想上哈佛?爸妈捐栋楼就可以了 的确令人震惊
As a trial over alleged discrimination against Asian-Americans in Harvard
admissions finishes its first week, one thing has become clear: there are ways
to win a place at the Ivy League campus that fields a surplus of applicants with
perfect grades and test scores.
Family wealth and connections to the school; athletic superiority; and an
African-American or Latino background all significantly enhance an applicant's
chances. In some instances, students whose families pledged over millions of
dollars to fund a building got an advantage.
It has long been understood that you can, to some extent, buy your way into
many of the US’s prestigious universities. There are certainly plenty of
examples of people with more money than sense being admitted to elite
educational institutions.
Jared Kushner, for example, got into Harvard despite having a mediocre
academic record. To be fair, this may have had nothing to do with his father
pledging $2.5m to the university shortly before he was accepted. Perhaps the
admissions office just had a hunch that this was the genius who was finally
going to bring peace to the Middle East.
A 2013 email exchange among Harvard administrators, for example, was
presented at the trial last Wednesday. In one email (subject line: “My Hero”),
the dean of the university’s Kennedy school of government commends the dean of
admissions for doing a great job in extending offers to students with generous
“I am simply thrilled about the folks you were able to admit,” the email
says. “ has already committed to a building.” The other people
described as “big wins” in the email were connected to donors who had “committed
major money for fellowships”.
Another email made public in the trial talked about rolling out the red
carpet for an applicant whose family had donated $1.1m to Harvard.There is also
an email exchange in which a Harvard development officer and an admissions dean
discuss how much money they are likely to extract from a candidate.
The case expected to run through the end of the month.
综合来源:观察者网、CNN、The Guardian