In a moment,you are going to hear the rest of Yuki and Michael's conversation. They are discussing a book on the subject of famous first events in modern history. Before you listen,look at Questions 22 to 33. Note the examples that have been done for you. As you listen to the conversation,answer Questions 22 to 33.
Yuki:So,Michael,what is that book you're reading?
Michael:It's titled "Did You Know... Famous Firsts throughout the Modern Age."by Herbert Brown. It's a compilation of facts and dates about the first time certain events happened or when important items were invented.
Yuki:I am not sure I understand what you mean. Well,the chapter I am reading right now is named 'Transportation Firsts'. So,for instance,it contains facts such as train services that carried passengers were first used 1830 in Britain.
Yuki:That book sounds rather interesting.What else does it say?
Michael:Well,the first Underground was used in London in 1863.
Yuki:What is an 'Underground'? Michael:Oh,right, sorry. 'Underground'is the name we in the UK use to refer tothe subway.
Yuki:How adorable! Underground!Yes I understand now. You British are so clever with your terminology. You know,I bet they invented the subway just so the people of London do not have to stand in the rain while waiting for their trains to arrive I hear London weather is terrible.
Michael:You really shouldn't believe everything you hear,Yuki. Actually,it doesn't rain as much as everyone says it does. I mean,the weather is not anywhere near as nice as it is here in New Zealand,but it's not bad either. Did you know that Milan and Paris both get much more rain than London? Ok,ok,so next time I'm in the London area I'll be sure to check the weather. So what else does your book have to say? You just can't admit when you're wrong,can you Yuki?Let's see... The first bullet train was used in Japan in 1964. It went 130 miles per hour.
Yuki:130 miles per hour in 1964? Wow,that seems to me to be quite technologically advanced for the time Leave it to the Japanese to figure out a way to take something that was invented in England 100 years earlier and modify it to be even faster and more modern. Michael:Very funny. The first cable cars were used in San Francisco,USA,in 1873.
Yuki:Well,of course they were!I was there last summer. San Francisco is famous for its cable cars. The city is built on very hilly terrain, so the city had to design a mass transit system that could make it up sharp inclines. Engineers came up with a system of cables,pulleys and levers. The cars were literally pulled up the hills. Actually,the city still operates some of the cable cars, and it's really quite a lot of fun to ride up the steep hills of the city on one of those old things. It makes you feel as though you area part of history.
Michael:I didn't know that you'd been to the States. Where else did you go?
Yuki:I only visited California.I have relatives in Los Angeles.
Michael:In that case, did you know that the first trolley was used in Los Angeles in 1910?
Yuki:Now,how would I know that? I don't even think I have ever seen a trolley.
Michael:You're kidding! Well,these days we don't have many historic things of that nature just lying about Japan. Oh,I forgot the Japanese went immediately from Shinto shrines to bullet trains. Hey,here is something interesting! Taxicabs were first used in 1896 in Stuttgart,Germany. That doesn't surprise me at all. Also,the name of the first commercial jetliner was theComet.
Yuki:Comet,I lik that.I've been looking for a name for my cat. I think I am going to name him'Comet'.
Michael:Really,I don't know why I bother with you sometimes.
Yuki:Because no one else wants to talk to you!
Michael:I'll ignore that.The first jumbo jet was used in 1970; it was the Boeing 747.
Yuki:Don't they still use those?
Michael:I think so,but now they have ven larger jumbo jets. The largest are used by the military. In 1976 the Concord flew its first passenger flight.
Ynki:What's the Concord?
Michael:The Concord was the world's first supersonic plane. It broke the sound barrier.Imagine flying faster than sound. That's even stranger than crossing the international date-line.
Yuki:Michael,may I see your book?
Michael:Feel free.Here you are.
Yuki:Let's find a more interesting chapter,shall we? Hmmm... Here we are. This chapter is about firsts in the fashion world.
Michael:Right.How about we look at another chapter?