英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-11 19:29:10


Section A:
  Question 1:
  A: The dean just announced that Doctor Holden's going to take over as chairman of the history department.
  B: I knew it's all along keep the obvious choice. All the other candidates are none reach for him.
  Q: What does the woman mean?
  A) The dean should have consulted her on the appointment.
  B) Dr. Holden should have taken over the position earlier.
  C) She doesn't think Dr. Holden has made a wise choice.
  D) Dr. Holden is the best person for the chairmanship.
  Question 2:
  A: Hey, let me know your how your famis going. I'll miss you guys while I'm here working in the library.
  B: I'll be working too. But I'll send you an email or call you onto the while. When we all get back to school we can have a party or something.
  Q: What do we learn about the two speakers?
  A) They'll keep in touch during the summer vacation
  B) They'll hold a party before the summer vacation
  C) They'll do odd jobs together at the school library
  D) They'll get back to their school once in a while
  Question 3:
  A: I know it's the end of the season. But those pictures were such a bargain that I couldn't help buying them. Have one please.
  B: Thank you. Actually they seem pass there claim.
  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
  A) Peaches are in season now.
  B) Peaches are not at their best now.
  C) The woman didn't know how to bargain.
  D) The woman helped the man choose the fruit.
  Question 4:
  A: The assignment on physics is a real challenge. I don't think I can finish it on time all by myself.
  B: Why don't we join our answers together? It maybe easier then.
  Q: What does the woman suggest?
  A) They join the physics club.
  B) They ask for an extension of the deadline.
  C) They work on the assignment together.
  D) They choose an easier assignment.
  Question 5:
  A: Jane really lost her temper on Doctor Brown's class this morning.
  B: Oh? Did she? But I think her friendlessness is something to be appreciated.
  Q: What does the woman mean?
  A) She admires Jean's straightforwardness
  B) She thinks Dr. Brown deserves the praise
  C) She will talk to Jean about what happened
  D) She believes Jean was rude to Dr. Brown
  Question 6:
  A: We heard that when you are a kid you satiated a story to read it digest.
  B: Well, I don't remember the story exactly. But my idea of a great time then was a pad of lined paper and a new blue pen. I thought myself as a readers digests' staff member at the age of 6.
  Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?
  A) He liked writing when he was a child
  B) He enjoyed reading stories in Reader's Digest
  C) He used to be an editor of Reader's Digest
  D) He became well known at the age of six
  Question 7:
  A: Your son circularly shows a lot of enthusiasm on the tennis course.
  B: I only wish he show it much for his studies.
  Q: What does the woman imply about her son?
  A) He shows great enthusiasm for his studies
  B) He is a very versatile person
  C) He has no talent for tennis
  D) He does not study hard enough
  Question 8:
  A: We supposed to meet John here at a railway station.
  B: That's like looking for a needle in a haystack.
  Q: What does the man imply?
  A) John has lost something at the railway station
  B) There are several railway stations in the city
  C) It will be very difficult for them to find John
  D) The train that John is taking will arrive soon
  Question 9:
  A: Professor Stevenson, as an economist, how do you look upon the surgent Chinese economy? Does it constitute the threat to the rest of the world?
  B: I believe China's economics success should be seen more opportunity than the threat. Those who look upon it as a threat overlook the benefit of China's growth to the world's economy. They also lack understanding of elementary economics.
  Q: What does Prof. Stevenson think of China's economy?
  A) Its rapid growth is beneficial to the world
  B) It can be seen as a model by the rest of the world
  C) Its success can't be explained by elementary economics
  D) It will continue to surge forward
  Question 10:
  A: Our school has just built some apartments near campus. But one bedroom rends for 500 dollars a month.
  B: That's a big beyond the reach of most students.
  Q: What does the man mean?
  A) It takes only 5 minutes to reach the campus from the apartments
  B) Most students can't afford to live in the new apartments
  C) The new apartments are not available until next month
  D) The new apartments can accommodate 500 students
  标准答案:1-5 DABCA 6-10 ADCAB
  Section B
  Passage One
  I have flown from San Francisco to Virginia to attend a conference on multi-cultrualism. Hundreds of educators from across the countries were meeting to discuss the needs of culture of the universities curriculism.
  On the way, my driver and I chat about the weather and the tourists. The driver was a white man in his forties. "How long have you been in this country?"he asked. "All my life." I replied, "I was born in the United Stated." With a strong accent, he remarked:"I was wondering because your English is excellent." Then I explained that I have done many times before. "My grandfather came here from China in the 1880,My faimly has been here in America for over a hundred years." He glanced me in a miror. Somehow I did not look like an American to him.My apperance looked forum.
  Questions like the one my drivers asked made me feel unconfortable, but I can not understand why he couldn't see me as an American. He has narrowed but wildly shared sense of the past, a history that has build Americans as the sunddens of the European. Waist has functions and something necessary to the constrution of American character and quality in the creation of our national identity. Americans has been found right since our very beginning on Virginia shore were the first group of the English man and Africans arrived in the 17 century. And this reality is increasingly becoming visible everywhere.
  11.What was the theme of the conference the speaker was to turn?
  A) The role of immigrants in the construction of American society
  B) The importance of offering diverse courses in European history
  C) The need for greater cultural diversity in the school curriculum
  D) The historic landing of Europeans on the Virginia shore
  12.Why did the taxi driver ask the speaker how long he had been in the US?
  A) He was wondering if the speaker was used to living in America
  B) He was trying to show friendliness to the speaker
  C) He wanted to keep their conversation going
  D) He believed the speaker was a foreigner
  13.What massage did the speaker wish to convey?
  A) The US population doesn't consist of white European descendants only
  B) Asian tourists can speak English as well as native speakers of the language
  C) Colored people are not welcome in the United States
  D) Americans are in need of education in their history
  Passage Two
  Look, the is rising the of American national flag and to show the presonal repect of the flag. Custom has also governed the to its use. how to the rise a national flag. This may often vary in general. The National flag should be risen slow by hand. Do not rise the flag just folded it. Unfold the flag first, And then hoist it quickly to the of the flag pole, lower slowly and with dignity.Place no objects on or over the flag. Do not use the flag as part of the costum or cut it like a uniform. Do not principle the curtion the proportion,hankerchief, paper or boxes. A suderal law provide the trademark can not regiatered if can bright the flag cotwar or budgets of the United States.
  One of the flag is used can to statue the monument. It should not be used in covering Should be unvealed. Do not allowed the flag to fall to the ground.of the ceremony take every proportion to prevent flag to becoming soiled, to touch the ground.
  14.How do Americans insure proper respect from the national flag?
  A) By making laws
  B) By enforcing discipline
  C) By educating the public
  D) By holding ceremonies
  15.What is the regulation regarding the rising of the American national flag?
  A) It should be raised by soldiers
  B) It should be raised quickly by hand
  C) It should be raised only by Americans
  D) It should be raised by mechanical means
  16.How should the American national flag be the place in the moring of the ceremony?
  A) It should be attached to the status
  B) It should be hung from the top of the monument
  C) It should be spread over the object to be unveiled
  D) It should be carried high up in the air
  17. What do we learn from the use of the American national flag?
  A) There has been a lot of controversy over the use of flag
  B) The best athletes can wear uniforms with the design of the flag
  C) There are precise regulations and customs to be followed
  D) Americans can print the flag on their cushions or handkerchiefs
  Passage Three
  In some large American city schools, as many as 20-40% of the students are absent each day. There are two major reasons for such absences. One is sickness, and the other is truincy. That is staying away from school without permission. Since school officals can do much aout the illness.They are concertaing on reduing the numbers of truinces. One of the most promising scheme is being tried in Florida. The pupils there with good attendants have been given three hamburgers, toys and T-shirts. Classes are told that if they show improved grades in the attendance, they can win these additional gifts. At the same time, teachers are being encouraged to inspire their students to come to school regularly. When those teachers are successful, they are also rewarded. "We've been punishing truinces for years, but that has not brought the students back to school." one principal said, "
  Now we are trying the positive approach. Not only do you learn by showing them everyday,but you earn." In San Fronciscal, the board of the eduation has had someone similar idea. Schools that showed the crease the libery of the construcion of the property can receive the amount of money that would be spent on repair the replacement. For example, 12 thousand dollars have been sent for site school property damages every year. Since prepeared expenses of damages property only required 4 thousand dollars. They remain the eight thousand dollars was turned over to the students activity found. Our democracy operates and hope and couragement said the school board member : Why not found for positve goals for students and teachers to inment.
  18.Which reason for students' absences is greatly discussed in detail?
  A) Punishment by teachers
  B) Poor academic performance
  C) Truancy
  D) Illness
  19.Who will benifit from the scheme carried out in Florida?
  A) The Board of Education
  B) Principals of city schools
  C) Students with good academic records
  D) Students with good attendance records
  20.What measure has been taken in San Francisco to reduce the strution of the school property?
  A) Punishing students who damage school property
  B) Rewarding schools that have decreased the destruction
  C) Promoting teachers who can prevent the destruction
  D) Cutting the budget for repairs and replacements
  答案:11-15 CDAAB 16-20 DCCDB
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