英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-11 19:30:16


Colorado Dude Ranch Provides Many Fun Activities
  MANCOS, COLORADO — Dude ranches allow vacationers to experience the feel of the Old West...as they ride horses, and take part in other fun activities while enjoying beautiful scenery.
  One popular dude ranch in the US western state of Colorado is tucked in a stunning mountain location 2400 meters-high.
  It's time for another (1) at the Majestic Dude Ranch.
  Robert Bucksbaum bought the ranch in the San Juan Mountains 3 years ago. He’s a hands-on owner, who not only cooks for his guests, but also (2) the dirty work.
  "I love being around (3). When I came here I knew this is the right place for me," said Bucksbaum.
  Brandon Sanderson manages the riding program. He says a dude ranch horse has certain (4).
  “You kind of look for a horse that has more of a herd (5), that doesn’t want to be a loner, wants to be a group horse," said Sanderson.
  He matches the horse to the rider's experience. Christa Balogh tried riding for the first time this week.
  “It was hard at first. Scary for that matter, very (6). If you don’t have your feet situated right, you have no control," said Balogh.
  Wrangler Clint Show helps take care of the horses and leads trail rides.
  “I really enjoy showing people how to ride, what it is to ride this country. It’s really fun," said Show.
  There's more than horseback riding at this dude ranch.
  Greg Szymanski is bike riding with his daughter. When she suggested they go to a dude ranch, he didn’t know what it was, but is glad he came.
  “When I got out here this was really great. A lot of stars, horseback riding, mountaineering, a little climbing, it’s a good time," said Szymanski.
  That good time also includes country line dancing. Bonita Holden is a big fan.
  “It is great exercise, and very good for your mind to (7) all the steps, and it’s really fun," said Holden.
  Carolyn Glazner is taking on the challenge of shooting at a small moving target.
  “The thing about the dude ranch is that it’s so different from anything you experience anywhere else, where you get to walk around in (8), be in the dirt, ride horses. And those aren’t things you get to go in your normal life, and certainly not in the city, so it’s a great experience to try different things," said Glazner.
  She and her son Eric Green live near the beach in California and are excited about horseback riding in the mountains. Green's overwhelmed by the beauty.
  “I’ve never seen so many trees in my life. It’s (9). You can see them as far as the eye goes. So it’s beautiful. It’s really different scenery for me and I love it," said Green.
  Robert Bucksbaum says it makes him feel good that guests are having so much fun.
  “You know, we've had people who are stressed out from their normal workday, and they come here and you can just see the stress being shed off day by day, and it gets better as the week goes on, and seeing the joy in their faces makes it really (10)," he said.

enfour 发表于 2016-7-11 21:08:51

  1.benefit from
  2.conservation projects
  1.measurable adj. 可测量的;重要的;重大的
  Both leaders seemed to expect measurable progress.
  2.imperil vt. 危及;使陷于危险
  A victory for Allende would imperil our interests in the Western Hemisphere.
  3.well-thought-out adj. 经过周详考虑的;深思熟虑出来的
  A well-thought-out approach should both inspire and sustain.
  4.irreplaceable adj. 不能替代的,不能调换的
  In this aspect, the economic diplomacy will definitely play an irreplaceable role.
  1.dude ranch度假牧场;观光牧场或农场
  A dude ranch charges visitors money to stay and help work on the ranch.
  2.hands-onadj. 亲身实践的,亲自动手的
  This hands-on management approach often stretches his workday from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.
  3.instinctn. 本能,直觉;天性
  I didn't have as strong a maternal instinct as some other mothers.
  4.overwhelmvt. 压倒;淹没;受打击
  He was overwhelmed by a longing for times past.
  1.You know, we've had people who are stressed out from their normal workday
  stress out 过度劳累;紧张
  I am stressed out about the sales volume.
  A wrong reaction could result in losing a friend, being fired, getting stressed out etc.
  2.Carolyn Glazner is taking on the challenge of shooting at a small moving target.
  take on 承担;呈现;具有;流行;接纳;雇用;穿上
  No other organization was able or willing to take on the job.
  The vice-president must now take on the mantle of supreme power.
  他将马和骑者的经验相匹配,Christa Balogh本周第一次尝试骑马。
  牧人Clint Show帮助照料马匹,还负责在小路上骑马。
  开心的项目还包括土风舞,Bonita Holden就很喜欢这个。
  Carolyn Glazner在尝试射击一个移动的小靶子。
  Colorado Dude Ranch Provides Many Fun Activities
  MANCOS, COLORADO — Dude ranches allow vacationers to experience the feel of the Old West...as they ride horses, and take part in other fun activities while enjoying beautiful scenery.
  One popular dude ranch in the US western state of Colorado is tucked in a stunning mountain location 2400 meters-high.
  It's time for another (1.hearty meal) at the Majestic Dude Ranch.
  Robert Bucksbaum bought the ranch in the San Juan Mountains 3 years ago. He’s a hands-on owner, who not only cooks for his guests, but also (2.gets involved in) the dirty work.
  "I love being around (3.horses). When I came here I knew this is the right place for me," said Bucksbaum.
  Brandon Sanderson manages the riding program. He says a dude ranch horse has certain (4.characteristics).
  “You kind of look for a horse that has more of a herd (5.instinct), that doesn’t want to be a loner, wants to be a group horse," said Sanderson.
  He matches the horse to the rider's experience. Christa Balogh tried riding for the first time this week.
  他将马和骑者的经验相匹配,Christa Balogh本周第一次尝试骑马。
  “It was hard at first. Scary for that matter, very (6.scary). If you don’t have your feet situated right, you have no control," said Balogh.
  Wrangler Clint Show helps take care of the horses and leads trail rides.
  牧人Clint Show帮助照料马匹,还负责在小路上骑马。
  “I really enjoy showing people how to ride, what it is to ride this country. It’s really fun," said Show.
  There's more than horseback riding at this dude ranch.
  Greg Szymanski is bike riding with his daughter. When she suggested they go to a dude ranch, he didn’t know what it was, but is glad he came.
  “When I got out here this was really great. A lot of stars, horseback riding, mountaineering, a little climbing, it’s a good time," said Szymanski.
  That good time also includes country line dancing. Bonita Holden is a big fan.
  开心的项目还包括土风舞,Bonita Holden就很喜欢这个。
  “It is great exercise, and very good for your mind to (7.remember) all the steps, and it’s really fun," said Holden.
  Carolyn Glazner is taking on the challenge of shooting at a small moving target.
  Carolyn Glazner在尝试射击一个移动的小靶子。
  “The thing about the dude ranch is that it’s so different from anything you experience anywhere else, where you get to walk around in (8.cowboy boots), be in the dirt, ride horses. And those aren’t things you get to go in your normal life, and certainly not in the city, so it’s a great experience to try different things," said Glazner.
  She and her son Eric Green live near the beach in California and are excited about horseback riding in the mountains. Green's overwhelmed by the beauty.
  “I’ve never seen so many trees in my life. It’s (9.unbelievable). You can see them as far as the eye goes. So it’s beautiful. It’s really different scenery for me and I love it," said Green.
  Robert Bucksbaum says it makes him feel good that guests are having so much fun.
  “You know, we've had people who are stressed out from their normal workday, and they come here and you can just see the stress being shed off day by day, and it gets better as the week goes on, and seeing the joy in their faces makes it really (10.worthwhile)," he said.
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