双语:出生时只需40英镑做检测 便可筛查出心脏病风险
A simple 40pounds test could tell from birth who is most likely to developheart disease - and see statins offered at an ever younger age.
Research found the one-off gene test was able to identify those at greatest
risk of going on to suffer the condition which leads to heart attacks and
Experts said the tests were cheap enough to allow population-wide screening
of children.
Those who scored worst could be monitored, and offered statins as a
teenager, if lifestyle improvements were not enough to cut their risk, they
The study involving Cambridge University tested a scoring system called the
Genomic Risk Score (GRS) on the DNA from nearly half a million people aged 40 to
69 years, including more than 22,000 with heart disease.
The study found those with scores in the top 20 per cent were four times as
likely to develop the disease as those with scores in the bottom 20 per
The test was better at predicting a person’s risk of developing heart
disease than any single classic indicator - such as high cholesterol or blood
Senior author Sir Nilesh Samani, Professor of Cardiology at the University
of Leicester and medical director of the British Heart Foundation charity, said:
"At the moment we assess people for their risk of coronary heart disease in
their 40s through NHS health checks.
But we know this is imprecise and also that coronary heart disease starts
much earlier, several decades before symptoms develop.
"Therefore, if we are going to do true prevention, we need to identify
those at increased risk much earlier.”
He said he hoped to see routine use of the tests by the NHS recommended
within a decade, with screening carried out on children and statins offered to
teenagers and those in their 20s, if lifestyle improvements were not enough to
cut their risk.
“If you wait until people are in their 40s or 50s you are wasting an
opportunity; it is much better to be able to take action in your teens or early
Prof Samani cautioned against sharing such information with young
“I’m not sure I would want to see a five year old being told they were at
greater risk,” he said.
Currently, heart health is normally assessed during a midlife MOT check by
GPs, which usually tests cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
But this method is imprecise, age-dependent, and misses a large proportion
of individuals who appear "healthy" but still develop the disease, the
researchers claim.
Because DNA sequences are generally fixed from birth, the test could be
used at any age.