Windows' Future in Hands of Two VeteransThe shake-up of Microsoft Corp.'s MSFT -3.22% Windowsdivision leaves the future of the company's flagship software inthe hands of two women: One an engineer who upended thedesign of several Microsoft products, and the second a financeveteran who started her computing career as a part-timereceptionist.
微软(Microsoft Corp.)旗下Windows部门的人事变动将该公司旗舰软件的未来命运交到了两位女性的手上:一位是颠覆了微软多款产品设计的工程师;另一位是一名财务领域的资深人士,她在软件业的第一份工作是兼职接待员。
Microsoft tapped Tami Reller, the chief financial officer and head of marketing for Windows, to runbusiness operations for the division, while Microsoft veteran Julie Larson-Green will take overresponsibility for the technical features and product blueprints for Windows software and hardwaresuch as the Surface tablet computer.
微软任命首席财务长(CFO)兼Windows业务营销主管莱勒(Tami Reller)负责Windows部门的业务运营,而在微软工作多年的资深员工拉尔森-格林(Julie Larson-Green)则将负责Windows操作系统以及平板电脑Surface等硬件的技术细节和产品蓝图。
The pair will have to work together to steady Windows following the abrupt departure of StevenSinofsky, the 47-year-old president of the Windows division and a nearly quarter-centuryemployee of Microsoft with ties to co-founder Bill Gates.
在现年47岁的Windows部门总裁辛诺夫斯基(Steven Sinofsky)突然离职之后,上述两位女性高管将携手合作以稳定Windows部门。辛诺夫斯基在微软任职近25年,同微软联合创始人比尔 盖茨(BillGates)关系密切。
Their high-stakes partnership underscores what people familiar with the matter say was anoverriding factor in Mr. Sinofsky's departure─Chief Executive Steve Ballmer is determined to getMicrosoft's sometimes-warring development groups working more closely with each other andexternal partners.
上述两位女性高管之间的合作是一项赌注很高的安排。这样的安排也凸显出知情人士所说的、辛诺夫斯基离职一事中最重要的因素,即微软首席执行长(CEO)鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)决意让微软内部有时会“剑拔弩张”的开发团队能够在相互合作时更加密切,并更好地与外部合作伙伴展开合作。
Mr. Ballmer has been stressing to employees and investors his vision of making Microsoft'sproducts, such as Windows for computers and smartphones, Xbox and Office software suite workmore seamlessly together.
Mr. Sinofsky, who had just completed the launch of Windows 8 less than three weeks earlier, wasstrong at leading product development but was widely seen as a polarizing figure whose style wasnot conducive to collaboration.
辛诺夫斯基在领导产品开发方面实力强劲,但普遍认为他性格较为偏激,其风格不利于团队合作。就在不到三周前,辛诺夫斯基刚刚完成了Windows 8的发布。
Following the Windows 8 launch, people close to the company said, Mr. Sinofsky had a chance toconsider his own future at the company, where the only obvious step up would be chiefexecutive─and it became increasingly clear he wasn't likely to succeed Mr. Ballmer.
据接近微软的知情人士称,在Windows 8推出后,辛诺夫斯基有机会考虑一下自己在该公司的未来。显然他唯一还能晋升的职位就是公司CEO。而日渐明显的是,他不太可能接替鲍尔默。
People familiar with the situation said the early reception to Windows 8 wasn't a factor in Mr. Sinofsky's departure. One of these people added that Mr. Gates, the Microsoft chairman andsignificant shareholder, didn't play a significant role other than to support Mr. Ballmer's decision.
知情人士说,Windows 8上市后市场的初期反应并不是导致辛诺夫斯基离职的一个原因。其中一位知情人士又说,身为微软董事长兼重要股东,盖茨除了支持鲍尔默的决定,并没有在此事中扮演主要角色。
In an email to Microsoft employees late Monday, Mr. Sinofsky said the decision to leave Microsoftwas a 'personal and private choice that in no way reflects any speculation or theories one mightread─about me, opportunity, the company or its leadership.' Efforts to reach Mr. Sinofsky onTuesday were unsuccessful.
It's unclear whether the duo will run Windows together on a permanent basis, or if Microsoft willsearch for a single executive to replace Mr. Sinofsky.
Ms. Larson-Green, who is 48, joined Microsoft in 1993 after failing to land a job on her first try aftershe graduated from college.
She is best known for pushing through changes to the look and feel of two key Microsoftproducts, Windows and the Office suite of business software.
Some of the product changes she advocated have been controversial, including the 'ribbon' interface introduced with the 2007 version of Office that was intended to slim down the traditionalarray of menus for features such as bolded text.
拉尔森-格林主张的一些产品变革一直以来争议不断,其中包括Office 2007中引入的Ribbon界面。推出这一界面意在对Office软件功能菜单的传统排列进行“瘦身”,这些功能包括文本加粗等。