英语自学网 发表于 2018-11-3 14:13:13


          A 4-year-old boy was given the chance to celebrate his favorite holiday
early this year after a neighborhood in Illinois heard that he would miss the
chance to trick or treat because of a vital surgery. Sonny Mead, who donned a
Superman costume for the special day, hit more than 20 houses along his special
trick-or-treat route and was even treated to a ride in a fire truck.
          “He thinks today is Halloween,” Jackie Mead, the boy’s mom, told Fox 2 Now
on Wednesday. “We let him pick his costume, and up until today he was going to
be Spider-Man, and then he decided that he wanted to be Superman because he
wants superpowers.”
          Sonny was diagnosed with craniosynostosis, which causes the skull bones to
fuse prematurely, impacting brain growth. Sonny had pieces of his skull removed
to give his brain more room to grow in 2015, and the bone was supposed to grow
back but never did, his mom told the news outlet.
          So on Friday, doctors will use a 3-D printer and bone from a cadaver to
rebuild Sunny’s skull. His recovery is expected to take between two and six
months, meaning he’ll be sidelined when Oct. 31 comes.
          But once Amanda Richert heard that her friend’s son would miss out on the
trick-or-treating fun, Goshen Meadows residents, in Edwardsville, Ill., banded
together to make sure he had his turn.
          “He wasn’t going to be able to trick-or-treat, and I just, as a mom, could
not let that happen,” she told the news outlet.
          Richert said the response was overwhelming.
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查看完整版本: 超暖心!整个社区给要动手术的小男孩提前过万圣节(双语)