英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-11 09:56:26

双语:世界著名建筑在生气 在远东山寨整个城市?(图)



ensix 发表于 2016-7-11 11:10:47




enthree 发表于 2016-7-11 11:22:04




enone 发表于 2016-7-11 11:32:59


          7-原版:法国朗香教堂,由著名建筑师Charles-édouard Jeanneret设计,他更以勒.柯布西耶为名闻名于世。


enfive 发表于 2016-7-11 12:08:10



enone 发表于 2016-7-11 12:43:46


          10-盗版建筑:建筑师Zaha Hadid说,针对这个建筑采取法律行动,因为这座出现在重庆的建筑具有和她的望京SOHO大楼的可疑的相似点。

          12-找不同:原版的望京大楼是由英国建筑师Zaha Hadid设计,与重庆的克隆建筑。

enthree 发表于 2016-7-11 13:46:01






enone 发表于 2016-7-11 14:10:13

          Some of the world's leading architects are up in arms as yet more copies of famous Western buildings spring up across in China at an unprecedented rate。
          Famous clones have already included the Ronchamp Chapel in France, the Eiffel Tower in Paris - and the entire town of Hallstatt in Austria。
          Now British architect Zaha Hadid said she plans to take legal action after her eye-catching Wangjing Soho development in Beijing appears to have been replicated by what she calls 'pirate architects', in the city of Chongqing。
          英国建筑师Zaha Hadid正计划将仿造的开发商诉诸法律。山寨版建筑包括一座在天都城小区的埃菲尔铁塔和上海的泰晤士小镇,法国朗香教堂的复制品因公开的反对而被拆除,奥地利的哈尔施塔特小镇复制品在惠州呈现。世界上一些著名建筑正在生气,原因是越来越多的西方建筑正在中国大地上如雨后春笋般地涌现出来。
          Incredibly the cloned version in Chongqing could be completed before the original. The developers have maintained the innocence claiming that the shape of their building had been inspired by cobblestones on the Yangtze River and not by Hadid's creation in Beijing。
          According to Shanghai-based lawyer You Yunting, Hadid stands a good chance of receiving compensation but it is unlikely she will see the knock-off buildings torn down。
          今天,英国的建筑师Zaha Hadid说,当她得知自己在北京令人瞩目的望京SOHO似乎已经被她所谓的“海盗建筑师”在重庆复制后,她计划采取法律行动。
          He told German newspaper Der Spiegel: 'Even if the judge rules in favour of Soho, the court will not force the defendant to pull the building down.'
          One rip-off which did get a demolition order was the shameless copy of Corbusier's Ronchamp chapel in France。
          The replica version popped up in Zhengzhou capital of the northern central Henan province in the late 1990s but was torn down after a furious response by the Corbusier foundation。
          And if the French were upset about Ronchamp, one can only imagine the outrage felt in some sectors of Paris when a replica of the Eiffel Tower suddenly appeared in Tianducheng on the outskirts of Hangzhou in east China's Zhejiang Province。
          Another hilarious example is a version of London's iconic Tower Bridge which has been built in the city of Suzhou in the east of China。
          The Chinese model has twice as many towers as the original version spanning the River Thames but lacks the drawbridge mechanism. It does however boast a cafe selling 'English-style coffee'。
          In an attempt to explain the reasoning behind the copycat buildings, archeologist Jack Carlson believes that far from simply mimicking Western landmarks to appear more cultured, they are in fact an attempt to assert China's global supremacy。
          律师Nigel Calvert告诉卫报说:“我们将要求抄袭者立刻停止施工,改变建筑的外观,做出公开的道歉,并支付补偿金。”
          令人不可思议的是,重庆的山寨版竟然早于正版完工。开发者所坚持的无罪声明指出,他们的建筑的灵感来源于长江的鹅卵石,而不是Hadid的在北京的作品。据总部位于上海的律师游云庭说,Hadid收获一笔补偿金大有希望,但让她看到复制建筑被拆除却未必可能。律师Nigel Calvert告诉德国的明镜周刊:“即使法官倾向于SOHU,但法庭也不会强制被告拆除大楼。”得到了一纸拆除命令的山寨建筑是柯布西耶的法国朗香教堂的复制品。复制品出现在二十世纪九十年代的中北部河南省省会郑州,但在柯布西耶基金会的愤怒回应后被推倒。然而如果法国人对朗香教堂感到苦恼的话,那么当华东的浙江省杭州市郊区的天都城中突然耸立了一座埃菲尔铁塔的时候,人们就只能想象巴黎某些街区中的愤慨了。另外一个滑稽的例子是伦敦的标志性的塔桥被在华东的苏州市被复制。中国的版本的塔楼数是泰晤士河上原版的两倍,但是不具备可开合的吊桥功能。不过它以的确拥有一个出售“英伦风格咖啡”的咖啡馆而自豪。为了试图解释仿制建筑背后的原因,考古学家Jack Carlson相信,他们模仿西方的地标建筑不仅仅是为了表现得更有文化,实际上他们是在试图宣示中国的全球霸权地位。
          He writes in Foreign Policy magazine: 'The ancient parallels for these copycat projects suggest that they are not mere follies but monumental assertions of China's global primacy.'
          Mr Carlson points to ancient Chinese historian Sima Qian who noted that China's first ruling dynasty the Qin would commission replicas of the palaces and halls of the territories it conquered。
          Sadly in some instances it appears the race to mimic the West is coming at the cost of China's own heritage。
          In the northern Chinese city of Tianjin a 15th century fishing village has been all but bulldozed to make way for a replica Manhattan complete with Rockefeller and Lincoln centres and even a Hudson River。
          The phenomenon of the Chinese copycat buildings is far from new. 'Thames Town', about 19 miles from central Shanghai, a replica of a small town complete with mock-Tudor buildings and UK style red phone boxes, opened in 2006.
          It even boasts replica members of the Queen's guard on patrol and statues of Winston Churchill and Harry Potter。
          Traditional buildings were copied and pubs and shops were imitated in an attempt to recreate the British way of life。
          Developers even fashioned a artificial river to replicate the Thames。
          At the time James Ho, the head of one of the companies behind the development, Shanghai Hengde Real Estate, said: 'I wanted the properties to look exactly the same as those in the United Kingdom。
          'I think English properties are very special。
          'When we decide to learn from others, we should not make any improvements or changes.'
          他在《外交政策》杂志上写道:“这些复制品工程在历史上先例显示,他们并不只是在演讽刺剧,而是里程碑式的宣示中国的全球权。”Carlson先生指出,中国古代的历史学家司马迁记录过,统治中国的第一个朝代秦朝会复制它征服的领土上的王宫和殿堂。在某些情况下令人可悲的是,模仿西方的比赛似乎是在以牺牲中国自己的遗产为代价的。中国的北方城市天津,一座15世纪时的一个渔村,几乎被完全推平,为了建造一个有洛克菲勒中心和林肯中心、甚至哈德逊河的山寨版曼哈顿。中国复制建筑的现象并非新近才有。位于上海市中心19英里以外的“泰晤士小镇”自2006年开放,这是整个小镇的复制品,包括了都铎式建筑和英国风格的红色电话亭等。它甚至复制了正在巡逻的女皇卫兵的成员,以及丘吉尔和哈利波特的塑像。复制传统建筑和模仿酒吧、商店,都是在试图重现英式生活方式。开发商甚至将一条人工河塑造成泰晤士河的复制品。当时,主持该项目多家公司中的一家,上海恒和置业有限公司的主管James Ho曾说:“我想让所有属性和英国的完全一致。我认为英国属性是非常有特点的。当我们决定向别人学习时,我们不应该做任何改进或者变化。”
          However, a development which was designed to house about 10,000 people has not proved as popular as hoped.
          Reports claim only a 'handful' of people live there, but the place does attract tourists wishing to take pictures of its English-style architecture。
          But the most famous example of Chinese architects ripping off the West is the replica town of Hallstatt, the UNESCO-listed Austrian resort. Welcome which sprung up in Huizhou city in Southern China。
          No expense has been spared. The original Alpine buildings have been copied and reproduced with startling precision。
          Horse-drawn carriages and flocks of white doves will be imported to lend authenticity. The prices are amazing, too: a new villa here built in the style of a 300-year-old lakeside home is being offered at between 200,000 and 500,000, higher than the real thing in Austria. And it's not just European -style buildings that are getting cloned. Exclusive enclaves for the super rich are popping up across the country which would not be out of place in the suburbs of Florida。
          The sprawling mansions are said to feature luxury in even the tiniest home accessories, like $8,000 faucets and $25,000 light fixtures。
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