美国AMC电视台王牌剧《行尸走肉》(The Walking Dead)第三季即将播完。作为该剧的一号男主角,38岁的英国男星安德鲁·林肯(Andrew Lincoln)近日在接受采访时表示,该剧是自己从业以来最“酷”的工作,而对于正赶拍的第三季,他则表示将是“令人精神错乱的”。
According to experts, Americans love zombies because they represent whatever happens to be their greatest fear at the time.
“You can’t shoot the financial meltdown in the head – you can do that with a zombie,” said Max Brooks, author of the best-selling Zombie Survival Guide.
But the best thing about The Walking Dead is that it isn’t just about zombies. In this show they are more of a lens through which to observe the humans’ character and test their humanity to the limits.
“We must keep watching to reassure ourselves that, if faced with a global meltdown, zombie-virus-related or otherwise, we could survive,” said Jen Chaney of The Washington Post.
“我们必须目不转睛地收看,以便安慰自己,如果面对全球危机,僵尸病毒或者其他事情时,我们也能够存活,”《华盛顿邮报》的珍• 钱尼说道。
(编辑:何莹莹) |