英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-11 23:02:36


          新概念三册第14课“A noble gangster”, 相信学过新三的学生应该对霍克伍德爵士留有深刻印象。这篇课文虽然篇幅短小,但用词却不乏地道之处。我通过苹果前总裁乔布斯的故事进行了仿写,希望给试图通过仿写新三文章来提高英文水平的同学们一些思路。

enfour 发表于 2016-7-12 00:09:15

          A great innovator
          There was a time when American people had to pay large sums of money in return for heavy business computer. If special software was not bought, users could not run the computer normally. Inventing personal computer is not a modern dream. As long ago as 1970s, an American engineer, Steve Jobs, made the remarkable discovery that people would rather use pencil to calculate than buy a complicated computer.
          Thirty years ago, Steve Jobs made a study of personal computer and founded Apple Company. He soon invented a personal computer and came to be known to the Americans as “Apple I”. Whenever there was an exhibition, Jobs would run around and spent a great deal of money in finding a large and good exhibition booth he demanded. With the competition of IBM, the business of Apple was bad, Jobs was forced to resign. When Apple was on the verge of bankrupt, Jobs offered to come back and served as the Chairman. He made large sums of money with his innovation and inspiration. Therefore, American people regarded him as a sort of hero. When he died at the age of fifty six, his autobiography was published and President Obama gave a speech which was dedicated to the memory of the greatest American innovator, Steve Jobs.

entwo 发表于 2016-7-12 01:00:29

          Practice : Write down them in 3 minutes, memorize them in 15 minutes.
          1. 以换取 ______________
          2.正常运转 _______________
          3.早在 _______________
          4.重大发现 ______________
          9.展位 ______________
          10.被迫辞职 ______________
          11. 濒临破产 ______________
          12.主动做... ... _____________
          13.创新和灵感 ______________
          14.某种英雄 ______________
          15.发表演讲 _______________
          16.谨献给 ______________
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查看完整版本: 新概念三仿写范文:乔布斯的创业故事