本次六级写作的出题较往年没有太多变化,可以用"意料之中"四个字来形容, 考察了曾经六级考试中高频出现过的的名言引语型文章。 我们在六级强化课程中对此类文章有过详细的讲解和训练。相信只要听过我们课程的同学们都能轻松应对。
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying "Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it." You can cite one example or two to illustrate your point of view. You should write at least 150 but no more than 200 words.
解析: 题目中的名言"Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it."翻译成"知识是一座宝藏,而实践是打开这座宝藏的钥匙"。反应的道理是,如果没有实践操练,我们就无法真正获取知识。
首段需要引出名言原句并点题。可以直接套用我们课上提供的句子框架来完成。 具体写法见范文。
第二段需要按照题干中的要求进行举例论证。 整个段落划分为总分结构。开头用总说性的功能句来明确段落性质。 后面列举出两到三个具体的事例作为观点的佐证。 建议同学们尽可能选择学习过程中的体会来举例,这样的贴近实际,有感而发的例子不但容易想到而且更能赢得评卷人的好感。
Recently, a saying "knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it" has been hotly discussed. The saying, from my perspective, means that hardly can we truly master knowledge without sufficient practice.
Numerous examples can be given to illustrate my point of view. When I Learned how to write in English, I learned theories first, I read each piece of tips on the book for many time till I can repeat them smoothly. At that moment, I firmly believed that I have already mastered writing skill. However, when I started to write a composition for read, I still got stuck. It was after repeated practice that I can finally turn the cold theory into my own understanding and make a progress in writing. Another case is that most science students are required to go to labs or factories to do practice work after they learned theory at class. By practice, they can verify the theory they just learned and get new knowledge during practice.
As for us students, we should not only be aware of the importance of learning theories at class but also join social practice as often as we can. Only by sufficient practice, can we master and use knowledge effectively.
第二套卷:名言引语句:If you can not do great things, do small thing in a great way.
首段引出名言并点题。"If you cannot do great things, do small thing in a great way."直译成"如果我们做不成伟大的事, 那就用伟大的方式去做小事"。其实是在强调"把小事做到极致" 或"全身心做好平凡的事"的重要性。
次段仍然使用总分结构进行举例论证。 雷锋因平凡而伟大; 西点军校因重视细节而才人辈出;我们也可以通过把学习的环节精细化来取得大的进步。
Recently,a saying "if you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way" has been hotly discussed. The saying, from my perspective, means that doing ordinary things devotedly makes us extraordinary.
Numerous examples can be given to illustrate this point. A related case is Lei Feng. As is know to all, Lei Feng is an ordinary solider from a peasant family. However, he devoted himself to small things like learning new knowledge everyday and helping others in daily life, which makes him remembered and learned by millions of Chinese. Another case would be that by training students in details,such as when to eat,when to sleep and how to sit, West Point Military Academy cultivated hundreds ofmilitary talents with self-management skill. Last but not least, remembering new words is a fundamental process for every student during English learning, which can be seen as a "small thing". However, if we could remember every single meaning of each word and insist on making sentence by newly learned word everyday, we can make tremendous progress in the end.
In conclusion, doing small things devotedly is of utmost significance for one's personal development. If we can not do great things at beginning, let's do small things in a great way first.
第三套:名言引语句:"I have no special talents, I'm only passionately curious"
解析: 题目中给出的爱伊斯坦的名句"I have no special talents, I'm only passionately curious"给我们的启发是"保持好奇心是一个人进步的重要因素"。第二段用举例论证完成。 牛顿,瓦特和伽利略都因为好奇心的驱使而有所成就。 尾段联系自身,对学生而言,强烈的求知欲是学业进步的前提。如果有一天,我们不再问问题,我们将不再前进。
Einstein once said "I have no special talents, I'm only passionately curious". His words, from my perspective, means that keeping curious about outside world is the crucial factor for one's progress.
Numerous examples can be given to illustrate this point of view. A related case is that Newton was ,undoubtedly, not the very first person who got hit by an apple. However, is it his curiosity that impelled him to keep looking for the reason and come out with the law of universal gravitation. In addition, Watt who was curious about the steam ejecting from a kettle improved steam-powered machine; Galileo figured out the period of pendulum on account of his curiosity about a swaying drop-light.
As for us, curiosity is the motive power of making progress in learning. If we stop asking questions one day, we stop stepping forward.