,也就是指someone with
great potential,yet to be appreciated。和氏璧当年就是一块rough diamond。
3.A diamond is forever.
这句就是经典的戴比尔斯集团广告语,中文翻译尤其强大。其实这句话不是原创,它来源于一本小说里的一句:So I really think that
American gentlemen are the best after all, because kissing your hand may make
you feel very very good but a diamond and safire bracelet lasts forever.
4.Shine on,you crazy diamond
这一句出自Pink Floyd的一首歌,后来这句话就流传开来了,不过后来引用这句话的人未必知道起源是Pink Floyd的歌。这首歌是献给前主唱Syd
Barrett的,他也的确有些神经兮兮的,然而才华横溢,所以是crazy diamond。原来的歌词是:Remember when you were
young, you shone like the sun. Shine on, you crazy diamond.
我们可以跟身边的好朋友讲这句话,如果他够变态又够有才的话 |