英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-11 19:29:27


  A) He doesn't expect to enjoy the theater.
  B) He's sorry he can't go with the woman.
  C) He thinks the theater will be too crowded.
  D) He rarely goes to plays.
  A) He can't really afford a car.
  B) He certainly has enough money for a car.
  C) He should get a new car, not a used car.
  D) He doesn't really need a car.
  A) Buy a car from the woman.
  B) Help the woman paint her car.
  C) Buy a new car.
  D) Look for a less expensive car.
  A) They are rude.
  B) They are polite.
  C) They are forgetful.
  D) They are disapproving.
  A) She thinks the man should drive to town.
  B) She likes to pass cars.
  C) The man should mind his own business.
  D) The traffic won't be detoured after tomorrow.
  86.W:I really want to see the play at the outdoor theater tonight. Will you come with me?
  M:You know I hate battling all those mosquitoes, but if you have your heart set on it.
  Q:What can be inferred about the man?(A)
  87. W:Steven is thinking of buying a used car.
  M:Should he be doing that, with all the other expense he has?
  Q:What does the man suggest about Steven?(A)
  88. W:Well, if you are seriously considering buying a car, I'm trying to get rid of mine. All it needs is some new paint.
  M:Thanks. But most used cars end up being more trouble than they are worth.
  Q:What will the man probably do?(C)
  89. W:I was on the No.7 bus yesterday. Someone stepped on my toe and didn't even bother to apologize.
  M:Young men nowadays have no manners at all.
  Q:What does the man think of young people?(A)
  90. M:The sound of all that traffic is driving me of my mind.
  W:It is bad. But the highway will reopen tomorrow then we won't have al those cars passing by any more.
  Q:What does the woman imply?(D)
  86.A 根据I hate battling all those mosquitoes可以推断出男子不喜欢去室外剧场。后面but if you have heart set on it(但如果你非常想让我去),暗示该男子还是可以陪她看剧的,因此选项B应被排除。
  88.C 这里,第一个人说"如果你考虑买车的话,我的可以卖给你。"第二个人用了一个"thanks"礼貌地回绝了,并用比较级more trouble说明了不买他的车的理由,暗示希望买辆新车。
  89.A答题点在于have no matters:没礼貌。
  90.D 重点是but后的内容。detour:绕行。
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