英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-11 09:57:52

习近平:弘扬人民友谊 共创美好未来

  弘扬人民友谊 共创美好未来
          Promote Friendship Between Our People and Work Together to Build a Bright
          —Speech at Nazarbayev University
          中华人民共和国主席 习近平
          H.E. Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China
          Astana, 7 September 2013
          Your Excellency President Nazarbayev,President of Nazarbayev
University,Dear Faculty Members and Students,Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear
          Good morning. I have come to Kazakhstan, China’s great neighbor, on a state
visit at the invitation of President Nazarbayev. It is my great pleasure today
to come to Nazarbayev University and meet with all of you.
          Let me begin by conveying the sincere greetings and best wishes of the
Chinese people to the friendly people of Kazakhstan, the faculty members and
students of this university and all the friends present today.
          As a Kazakh proverb goes, “The history of a land is the history of its
people.” Since independence, Kazakhstan, under the leadership of President
Nazarbayev, has seen sustained political stability, robust economic growth,
significantly higher living standards and markedly growing international
          The city of Astana, where we are today, has grown into a beautiful, modern
city in less than two decades. It is a success story written by the people of
Kazakhstan on their magic land. Standing here, I could see both the hard work
and ingenuity of the Kazakh people and the bright future ahead of them.
          Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Friends,
          Over 2,100 years ago during China’s Han Dynasty, a Chinese envoy Zhang Qian
was sent to Central Asia twice with a mission of peace and friendship. His
journeys opened the door to friendly contacts between China and Central Asian
countries as well as the Silk Road linking east and west, Asia and Europe.
          Shaanxi, my home province, is right at the starting point of the ancient
Silk Road. Today, as I stand here and look back at that episode of history, I
could almost hear the camel bells echoing in the mountains and see the wisp of
smoke rising from the desert. It has brought me close to the place I am
          Kazakhstan, sitting on the ancient Silk Road, has made an important
contribution to the exchanges between the Eastern and Western civilizations and
the interactions and cooperation between various nations and cultures. This land
has borne witness to a steady stream of envoys, caravans, travelers, scholars
and artisans travelling between the East and the West. The exchanges and mutual
learning thus made possible have contributed to the progress of human
          The ancient city of Almaty is also on the ancient Silk Road. In Almaty,
there is a Xian Xinghai Boulevard, which got its name from a true story. At the
outset of the Great Patriotic War in 1941, Xian, a renowned Chinese composer,
arrived in Almaty after much travail. By then, he was worn down by poverty and
illness and had no one to turn to. Fortunately, the Kazakh composer Bakhitzhan
Baykadamov took care of Xian and provided him with the comfort of a home.
          It was in Almaty that Xian composed his famous works Liberation of the
Nation, Sacred War and Red All over the River. He also wrote a symphony
Amangeldy based on the exploits of the Kazakh national hero. These pieces served
as a rallying call to fight Fascists and proved immensely popular with the local
          Throughout the millennia, the people of various countries along the ancient
Silk Road have jointly written a chapter of friendship that has been passed on
to this very day. The over 2,000-year history of exchanges demonstrates that on
the basis of solidarity, mutual trust, equality, inclusiveness, mutual learning
and win-win cooperation, countries of different races, beliefs and cultural
backgrounds are fully capable of sharing peace and development. This is the
valuable inspiration we have drawn from the ancient Silk Road.
          Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Friends,
          Over the past 20 years and more, the relations between China and Eurasian
countries have developed rapidly and the ancient Silk Road has gained fresh
vitality. In a new way, it is taking the mutually beneficial cooperation between
China and Eurasian countries to a new height.
          A near neighbor is better than a distant relative. China and Central Asian
countries are friendly neighbors connected by common mountains and rivers. China
highly values its friendship and cooperation with these countries and takes them
as a foreign policy priority.
          At present, China’s relations with Central Asian countries face a golden
opportunity of development. We hope to work with these countries to strengthen
trust, friendship and cooperation, and promote common development and prosperity
so as to bring benefits to our people.
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