First of all, remember that you are not alone. Listening comprehension is
probably the most difficult task for almost all learners of English as a foreign
language. So, now you know you are not alone....! OK. The most important thing
is to listen, and that means as often as possible. The next step is to find
listening resources. This is where the Internet really comes in handy as a tool
for English students.
Once you have begun to listen on a regular basis, you might still be
frustrated by limited understanding. What should you do?
Here is some of the advice:
• Accept the fact that you are not going to understand everything.
• Keep cool when you do not understand - even if you continue to not
understand for a long time.
• Do not translate into your native language .
• Listen for the gist of the conversation. Don't concentrate on detail
until you have understood the main ideas.
• 你要知道,你并不是为了完全听懂(才去听)。
• 当遇到听不懂的方—即便是很长一段都没有听懂,也不要气馁。
• 不要边听边在脑子里做翻译。
• 力求听懂对话的大意,不必拘泥细节。当然,在把握大意的基础上,才可抠细节。