英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-11 19:29:50


41. curriculum课程 (学校等的)全部课程
  I have flown from San Francisco to Virginia to attend a conference on
  multiculturalism. Hundreds of educations from across the country were
  meeting to discuss the need for greater culture diversity in the school
  42. custom风俗 海关
  American visitors to East Asia are often surprised and puzzled by how
  Asian cultures and customs differ from those in the United States.
  43. daily日常的 天天 日报
  Do you let people know when you are taking pictures of them?
  I try not to, I don’t like pictures of people who pose for the camera. I like
  people who are going about their daily business without being aware of
  the camera.
  44. dealine最后期限
  The deadline for the sociology and computer courses is the day
  after tomorrow.
  But I haven’t decided which courses to take yet.
  45. deadly致死的 致命的 非常、极度地
  A deadly infectious outbreak swept though a small city in Zaire, Africa
  last Spring, killing more than 100 people.
  46. deal处理 交易 协议
  You take the benefits of the apple tree, but refused to deal the bad side of it.
  Mr.Deley, I’ve just checked my new apartment, the kitchen sink is
  Ok, madam. That’s not a big deal, I have a maintenance man come over
  and fix it right away.
  47. dean主任牧师 (大学的)学院院长 系主任
  After 8 challenging and successful years, Brian Land resigned as dean in
  June 1972.
  48. decay腐烂 衰落
  Doctor.Faustick conducted a 2-year survey to find out how to prevent or
  reduce dental decay.
  49. decide决定 对…作出判断 拿定主意
  How did you go to Canada, jane? did you fly?
  I was planning to, because it’s such a long trip by bus or by train, but
  Fred decided to drive and invited me to join him, it took us two days and a night.
          编辑推荐: 2013年12月英语六级听力必备词汇汇总
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