发表于 2016-7-13 01:41:23
6.Sheryl Sandberg 雪莉·桑德伯格
雪莉·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)1969年8月26日出生于华盛顿。曾任克林顿政府财政部长办公厅主任、谷歌全球在线销售和运营部门副总裁。现任Facebook首席运营官,被媒体称为“Facebook的第一夫人”,她也是第一位进入Facebook董事会的女性成员。
1.There is no straight path from your seat today to where you are going.
Don’t try to draw that line. You will not just get it wrong. You will miss big
opportunities and I mean big ,like the internet.
2.Careers are not ladders. Those days are long gone, but jungle gyms. Don’t
just move up and down. Don’t just look up. Look backwards, sideways, around
corners. Your career and your life will have starts and stops and zigs and zags.
Don’t stress out about the white space, the path you can try, because there in
lives both the surprises and the opportunities. As you open yourself up to
possibility, the most important thing I can tell you today is to open yourself
up to honesty, to telling the truth to each other, to be honesty to yourselves,
and to be honest about the world we live in.
职业不是梯子,那种时代一去不返了,职业更像是立体方格铁架,不要只上下移动,不要只往上看,还要往回看,往旁边看,看转角周围。你的职业和生活会有始终,会有曲折,不要对未来的道路太过忧虑,因为生活中充满了惊喜和机遇,你需要对各种可能性持开放态度。今天我要讲的最重要的一点就是,对诚实保持开放的态度。相互之间说老实话,对自己诚实,也对我们所生活的世界诚实。 |