乔治小王子的开学季:新学期课表曝光 法文、芭蕾都要学!
英国《太阳报》(The Sun):
英国《镜报》(The Mirror):
今年9月,乔治小王子将在这所名为Thomas's Battersea 的私立学校开始第二年的学习生活,正式升到一年级 (Year One)~
Like children everywhere, Prince George will soon be heading back to school
for the start of the new term.
The five-year-old royal will next month join his classmates in Year One of
the £20,000-a-year Thomas's Battersea, south-west London.
Not only will George be settling into a new classroom and meeting a new
teacher, he will also be taking on new subjects like Science, History and
Geography, as the cirriculum becomes more challenging.
According to the school's website, Year One pupils will build on what they
learned in reception and develop key skills including joined-up handwriting,
fluent speech and a greater understanding of Maths.
在去年一年的学前班 (reception year)
In his reception year, George dabbled in French, Computing, Art, Music,
Drama and Ballet, but the new year will introduce new subjects such as Science,
History, Geography. The children will also be taught Maths, English and PE.
George will have moved through a variety of handwriting stages - which
included drawing, writing scribbles and random letters - he will now be expected
to learn how to do joined-up writing. The school curriculum also states that
Year One pupils will also be taught the days of the week, months of the year,
numbers to twenty, common colour words, their names and addresses as well as the
name and address of the school.
George will also be working on his speaking skills, which will come in
handy for future royal speeches! He’ll be reciting poetry, telling stories (both
real and imagined), reading aloud to a group and taking part in discussions.
Prince William and Kate Middleton are going to have to brush up on their
math skills to help George with his assignments. Math objectives include
addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions, measurement
and geometry.
Some of the topics in their science lessons will cover plants, animals
(including humans), everyday materials and seasonal changes. The syllabus
states: " begin to work together to collect evidence to help them answer
questions and to link this to simple scientific ideas. They evaluate evidence
and consider whether tests or comparisons are fair. They use reference materials
to find out more about scientific ideas."
There's a good change George will be good at this one, as his dad Prince
William studied geography at university.
In the next two years, students at the school will be taught geographical
vocabulary, how to recognise changes in the environment and how to make
They should also be able to recognise how places have become the way they
are and how they are changing, and to realise how places are linked to other
places in the world.
As well as History and Geography, young George will have Religious Studies
- in which, he will develop an awareness of "spiritual and moral issues in life
experiences". He'll be taught the key understandings of Christianity as well as
other major world religions. The curriculum here will focus on an introductions
to the Bible, the New Testament and Church over the year.
Surprisingly, George will already know the basics to French, having been
taught greetings, names, and numbers one-ten. He will now learn the days of the
week, classroom objects and traditional French songs. There will also be a focus
on simple fairy tales and acting out stories which will help the children
"develop accurate pronunciation and fluency". They will be given one 35 minutes
French session each week.
In a show of the school's incredible facilities, George and his classmates
will be given weekly Computing lessons in a dedicated suite equipped with 22
There they will improve their mouse usage, be introduced to Microsoft Word
and 'develop a greater understanding of algorithms'.
And when his drama class ramps up, George will have the ultimate go-to
right next door: aunt Meghan Markle! The former Suits star graduated from
Northwestern with a double major in theater and international studies. The
prince will take part in one 40-minute drama lesson each week and each class
will perform in a festival later in the year.
Music is very important at St Thomas's, and more than 90 per cent of kids
learn an instrument.
In Year 1, they will study Peter and the Wolf, as well as learning about
simple song writing, music theory and different assemblies.
Year One pupils can also join the Choir. It operates on a "come and sing"
basis with no audition, with the hope that the child fosters a love and
enjoyment of singing from within.
George will also start taking swimming and gymnastics lessons for physical
education, and, if he so wishes, can join a sporting club. Maybe he’ll take
after Prince William and start learning rugby. All in all, it sounds like quite
the education for the future king.
As he enters Year One, ballet lessons will be compulsory for little Prince
He will have a 35-minute lesson each week with a specialist teacher, who
will teach dances accompanied by a live pianist.
This syllabus develops students' physical skills, stamina, creativity,
expression and musicality, using a range of sounds and musical styles. This
strong foundation prepares students for a successful transition to ballet and
other dance genres.
This year, he will be set ten minutes of reading each night and should
complete a weekly spelling assignment- although homework isn't strictly
compulsory until he gets a bit older.
There will still be lots of time for Prince George to play with his
siblings, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.