英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-11 19:28:48


  23. A) It helps her to attract more public attention.
          B) It improves her chance of getting promoted.
          C) It strengthens her relationship with students.
          D) It enables her to understand people better.
          24.A) Passively.
          B) Positively.
          C) Skeptically.
          D) Sensitively.
          25. A) It keeps haunting her day and night.
          B) Her teaching was somewhat affected by it.
          C) It vanishes the moment she steps into her role.
          D) Her mind goes blank once she gets on the stage.
          M: So, Claire, you’re into drama!
          W: Yes, I have a master’s degree in drama and theatre. At the moment, I’m hoping to get onto a Ph. D program.
          M: What excites you about drama?
          W: Well, (23) I find it’s a communicative way to study people and you learn how to read people in drama. So usually I can understand what people are saying even though they might be lying.
          M: That would be useful.
          W: Yeah, it’s very useful for me as well. (24)I’m an English lecturer, so I use a lot of drama in my classes such as role plays. And I ask my students to create mini-dramas. They really respond well. At the moment, I’m hoping to get onto a Ph. D course. I’d like to concentrate on Asian drama and try to bring Asian theatre to the world’s attention. I don’t know how successful I would be, but here’s hoping.
          M: Oh, I’m sure you’ll be successful. Now, Claire, what do you do for stage fright?
          W: Ah, stage fright! Well, many actors have that problem. I get stage fright every time I’m going to teach a new class. The night before, I usually can’t sleep.
          M: What? For teaching?
          W: Yes. I get really bad stage fright. (25) But the minute I step into the classroom or get onto the stage, it just all falls into place. Then I just feel like: Yeah, this is what I mean to do. And I’m fine.
          M: Wow, that’s cool!
  预览三道题各选项,提到her relationship with students, her teaching, get on the stage等表达,由此推测对话可能与老师教学相关。
          23. Why does the woman find study in drama and theatre useful?[答案]D) It enables her to understand people better.[听前猜测]四个选项中的动词help, improve, strengthen, enable等都表示事物能够起到的作用,因此推测本题考查某事物的作用。[精解]对话中男士询问女士为什么对戏剧如此感兴趣,女士回答说她发现戏剧是研究别人的很好的方式,可以读懂戏剧中的人物,还补充说,即使有人撒谎,通常也能知道人们的真实想法。故正确答案为D)。
          24. How did the woman’s students respond to her way of teaching English?[答案]B) Positively.[听前猜测]四个选项都是表示人的态度的词语,听音时要留意人们对事物的态度的论述。[精解]女士自我介绍说在课堂上经常让学生扮演不同的角色,创作小话剧。然后补充说,学生们对此反应很好。换句话说,同学们认可她这种独特的教学方式,所以态度是positively,选项B)正确。
          25. What does the woman say about her stage fright?[答案]C) It vanishes the moment she steps into her role.[听前猜测]从选项出现的keep haunting, vanish和her mind goes blank等表达可推测本题考查人对某事物的感觉。[精解]女士在谈话中先承认自己有严重的stage fright(怯场)感觉,随后又解释说,但是一进入教室或走上讲台,就不再有那种感觉了。结合选项来看,选项C)是女士对stage fright的感觉。
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