Lady Gaga Asks Tony Bennett To Sing At HerWedding
Happy hump day on the one big good afternoon I'm GO Benito that here in
thetop four story by the online right now. Number four Lady Gaga might have
flunganything goes book when it comes to her big day. Nothing but the Tony
Bennetthimself will be the entertainment.
百变天后Lady GaGa即将与泰勒·基尼大婚, Lady gaga全家总动员筹备婚礼,GaGa邀请了传奇歌手托尼·班奈特为其婚礼献唱。
据美国杂志《Us Weekly》报导,Lady gaga打算用父母餐厅的食物宴客。婚礼将让Lady
gaga妹妹娜塔莉担任伴娘,由父亲牵她步入礼堂,至于地点则选在Lady gaga名下价值2300万美元的豪宅进行。