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英语视频听力:抱怨飞机晚点 乘客被列黑名单









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发表于 2016-7-12 22:01:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

          Shanghai-based Spring Airlines has now been pushed into the spotlight after a passenger recently found herself banned from buying tickets from the airline. The move came after the passenger complained about a flight delay two months ago.
    Spring Airlines has confirmed they have blacklisted the passenger and some others on the same flight for their unruly behavior. But questions are popping up as to whether airlines have the power to create blacklists or refuse to take passengers.
    Shanghai-based Spring Airlines, is engaged in a heated debate regarding consumer rights.
    A passenger surnamed Liu complained to the media that she was banned from buying tickets from Spring Airlines after receiving 200 yuan in compensation on April 30 due to flight delays. She was told she is on the company’s "blacklist", which immediately triggered heated discussion online about growing public dissatisfaction regarding flight delays.
  The airline explained that only a few passengers were blacklisted, due to their hampering of other passengers’ rights.
    Zhang Wuan, Spokesperson of Spring Airlines, said, "We can totally understand their feelings regarding flight delays. But some passengers behaved so irrationally such as refusing to board the plane, blocking the boarding gate and preventing other passengers from boarding the plane. So we came up with the list."
   The list, dubbed the blacklist by many passengers, has stirred public debate about whether airlines have the power to create and enforce such lists.
   "I can accept the blacklist. Some of the passenger’s unruly behavior is just too irrational. Sometimes, it affected other passengers. I totally agree with the airlines."
    "I think it is unreasonable to blacklist these passengers. If the airline provided all the service that was required, I think those passengers would not have behaved irrationally."
   The airline began the list in 2007 to protect itself from passengers who acted irrationally. He said the company hopes the list will discourage passengers from overreacting and causing further flight delays.
   Zhang Wuan, said, "Passengers who agree to follow the terms when purchasing air tickets, will be welcomed and can be instantly removed from ’the list of passengers whom the airline has no ability to serve for the time-being."
           This is not an isolated case. The same thing happened two years ago due to a flight delay. Civil aviation authorities said airlines do not need approval from authorities to set up a blacklist.
     Many are calling for the establishment of rules for airlines concerning passenger blacklists, since airlines have different policies regarding compensation for flight delays. More stringent security checks for high-risk passengers are also being considered.

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