举办) bid forkeep pace of the time
舞台 arena
世界博览会 World Exposition (Expo)
博览会 fair
参展者 participant
盛会 grand event; grand gathering
发达国家 developed country
发展中国家 developing country
吸收 absorb; draw
流域 river valley / basin
主题 theme; subject
独创性; originality; innovation; being innovative
普遍性 universality
结晶; crystallization; fruit
城市化 urbanization
关注 attention; concern
焦点 focus
探讨 address; explore
综合性 comprehensive
展示 display; show
江畔 river bank; riverside
场地 venue
列强 super power
quality oriented education
不同于一般意义的贸易性博览会 Unlike a trade fair in the usual sense, participants in
主要参展者为各国政府 participants
The World Exposition is an arena of for the participating countries to display the achievements and prospects in their…..
盛会 and a grand event where people from various countries gather together to
exchange experience, learn from one another and enter into cooperation.
有…之称的… Known as the 'economic, technological and cultural Olympic Games," the World Exposition is held every five years.
1851在伦敦第一次举办以来 Since its inception in London in 1851, the World Exposition has been invariably held in developed countries.
inceptionn. 起初, 获得学位 invariably adv.不变地, 总是 n.总是
as China will be able not only to draw useful experieces of other countries to further its reform and opening-up process and, and promote the economic development in the Yangtze River basin, but also to stengthen its friendly relations with other countries.
the theme of the 2010 World Exposition will be "Better City, Better Life",
突出了三方面的特点 which is characterized by three distinctive features. reflecting the spirit of our age, being origional in concept and having universal significance.
城市是人类文明在生活空间上的结晶. Cities are a fruit of human civilization in respect of living space.
为了追求美好生活而进入了城市 people have made their homes in cities in pursuit of a better life.
人类已经跨入了新世纪 with the advent of the new century,
世界城市化进程将进一步加快 urbanization will be further accelerated
城市已经成为全世界….关注的焦点 Cities have already become the focus of the attention of …..around the world.
各种城市病越来越严重 various diseases typical of cities are becoming increasingly serious.
世界各国面临着许多共同的城市发展 countries across the world face many common problems in the
中的问题, 需要探讨和研究 development of their cities which need to be addressed.
但是,历史上还没有举办过以城市为主题的However, so far a comprehensive World Exposition with they city as
综合性的世界博览会 its theme has not been held in its history.
城市'这个主题具有普遍意义. With 'City' as the theme, the World Exposition will have universal significance.
(countries) may display their repective achievements in the development of cities.
if Shanghai wins the bid….
The exposition will remain open for six months, which is expected to attract more than 70 million visitors.
诱惑 temptation
奥运会 the Olympic Games
基础设施 infrastructure
拉动; drive; stimulate
国家统计局 the National Bureau of Statistics
教育部 ministry of education
新闻发言人 spokesman
国内生产总值 gross domestic product (GDP)
国民生产总值 gross national product (GNP)
预测 predict; forecast
建筑材料 building/construction material
电视转播 TV relay
补贴 subsidy; subsidize
特许经销 franchise
纪念币 sales of commemorative coins
门票 admission ticket
派生 derivative; additional
环境治理 environmental improvement
数学 digit; digital
电子政务 e-government electronical
电子商务 e-commerce
远程教育 distance education / remote education
危旧房屋 dilapidated houses
大都市 metropolis
战略规划 strategic planning / program
构建 form
框架 framework
中叶 middle of a century
of which 180 billion will go to the construction of infrastructure.
Such a huge investment will be a stimulus to the economic development of Beijing and the country as a whole.
xxxx新闻发言人说 according to the spokesman of the National Bureau of Statistics the average annual GDP growth, driven by 'Olympic economy', is expected to increase by 0.3 to 0.4 percentage point.
发挥;深远的. will exert an extensive and far-reaching influence on China's economic and social development and
that the influence on such specific industries as …..will be more direct
Olympic economy will be a new growth factor for China's economy,
Motivated by the Olympic Games, China will witness a high-speed development in its economy during the first decade of the 21st century.
In hosting the Olympic Games,
TV relay rights
subsidies from the Centrol Government and the Beijing Municipal Government,
will help to improve Beijing's environment and enhance its scientific and technological levels
earmark 指定款项用途 Beijing will earmark 45 billion yuan of environment improvement, and 30 billion yuan for the building of its information industry, laying a foundation for a 'digital Beijing' that initially features…..
重新安置的居民 will accomplish the task of demolishing more than 9 million square meters of dilapidated
houses and building new homes for relocated residents,
per capita总头数
The Olympic Games will greatly speed up the ace of building Beijing into a modern international metropolis.
has worked out this trategic plan for its development in the new century
基本实现现代化will be the first city in the country in realizing initial modernization
构建起基本框架forming a basic framework for a modern international metropolis
一词多义 用词多样化
The APEC membership has influenced China in several respects.
They persisted in the belief that the decision was wrong.
If everybody sticks to his own view, we can harldy find any solution to the problem.
Can you hold on for another 1 hour?
The joint venture company insisted on the terms and conditions set out for the project.
Adherence to the One-China Principle is the basis and prerequisite for peaceful reunification.