Following an illustrious tradition of celebrity technology hires, which have included Lady GaGa and Alicia Keys, Ashton Kutcher is apparently now a product engineer for Lenovo, which times in well with the company's new tablet. Kutcher has shown a fair bit of interest in tech over the years, and has invested in some companies you might have heard of. He's also got over 15 million Twitter followers, which is bound to help the PC and smart device maker's social media marketing -- not forgetting that he's been more than vaguely linked to another tablet producer in the recent past. We've added the video below: Ashton's intro starts at 1:19 and you'll find the very necessary press release there too. We're presuming Kobe was otherwise engaged.
继艾丽西亚·凯斯和Lady Gaga 之后,阿什顿·库彻也遵循了名人在科技公司任职这一著名传统,现在在联想公司担任一名产品工程师,刚好在该公司发布新平板电脑的时候。库彻这些年显示出了对科技的浓厚兴趣,也投资了一些知名公司。他还有1500万的 twitter 粉丝,这铁定能帮上这家PC和智能设备制造商做社会化媒体营销的忙——更别说他最近和另一个平板电脑制造商剪不断的关系。我们加了下面这段视频:从1:19秒开始介绍阿什顿,你也会看见一些必需的信息。
(编辑:何莹莹) |