英语自学网 发表于 2018-9-1 20:37:54


  Nordic countries like Finland and Norway may regularly come out on top of
world happiness indexes for wellbeing year-on-year - but new research shows the
happiness is far from universal.
          A report authored by the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Happiness
Research Institute in Copenhagen aims to provide a more nuanced picture of life
in the Nordic nations - suggesting their reputations as utopias for happiness
are masking significant problems for some parts of the population, especially
young people.
          The researchers behind In the Shadow of Happiness looked at data collected
across five years between 2012-2016 to try and build a better picture of the
so-called "happiness superpowers".
          It asked people to mark their satisfaction with life out of 10 - with
people above a seven categorised as thriving, fives and sixes as struggling and
anyone scoring below a four deemed to be suffering.
          它要求人们在0到10之间标记自己对生活的满意度 - 7以上的人被分类为快乐,5和6为挣扎,低于4则是痛苦。
          It found that in total 12.3% of people living in the Nordic region said
they were struggling or suffering, with 13.5% of young people ranking themselves
as such.
          This level only worsened in the age bracket of 80 or above - a group more
affected by issues like illness.
          这个水平仅在80岁或以上的年龄段中恶化 - 这个群体更容易受到疾病等问题的影响。
          It found general health and mental health were both closely associated with
happiness ratings - with unemployment, income and sociability also playing a
          该研究发现一般健康和心理健康都与幸福评级密切相关 - 失业,收入和社交也起到作用。
          By and large the report challenges our typical conception of the happiness
trajectory of life - especially that we are all at our happiest while young.
          总的来说,该报告挑战了我们对生活幸福轨迹的典型概念 - 特别是我们常认为的年轻时代最幸福的观念。
          Researchers found mental health to be one of the most significant barriers
to subjective well-being.
          Their data found these problems being reported by young people in
          In Denmark, 18.3% of people aged 16 to 24 said they suffered from poor
mental health - with the number rising to 23.8% for women in that age
          在丹麦,16至24岁的人中,有18.3%表示他们的心理健康状况不佳 - 这一年龄段的女性人数高达23.8%。
          Norway saw a 40% increase over the five-year-period of young people seeking
help for mental health difficulties.
          The report notes that in Finland, which ranked as the happiest world
country in 2018, suicide was responsible for a third of all deaths among the age
          Although the report particularly focuses on Nordic countries, it does
compare some of the data to that recorded elsewhere.
          So while 3.9% of people in the Nordic region may report scores so low they
are classed as "suffering" - that level is as high as 26.9% in Russia and 17% in
          因此,尽管北欧地区有3.9%的人报告得分如此之低而被归类为“痛苦” - 在俄罗斯,这一数字高达26.9%,而在法国,这个数字高达17%。
          So the picture in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden does remain
relatively rosy - just not as perfect as some may have painted.
          因此,丹麦,芬兰,冰岛,挪威和瑞典的情况确实相对乐观 - 只是不像有些人所描绘的那样完美。
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查看完整版本: BBC:北欧人真有那么幸福吗?(双语)