A waxwing sits on the branch of a rowan tree in London. Photo: Dan Kitwood/Getty
Thousands of waxwings have descended on Great Britain after the failure of the birds' food sources in their native Scandinavian breeding grounds. The birds are thought to be the sign of a harsh winter to come.
如果你听到什么消息,但是不想透露消息来源,那么就可以说 'a little bird told me'. 字面意思是一只小鸟告诉我说,其实就是说某人告诉我。
A little bird told me that it's your birthday today!
We're looking for someone to take on this new project, and a little bird told me that you might be interested in the job?
A little bird told me that you've got a crush on someone in our class…
在英语里有一个短语来形容一个喜欢早起床的人或喜欢捷足先登者,那就是 early bird.
Give me a call in the morning: it doesn't matter what time, I'm such an early bird, I'll definitely be awake. |