英语自学网 发表于 2018-10-13 14:48:46


  The 2018 Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to campaigners against rape in
warfare Nadia Murad and Denis Mukwege.
          2018年诺贝尔和平奖授予了“反对战争强奸”运动的活动家穆拉德(Nadia Murad)和穆克维格(Denis Mukwege)。

          Ms Murad is an Iraqi Yazidi who was tortured and raped by Islamic State
militants and later became the face of a campaign to free the Yazidi people.
          Dr Mukwege is a Congolese gynaecologist who, along with his colleagues, has
treated tens of thousands of victims.
          Some 331 individuals and organisations were nominated for the prestigious
peace award this year.
          The winners announced in the Norwegian capital Oslo on Friday won the award
for their "efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war", Berit
Reiss-Andersen, the Nobel committee chair, said.
          诺贝尔委员会主席Berit Reiss-Andersen表示,周五在挪威首都奥斯陆宣布的获奖者因“努力终止使用性暴力作为战争武器”而获奖。
          The pair both made a "crucial contribution to focusing attention on, and
combating, such war crimes," Ms Reiss-Andersen added.
          Ms Murad, 25, endured three months as a sex slave at the hands of Islamic
State (IS) militants. She was bought and sold several times and subjected to
sexual and physical abuse during her captivity.
          She became an activist for the Yazidi people after escaping IS in November
2014, campaigning to help put an end to human trafficking and calling on the
world to take a tougher line on rape as a weapon of war.
          Dr Mukwege, 63, has spent decades helping rape victims in the Democratic
Republic of Congo.
          He and his colleagues are said to have treated about 30,000 rape victims,
developing great expertise in the treatment of serious injuries sustained during
sex assaults that were carried out as a weapon of war.
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查看完整版本: 2018诺贝尔和平奖:刚果医生和伊拉克少女获奖