经营范围 line/scope business品牌资产 brand equity
特许专卖 franchising
独家销售/经销代理 exclusive distribution/selling agency
直销策略 direct sale strategy
促销/营销组合 promotional/marketing mix
电话营销 telemarketing
集中/网络/差异性营销 concentrated/network/differentiatedmarketing
整合营销传播方式 Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) approach
推销员奖金 push money (PM)
讨价还价 bargain
回佣;回扣 return commission
季节性折扣 seasonal discount
离岸价 F.O.B. (Free on Board)
离岸加运费价 C&F (Cost and Freight)
装运港船边交货价 F.A.S. (Free Alongside Ship)
目的港船边交货价 F.O.S. (Free over Side)
到岸加佣金 C.I.F.C. (Cost, Insurance, Freight and Commission)
实/虚盘 firm/non-firm offer
现/期货价 spot/forward price
开/收盘价 opening/closing price
批发/零售价 wholesale/retail price
净/毛利润 net/gross profit
现货 spot goods
库存有限 limited stock
尝试性订购 trial/try-out order
现金结算 cash settlement
信用证结算 payment by letter of credit (L/C)
到货付款 cash on delivery (COD)
定金;首付 down payment
分期付款 payment by installments
违约 breach the contrast/agreement
贸易索赔 business claim
要求赔偿损失 claim for a compensation of loss/damage
易货贸易 barter trade
补偿贸易 compensation trade
外汇储蓄 foreign exchange reserve
市场准入 market access
双赢/多赢/共赢战略 win-win/all-win strategy
We wish to enter business relations with your company.
This offer is subject to market fluctuation.
Can I have your latest catalogs with detailed prices to take home for a closer examination?
Thank you for your quick response to our inquiry.
请给我一个有效期为90天的C.I.F. 报价,目的港为洛杉矶,报价含6%的佣金。
I’d like to hear your quotation on a C.I.F. Los Angeles basis valid for 90 days, with an inclusion of a 5% agent’s commission in your quotation.
Our offer is valid for seven days from today, and will then be subject to change according to themarket price of the day.
Our quotation is favorable in your interest, and there is a limit to our price adjustment. Currentlywe just cannot accept your counter-offer.
I would like to discuss the terms of payment with you.
Should you fail to honor your payment in due time, we would terminate the contract and lodge aclaim against you.
You would get a full refund if there should be a delay in the shipment.
Before we wrap up everything, I’d like to add a clause to the contract. I’m not comfortable withthe verbal agreement.
Today I would like to sign a protocol with you based on our meetings during the last few days, and set a date for an official signing ceremony.
I consider this a win-win agreement.
Your wish to establish long-term cooperative relations coincides with ours.
We hope to get the technology that is truly advanced, integrated, reliable, and of courseappropriate to our urgent needs.