英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-11 19:27:37


  小对话: 8% 选择题 共8道对话,每题长约1分钟
  长对话: 7% 选择题 共2段对话,每段长约3分钟
  听力短文: 10%选择题 共3篇文章,每篇长约3分钟
  复合式听写:10% 听写填空 填8个单词和三句话,放音三遍,共计8分钟
  重点词汇考点原则 (转折关系词汇、因果关系词汇、最高级词汇、情态动词
  26. A)To win over the majority of passengers from airlines in twenty years.
  B)To reform railroad management in western European countries.
  C)To electrify the railway lines between major European cities.
  D)To set up an express train network throughout Europe.
  27. A)Major European airlines will go bankrupt.
  B)Europeans will pay much less for traveling.
  C)Traveling time by train between major European cities will be cut by half.
  D)Trains will become the safest and most efficient means of travel in Europe.
  28. A)Train travel will prove much more comfortable than air travel.
  B)Passengers will feel much safer on board a train than on a plane.
  C)Rail transport will be environmentally friendlier than air transport.
  D)Traveling by train may be as quick as,or even quicker than by air.
  29. A)In 1981. C)In 1990.
  B)In 1989. D)In 2000.
  In January 1989, the Community of European Railways presented their proposal for a high speed pan-European train network extending from Sweden to Sicily, and from Portugal to Poland by the year 2020. (第26题考点。注意train network在选项中反映)If their proposal becomes a reality, it will revolutionize train travel in Europe. Journeys between major cities will take half the time they take today.(第27题考点,注意half在选项中的反映)Brussels will be only one and a half hours from Paris. The quickest way to get from Paris to Frankfurt, from Barcelona to Madrid will be by train, not plane. When the network is complete, it will integrate three types of railway line: totally new high speed lines with trains operating at speeds of 300 kilometers per hour, upgraded lines which allow for speeds up to 200 to 225 kilometers per hour, and existing lines for local connections and distribution of freight. If businesspeople can choose between a three-hour train journey from city-center to city-center and a one-hour flight, they’ll choose the train, says an executive travel consultant. They won’t go by plane any more. If you calculate flight time, check-in and travel to-and-from the airport, you’ll find almost no difference. And if your plane arrives late due to bad weather or air traffic jams or strikes, then the train passengers will arrive at their destination first.(第28题考点。说明短途的火车的优势大于短途的飞机。请注意此处strike的含义为“罢工”)Since France introduced thefirst 260-kilometer-per-hour high speed train service between Paris and Lyons in 1981(第29题考点。), the trains have achieved higher and higher speeds. On many routes, airlines have lost up to 90% of their passengers to high speed trains. If people accept the Community of European Railways’ plan, the 21 century will be the new age of the train.
  26.What is the proposal presented by the Community of European Railways?
  27.What will happen when the proposal becomes a reality?
  28.Why will business people prefer a three-hour train journey to a one-hour flight?
  29.When did France introduce the first high speed train service?
  本题是首题,所以当然对应原文的首句。除了视听一致的使用外,原文中的high speed pan-European train network(泛欧洲高速火车网)被选项替换成了express train network throughout Europe(遍布欧洲的特快列车网络)。这是同义替换原则的使用。Express在其他听力题目中还有快递的含义,请注意。
  本题目考察的是考生真正的听力理解能力。原文:“If you calculate flight time, check-in and travel to-and-from the airport, you’ll find almost no difference. And if your plane arrives late due to bad weather or air traffic jams or strikes, then the train passengers will arrive at their destination first.”(如果你计算航班飞行时间、办理登机手续时间、往返机场时间,你会发现和坐火车比没有任何区别。如果因为天气、空中航班过多或罢工而导致飞机迟到,火车乘客会首先到达目的地。)这个长难句的意思就是说明:短途来讲,火车更有优势,更快。而选项考的就是这个分析能力。
  1. 语言知识方面:
  2. 非语言能力方面:
  在做听写填空的时候,我们应当有意识的加强我们的记忆和速记能力。有时候,同学们会发现:听的内容都懂了,但由于记忆的问题或时间的问题没写下来,这是因为短时记忆力(short term memory)不够。因此在平时的训练中,应当有意识地不是以单个的词而是以意群为单位进行理解和记忆。第一遍先试图听明白注意意思,第二遍写出重点单词或者句子,第三遍完成整个练习。在短暂的停顿空间,如果时间来不及,可以选用自己熟悉的缩写形式或符号记录,等以后有时间时再复原。这种速记能力也要靠平时的多练,才能获得。
  首先,可使用缩略语。例如usually在记录时只写usu。Country 记录为ctr等。其次,重点把握名词和动词,修饰成分(形容词和副词)没有写出,一般扣分不多。
  President Clinton later today joins (S1)presidents Ford, Garter and Bush at“the president's summit for America's future”(S2)at recruiting one million volunteer tutors to provide after-school, weekend and summer reading help for up to three million children. Mr. Clinton will ask Congress this coming week for nearly three (S3)dollars to fund a five-year program called “America Reads”.The program would fund the (S4)efforts of 20 thousand reading (S5)and it would also give (S6)to help parents help children read by the third grade, or about age eight. Duringhis Saturday radio (S7), the president explained why the program is important:“We need ‘America Reads’ and we need it now. Studies show that if the fourth-graders fail to read well.
  But 40 percent of them still can't read at a basic level.”
  Volunteer tutors, who provide community service in exchange for college funding, are being used in literacy and tutoring programs.
  The president says many of the Philadelphia summit's corporate sponsors will recruit tutors.
  第一个空格里面,通过快速扫描第一句话,发现有美国总统克林顿Clinton,又有美国总统福特,卡特,布什(Ford, Garter and Bush),那么后者跟前者相比较,同学们一定可以感觉到后者为前总统,因此第一个空格应填入former或类似含义的单词。第二个空格我们看到后面有一个介词,于是能发现应当在里面填一个动词,此时就需要注意时态,单复数的问题。空格三明显是一个量词,第四个空格不好预测,第五个可以估计出来应填名词,此时应注意名词单复数的问题,第六同上,第七个空格技巧性较强,需要背景知识,同学们可以想想,美国总统一般去电台(during his radio______)干什么?此时蹦入脑海的一定是“电台演讲,演说”,于是应当是“lecture, presentation, address”等词汇。后面的长难句由于过长,很难提前预测判断,但是在短短的几十秒钟的时间里面, 能预测出来这么多的信息,对得分会有很大帮助。
  S1 former
  S2 aimed
  S3 billion
  S4 coordination
  S5 specialists
  S6 grants
  S7 address
  S8. They're likely to drop out of school and less likely to succeed in life.
  S9. The program, initiated by President Clinton,(initiated含义为“首次提出”,此处的插入成分难度很大,如果完全听不懂,就建议在考试时放弃。) has come under criticism by Congress.(本句中,国会“Congress”需要大写)
  S10. Dozens of(这个短语用“many”替代也可以)colleges and universities are prepared to send thousands of their students in support of theprogram(写成to support 更加简单)
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