英语六级翻译练习题:公益广告公益广告(public service
advertisement)指为社会公众的利益和社会风尚服务的广告。它不以盈利为目的,属于非商业性广告,是社会公益事业(cause of the public
Public service advertisement refers to the advertisement that serves the
interests of the public;and social fashion. As a significant part of the cause
of the public good, it is noncommercial and does notaim at making profit. The
themes of public service advertisements generally come from the daily life of
ordinary people, such as health, safety andenvironment protection.Its objectives
are raising public awareness of ethics and changing public attitudes towards
social issues. The earliest public service advertisement in China appeared in
1986. From then on, its social influence heightened gradually. Last year, CCTV
hosted China’s first public service advertising competition, appealing to people
in all walks oflife to concern about and participate in the cause of the public