英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-11 16:56:41


  1. 和平发展
          peaceful development
          China will unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development and firmly pursue an independent foreign policy of peace.
          China calls for promoting equality, mutual trust, inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutually beneficial cooperation in international relations and making joint efforts to uphold international fairness and justice.
          China is committed to peaceful settlement of international disputes and hotspot issues, opposes the wanton use of force or threat to use it, opposes any foreign attempt to subvert the legitimate government of any other countries, and opposes terrorism in all its manifestations.

enfive 发表于 2016-7-11 18:16:05

          cultural deficit
          The increase of imported films is part of what Zhao Shaohua, vice-minister of culture, called a "cultural deficit" facing the country.
          Cultural deficit就是“文化逆差”,指中国文化贸易(cultural trade)出口少于进口,中国的对外文化交流和传播(international cultural exchange and popularization)严重“入超”。这种“文化逆差”主要表现在电影、电视剧、图书、文艺演出等文化产品(cultural products)的进口多出口少。在国际贸易中,出口多于进口的情况叫做trade surplus(贸易顺差),反之则叫做trade deficit(贸易逆差)。
          今年一季度,中国取代日本成为the second-largest film market(第二大电影市场)。前十个月,domestic box office receipts(国内票房收入)比上年同期增加了40%,但是其中近60%的收入来自imported films(进口影片)。

enone 发表于 2016-7-11 18:34:44

          Large-scale planting/farming
          Premier Li Keqiang said China will make a new effort in agricultural modernization by promoting large-scale planting based on joint-stock ownership of land and better services to the farmers.
          Large-scale planting/farming就是“规模化种植/耕作”,如果能实现规模化种植,农民在大片土地上进行耕作,就会有兴趣采用advanced technologies(先进技术)。
          专家称,新土改将有望解决household-based small-plot farming(以家庭为单位的小面积耕作)的弊端,这一旧耕作模式会阻碍农民对先进技术的使用和农民间的transfer of land rights(土地流转)。

enfive 发表于 2016-7-11 18:43:30

          an audit of debt
          China has ordered a nationwide audit of all government debt, underlining fears that the recent slowdown in its economy may impact the financial sector.
          “债务审计”是an audit of debt,也可用debt audit表示。 “债务”除了debt,也可用liability表示,如:The company had assets of $138 million and liabilities of $120.5 million. (这家公司资产为1.38亿美元,负债1.205亿美元。)
          地方性政府债务(local government debt/liability)是指地方政府和所属机构为公益性项目(public welfare project))建设直接借入、拖欠或因提供担保、回购等信用支持(credit support)形成的债务。
          国家审计署宣布开展“地方政府负债评估”(an assessment of local government liabilities),这也是为以后可能进行的“公共财政体制改革”( an overhaul of the public finance system)做准备,以建立“一个更加健康和可靠的财政管理体制” (a healthier and more responsible financial administration )。
          审计署当前将重点放在加强地方政府性债务管理( government debt management),来实现“赋予地方政府更多融资的自主权”( to grant local governments more autonomy with respect to their financing needs)和“保持强有力的控制以确保债务水平可以负担”(to maintain strong controls to ensure that debt levels are affordable)二者之间的平衡。

enfive 发表于 2016-7-11 19:46:26

          to replace the business tax with a value-added tax
          The reform program to replace the business tax with a value-added tax will be expanded nationwide on Aug 1 in pilot sectors, Premier Li Keqiang said during a key meeting on Wednesday.
          营业税改征增值税(to replace the business tax with a value-added tax),简称“营改增”,是我国财政体制改革(fiscal reform)的一部分,是国家实施结构性减税(structural tax reductions)的一项重要举措。
          增值税(value-added tax,VAT)的主要特点是以销项税(output tax)减去进项税(input tax),让纳税人只为产品和服务的增值部分纳税;而营业税(sales tax)则通常按照营业收入(business revenue)总额和适用税率直接征税,不能减除进项税额。“营改增”的减税原理,在于取消了重复征税(duplicated taxation)。
          改革试点行业(pilot sectors)除了交通运输业(transport industry)和现代服务业(modern service sectors)以外,还将包括广播、电影电视行业(radio, film and television industries)。实行“营改增”以后,将减轻企业税收负担(tax burden),有利于建立货物和劳务领域的增值税出口退税(value-added tax rebate)制度,全面改善我国的出口税收环境。
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