英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-11 19:29:54


  An America's national symbol-the Bald Eagle, almost went extinct 20 years ago,but it has made a comeback.
  I know it's the end of the season, but those peach essuch bargain and I couldn't help buying them!Have one please!
  Thank you!Actually, they seem past their prime.
  On 24th June, 1859 while on his way from Geneva to France,Dunant witnessed the battle between the Franch and Austrian armies.
  By comparison, Americans are often frank obout displaying both positive and negative emotions on the street and in other public places.American is visting Asia should keep in mind that such behavior may cause affence.
  Lots of people and joy dancing,do you?
  Believed it or not,that is the last thing I'd ever want to do.
  For them,the econemy benifits they reap surpasses the risk of dying or losing property in one of the volcano's frequent eruptions.
  Who will benifit from the scheme being tried in Florida.
  Earlier studyies indicated that very young school children aged 5 and 7, showed no bias in choosing musical instruments,but they tastes become more clear between the age of 8 and 10.
  Plowing is blamed for causing severe damage to top soil by removing the plants that protect soil from being blown or washed away.
  Many East Asians prefer to hold motions in check and instead express theirselves with great politeness.They try not to be blunt and avoid making the direct criticism.
  While several countries are displaying electronic produce,China selection is very large this year.You might well go to east wing first to take a look at the Chinese booth.
          编辑推荐: 2013年12月英语六级听力必备词汇汇总
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