英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-11 17:09:06


  67. 人們往往認為應該在危急時刻幫助別人,但另一種觀點認為你首先應該看清楚情況
          I definitely agree that one should observe before helping others when there is a danger. Firstly, you must keep a clear mind if you are able to help solving the emergency, otherwise you may do nothing but even put yourself in danger. For example, if the rescue needs more people or other tools, you should stop and think about where to get them. In addition, some imprudent actions may even deteriorate the situation. If you move a patient with heart attacking frequently, it can even cause death. So I think one should observe before helping others.
          68.如果有機會你會選擇job or career?
          Agree or Disagree
          69. Do you think the high school should teach music and art as other basic science?
          70. 學校應不應該在普通課程中加入Sport courses?
          I agree with that music and art classes should be offered in high school. Because there are a group of students that are interested in this area and plan to choose either of them as their future career. In addition, music and art would make the day more alive and interesting, which in turn leads to more learning. It may serve as the major source of joy and relax students during their endless scientific classes. I also think music and art education can develop creativity and personality (spirit of diligence and perseverance) which will benefit your study and career.
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查看完整版本: 2012翻译资格考试备考:黄金口语80题范例17