英语自学网 发表于 2018-11-17 13:02:21


  Anyone with a passing interest in their health will be able to rattle off a
few of the major vitamins, and possibly take an educated guess at what they do.
Vitamin C, found in oranges and other fruit and veg, is important for wound
repair. And the much-talked-about ‘sunshine’ Vitamin D, produced by the skin in
response to UV light, is essential for strong bones.
          But Vitamin P? It might well have you scratching your head. And that’s not
surprising: the term was first coined in the 1930s to describe a clutch of
compounds that provide pigment to plants, and were believed to have health
benefits. Fast-forward almost a century and these compounds are now better known
as flavonoids.
          Today, scientists have identified between 4,000 and 6,000 different kinds
and we now know they are responsible for many of the flavours and smells of
fruit and vegetables ? and also that they protect them from invaders such as
fungi, pests and bacteria.
          They are equally important nutrients for the body, helping maintain bones
and teeth, and for the production of the protein collagen, which provides
structure to blood vessels, muscles and skin.
          They are also said to help the body deal with some of the key drivers of
illness, including inflammation and oxidation, a natural process by which the
body’s cells ‘age’ and can become damaged and defective. That means they could
help to protect against chronic disease including cancer and heart disease.
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查看完整版本: 涨知识:维生素C大家都知道,但是你知道维生素P么?