英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-11 19:30:04


break the ice - begin to be friendly wuth people one doesn’t know
  break the news - inform or give bad news
  brush up on - imporve noe’s knowledge of something through study
  bump into - meet unexpectedly
  by and large - in general
  by heart - by memory
  by all means - absolutely ,definitely
  by no means - in no way
  call off -cancel
  cheer up - be happy
  come down with - become sick with
  come into -receive,especially after another’s death
  come up with - think of
  count on - depend upon
  count out - eliminate
  die down - become quiet ,become less
  do without - manage without something
  drop by - visit informally; pay a short visit every other - alternate
  fall behind - lag; fail to accomplish something on time
  fall through - fail to happen or be completed
  far cry form - completely different from;a long way
  feel like - have a desire or wish for
  feel up to - feel well enough to or be capabele of
          few and far between - not happening often; rate
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 大学英语六级听力考试必背习语(2)