犹太新年 (希伯来语: ראש השנה ro’sh ha-shānāh,岁首的意思)是Tishrei
President Obama wishes all those celebrating the Jewish High Holidays a
happy and healthy new year.
President Obama’s Greeting for Rosh Hashanah
September 23, 2014
Hello. As Jews across America, Israel, and the world gather together for
the High Holidays, Michelle and I extend our warmest wishes to you and your
families for a sweet and happy new year.
My good friend Elie Wiesel once said that God gave human beings a secret,
and that secret was not how to begin but how to begin again. These days of awe
are a chance to celebrate target=_blank class=infotextkey>celebrate that
gift, to give thanks for the secret, the miracle of renewal.
In synagogues and homes over the coming days, Jews will reflect on a year
that carried its shares of challenges. We’ve been reminded many times that our
world still needs repair. So here at home we continue the hard work of
rebuilding our economy and restoring our American dream of opportunity for all.
Around the world, we continue to stand for the dignity of every human being, and
against the scourge of anti-Semitism, and we reaffirm the friendships and bonds
that keep us strong, including our unshakeable alliance with the State of
So let’s approach this new year with new confidence and new hope. Let’s
recommit ourselves to living out the values we share as individuals and as a
country. Above all, let’s embrace this God-given miracle of renewal, this
extraordinary opportunity to begin again in pursuit of justice, prosperity, and
peace. From my family to yours, shanah tovah.