英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-11 19:27:21


  吴泽扬 汪中平
  On the Importance of a Name
  According to the Bible, it is the almighty God who gave names to everything he created: “he named the light ‘Day’ and the darkness ‘Night’”. In fact, a name is a word or phrase that man uses to denote and identify a specific person, place or thing. There is no inexorable correlation between the sign and “the signified”. For this reason, some claim that names are not so vital as they are supposed to be. However, I am fully convinced that they are of great importance.
  Take the name of a person as an example. It is known to all that a person’s name is divided into two parts: given name and surname. The given name is the name our parents assign us. We ourselves might change it later in our life. Usually, when a name is given, it contains a lot of information. Say, “li” in the name of some Chinese females shows that we wish them to “beautiful” while “wei” in the names of some males reveals that we expect them to be “great” in their future life.
  As to the surname or family name, it is even more important, so important that some people may sacrifice their life for it. Originally, man had no such a name. But ever since a certain name was given, each member of the family carries it wherever he goes. Rather than merely a sign, it is the root from which we can trace back to our ancestor, the tie that helps bind us to other members of the same clan, the dignity most people hope to live for.
  Apart from the name of a person, that of a place or thing is also significant in that it embodies history and culture. All in all, though names are assigned artificially, man is not free when giving names. But God is.

  Section A 短对话
  11. D) Fred may have borrowed a sleeping bag from someone else.
  12. B) It will cool down over the weekend.
  13. C) Hosting a TV program.
  14. D) The plants should be put in a shady spot.
  15. C) Go to bed early.
  16. B) She has learned to appreciate modern sculptures.
  17. A)They seem satisfied with what they have done
  18. A) The man shouldn't hesitate to take the course
  19. B Domestic issues of general social concern.
  20. D Based on public expectations and editor’s judgement.
  21. B Practical experience.
  22. A There average life span was less than 50 years.
  23. C Learn to use new technology.
  24. D when all people become wealthier.
  25. C Control the environment.   
  Section B 短文理解
  26. B To alert teenagers to the dangers of reckless driving.
  27. A Road accidents.
  28. C It has accomplished its objective.
  29. B Customers may be misled by the smells.
  30. C Supportive
  31. A The flower scent stimulated people’s desire to buy.
  32 C a passenger train collided with a goods train
  33 D the cause of the tragic accident remains unknown
  34 A there was a bomb scare
  35 D drive with special care   
  Section C 复合式听写
  36. tongue
  37. official
  38. administration
  39. commerce
  40. spread
  41. disadvantageed
  42. competence
  43. investigate
  44. You also examine the immense variability of English and come to understand how it’s used as a symbol of individual identity and social connection。
  45. Why do some non-native speakers of English claim that it’s a difficult language to learn while infants born into English speaking communities acquire their language before they learn to use forks and knives?
  46. You are encouraged to develop your own individual responses to various practical and theoretical issues   
  English is the leading international language. In different countries around the globe, English is acquired as the mother tongue; in others, it’s used as a second language. Some nations use English as their official language, performing the function of administration; in others, it’s used as an international language for business, commerce and industry. What factors and forces have led to the spread of English? Why is English now considered to be so prestigious that across the globe individuals and societies feel disadvantaged if they do not have competence in this language. How has English changed through 1500 years? These are some of the questions that you investigate when you study English. You also examine the immense variability of English and come to understand how it’s used as a symbol of both individual identity and social connection. You develop in depth in knowledge of the intricate structure of the language. Why do some nonnative speakers of English claim that it’s a difficult language to learn while infants born into English speaking communities acquire their languages before they learn to use forks and knives? At the university of Sussex, you are introduced to the nature and grammar of English in all its aspects. This involves the study of sound structures, the formation of words, the sequencing of words and the construction of meaning, as well as examinations of the theories explaining these aspects of English usage. You are encouraged to develop your own individual responses to various practical and theoretical issues, which are raised by studying how speakers and writers employ English for a wide variety of purposes.
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