英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-11 19:28:23


  Section B
          Passage One
          It is a great privilege for me to be invited to speak at the tenth year reunion of State University’s graduating class. When you arrived on campus today, after a decade, you were probably impressed by two changes at State: one, the absence of University of Tower, the first building constructed on the campus, and a historic landmark for many years; and two, the disappearance of parking lots on main campus.
          Two years ago University Tower was inspected and found to be unsafe. In spite of efforts to restore it, it was necessary to level the building. A bell tower was constructed on the same site, built for the most part using the good brick that was saved from the original building. The original bells were also preserved. As for the parking lots, they have been replaced by grass, trees, and pedestrian walkways. Parking is now located in parking garages on the North and West sides of the campus.
          Two more subtle changes have occurred within the past decade. One is the creation and expansion of the Division of Continuing Education for the Community, including a Saturday and summer enrichment program for children, and an afternoon and evening special interest program for adult. The other is the addition of the student population of many young people from abroad, especially students from Japan, Latin America, and the Middle East. Most international students are enrolled in the College of Engineering and the College of Business.
          And so, State is a different place, but like University Tower, it is built of the same brick. We are still committed to the same age old ideals “quality education for our citizens”, but we have extended our commitment beyond the borders of our state and nation to encompass the citizens and nations of the world. Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.
          26. What is the occasion for the man’s speech?
          【解析】选。由短文首句It is great privilege for me to be invited to speak at the tenth year reunion of State University’s graduating class可知,男士的演讲是在一次毕业十年后的班级聚会上发表的,选项正确。
          27. In what aspect does State University remain the same?
          【解析】选。文中的We are still committed to the same age old ideals “quality education for our citizens”表明,State University多年来恪守的理念(为国民提供素质教育)没有变,选项为本题答案。
          28. Why was University Tower torn down?
          【解析】选。根据文中提到的Two years ago University Tower was inspected and found to be unsafe可知,University Tower之所以被拆倒是因为它被发现很不安全,正确选项为。
          29. What is the main idea of the man’s speech?
          【解析】选。短文前半部分主要讲述校园内大的变化:University Tower的重建;停车场挪位,代之的是草场、树木和人行道。接下来介绍了学校的一些小的变化:社区继续教育机构的创建和扩大;国外留学生数量日益增多。最后的And so, State is a different place, but like University Tower, it is built of the same brick. We are still committed to the same age old ideals “quality education for our citizens是全文的主题句,说话人意在强调:虽然校园里发生了一些变化,但State University多年来恪守的理念没有变,选项正确。
          Passage Two
          One of the most popular literary figures in American literature is a woman who spent almost half of her long life in China, a country on a continent thousands of miles from the Unite States. In her lifetime she earned this country’s most highly acclaimed literary award, the Pulitzer Prize, and also the most prestigious form of literary recognition in the world, the Nobel Prize for Literature. Pearl S. Buck was almost a household word throughout much of her lifetime because of her productive literary output, which consisted of some eighty-five published works, including several dozen novels, six collections of short stories, fourteen books for children and more than a dozen works of nonfiction. When she was eighty years old, some twenty-five volumes were awaiting publication. Many of those books were set in China, the land in which she spent so much of her life. Her books and her life served as a bridge between the cultures of the East and the West. As the product of those two cultures she became as she described herself, “mentally double-sided”. Her unique background made her into an unusually interesting and versatile human being. As we examine the life of Pearl Buck, we cannot help but be aware that we are in fact meeting three separate people: a wife and mother, an internationally famous writer and a humanitarian and a charitable person. One cannot really get to know Pearl Buck without learning about each of the three. Though honored in her lifetime with the William Dean Howell Medal of the American Academy of Arts and Letters in addition to the Nobel and Pulitzer prizes, Pearl Buck as a total human being, not only a famous author, is a fascinating subject of study. Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.

enone 发表于 2016-7-11 20:55:54

          30. What is the author’s main purpose in the passage?
          【解析】选。本文除了历数赛珍珠(Pearl Buck)的文学成就外,主要介绍了她的写作背景(a product of two cultures)以及她广泛的兴趣关注(a wife and mother, an internationally famous writer and a humanitarian and a charitable person)。选项是对此的最佳概括,为答案。
          31. According to the passage, why was Pearl Buck considered an unusual figurein American literature?
          【解析】选。文中提到,Many of those books were set in China... Her books and her life served as a bridge between the cultures of the East and the West,由此可知,赛珍珠之所以被认为是美国文学史上的非凡人物是因为她的写作主要涉及一种完全不同的文化,项正确。
          32. What is the author’s attitude toward Pearl Buck?
          【解析】选。作者在文中介绍赛珍珠时,频频流露出钦佩赞赏的语气,如One of the most popular literary figures in American literature,an unusually interesting and versatile human being, honored in her lifetime, a famous author, a fascinating subject of study...,因此本题答案为。
          Passage Three
          Millions of years ago, whales lived on land and walked on four legs. Today, whales still have small bones that are the remains of their hind legs, but these bones can only be seen on the inside of the whale. No one knows why whales left the land to live in the water.
          However, scientists can imagine that when the whales changed their environment, their bodies underwent a change ― taking on a more fish-like appearance. This new form offered less resistance to the water, enabling the whales to swim faster.
          Despite their fish like form, whales are not fish. A whale will drown, just as a man will, if it stays under water too long. When a whale is under water, it closes its nostrils tightly and holds its breath. The air in its lungs becomes very hot and full of water vapor. When the whale rises to the surface and exhales, its hot breath produces a column of water vapor that rises high in the air. A man produces the same effect when he exhales warm air on a cold morning.
          Whales are classified as mammals because they bear their young, rather than laying eggs, and because the mother whales give the babies milk. Like other mammals, whales have warm blood. Their blood stays at the same temperature, even when they move from hot to cold water. They keep warm in cold water because they have a thick layer of fat just under their skins. This fat is called blubber, and it is thicker on whales that spend their lives in cold water. Almost all land mammals, except man, have hair on their bodies to keep them warm, but whales, which have very few hairs, are kept warm by their fat.
          Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.
          33. How does a whale keep itself warm?
          【解析】选。根据文中提到的they keep warm because they have a thick layer of fat just under their skins可知,鲸靠皮下的一层厚厚的脂肪取暖,为答案。
          34. What do we learn about the blood temperature of a whale?
          【解析】选。文中提到的Their blood stays at the sane temperature, even...表明,鲸的体温是衡定不变的,选项正确。
          35. In what way do whales distinguish themselves from other land mammals?
          【解析】选。从短文的末句Almost all land mammals, except man, have hair on their bodies to keep them warm, but whales, which have very few hairs, are kept warm by their fat可以得知,鲸和其他哺乳动物的区别在于:其他哺乳动物靠身上的毛取暖,而鲸鱼身上几乎没有毛。选项为答案。
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