1.党要管党the Party supervises its own conduct
In the new environment, our Party faces many challenges and there are many pressing problems within the Party that need to be resolved. The problems among our Party members and cadres of corruption, taking bribes, being out of touch with the people, undue emphasis on formalities and bureaucratism, must be addressed with great efforts. The whole Party must be vigilant against them.
To be turned into iron, the metal itself must be strong. Our responsibility is to work with all comrades in the Party to make sure that the Party supervises its own conduct and enforces strict discipline, effectively deals with prominent issues facing the Party, earnestly improves the Party’s style of work, and maintains close ties with the people. By so doing, we will ensure that our Party will always be the firm leadership core advancing the course of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
three public spending
Departments under the central government and organizations that receive public funds are planning to spend 7.97 billion yuan this year to buy and use cars, travel overseas and host meetings - collectively known as "the three public expenses" - the Ministry of Finance said on Thursday.
“三公经费”(the three public expenses)指政府部门在购买使用公车(buy and use government cars)、因公出国(overseas trips)以及公务接待(official receptions)方面的公共开支(public spending)。从已经公开的数据来看,今年政府部门在公务接待方面的预算有明显压缩。
其实在2012年签署的《机关事务管理条例》就对三公消费有详细规定。在公车使用方面,条例规定不得超编制配备公务用车(retain more official vehicles than the allowed quota)、不得超标准配备公务用车(spending more than allowed on official cars)、不得为公务用车增加高档配置(high-grade configuration)或者豪华内饰(interior decoration)等。另外,超支(overspending)或是挪用其他预算资金(misappropriating funds from other budget items)用于三公消费的官员可能面临降级(demotion)或撤职(removal from post)处分。
political structure reform
On political structure reform
-- We must continue to make both active and prudent efforts to carry out the reform of the political structure, and make people's democracy more extensive, fuller in scope and sounder in practice.
-- We should place high importance on systemic building, give full play to the strength of the socialist political system and draw on the political achievements of other societies. However, we will never copy a Western political system.
anti-graft inspection teams
Leading officials at the provincial and ministry levels will be the major targets of anti-graft inspection teams sent by the nation's leading disciplinary watchdog, a top official said on Tuesday.
反腐监察小组就是anti-graft inspection teams,监察目标是省级和部级的high-level officials/leading officials/top officials(高官)。这些高官都肩负major responsibilities(重大责任),拥有concentrated power(高度集中的权力),如果发生腐败问题,将会给政府人民造成严重损失。
反腐监察小组将报告的腐败行为包括:trading power for money(权钱交易)、 abusing power (滥用职权)、bribery(受贿),以及undesirable work habits(不良工作作风),如formalism(形式主义),bureaucracy(官僚主义),hedonism(享乐主义)和extravagance(铺张浪费)。
green growth
Green growth and energy efficiency will be the key words for the future development of China's manufacturing sector in the face of growing pressure on resources and costs, Su Bo, vice-minister of industry and information technology, said on Tuesday.
Green growth(绿色增长)指通过可持续的方式(sustainable manners)利用自然资源(natural resources)以达到经济增长(economic growth)目的。这种可持续发展(sustainable development)模式兼顾经济增长(economic development)和环境保护(environmental protection),以及资源节约(resource savings),是目前世界各国都在采取的发展策略。
中国制造业目前的主要问题是产能利用率(utilization rate of capacity)较低,而能源消耗(energy consumption)较高,同时随着我国人口红利(population dividend)即将进入拐点,面临东南亚等国低价劳动力的挑战,一些行业渐无优势。如果这样的不可持续性发展模式(unsustainable development model)继续下去,中国的工业产量增长(industrial output growth)未来几年将会放缓。
endowment insurance
The draft regulation was released on Monday by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security to ensure conditional transfers of the country's three types of social endowment insurances and to benefit the potential 750 million residents who joined at least one of the three programs.
Endowment insurance就是“养老保险”,我国有三种不同的养老保险体系,分别为basic endowment insurance for the urban working group(城镇职工基本养老保险)、new rural social endowment insurance for rural residents(新型农村社会养老保险),以及social endowment insurance for non-working urban residents(针对城镇无业人员的社会养老保险)。三个体系中的premium(缴费)和领到的pension(养老金)也有所不同。
《办法》提出,只要缴费满15年,参保人员无论是从新农保或城居保转入职保,还是从职保转入新农保或城居保,都将个人账户(individual accounts)全部储存额随同转移,包括government subsidies(政府补贴)。
我们平时所说的“五险一金”除了endowment insurance(养老保险)外,还有medical insurance(医疗保险)、unemployment insurance (失业保险 )、employment injury insurance (工伤保险 )、maternity insurance (生育保险),以及 housing fund (住房公积金)。